Queries Module

const queries = require('@arangodb/aql/queries')

The query module provides the infrastructure for working with currently running AQL queries via arangosh.


queries.properties() Returns the servers current query tracking configuration; we change the slow query threshold to get better results:

  1. arangosh> var queries = require("@arangodb/aql/queries");
  2. arangosh> queries.properties();
  3. arangosh> queries.properties({slowQueryThreshold: 1});

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  1. {
  2. "code" : 200,
  3. "enabled" : true,
  4. "trackSlowQueries" : true,
  5. "trackBindVars" : true,
  6. "maxSlowQueries" : 64,
  7. "slowQueryThreshold" : 10,
  8. "maxQueryStringLength" : 4096
  9. }
  10. {
  11. "code" : 200,
  12. "enabled" : true,
  13. "trackSlowQueries" : true,
  14. "trackBindVars" : true,
  15. "maxSlowQueries" : 64,
  16. "slowQueryThreshold" : 1,
  17. "maxQueryStringLength" : 4096
  18. }

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Currently running queries

We create a task that spawns queries, so we have nice output. Since this taskuses resources, you may want to increase period (and not forget to remove it… afterwards):

  1. arangosh> var theQuery = 'FOR sleepLoooong IN 1..5 LET sleepLoooonger = SLEEP(1000) RETURN sleepLoooong';
  2. arangosh> var tasks = require("@arangodb/tasks");
  3. arangosh> tasks.register({
  4. ........> id: "mytask-1",
  5. ........> name: "this is a sample task to spawn a slow aql query",
  6. ........> command: "require('@arangodb').db._query('" + theQuery + "');"
  7. ........> });
  8. arangosh> queries.current();

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  1. {
  2. "id" : "mytask-1",
  3. "name" : "this is a sample task to spawn a slow aql query",
  4. "created" : 1565966104.420321,
  5. "type" : "timed",
  6. "offset" : 0,
  7. "command" : "(function (params) { require('@arangodb').db._query('FOR sleepLoooong IN 1..5 LET sleepLoooonger = SLEEP(1000) RETURN sleepLoooong'); } )(params);",
  8. "database" : "_system",
  9. "code" : 200
  10. }
  11. [
  12. {
  13. "id" : "261",
  14. "query" : "FOR sleepLoooong IN 1..5 LET sleepLoooonger = SLEEP(1000) RETURN sleepLoooong",
  15. "bindVars" : {
  16. },
  17. "started" : "2019-08-16T14:35:05Z",
  18. "runTime" : 0.38794493675231934,
  19. "state" : "executing"
  20. }
  21. ]

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The function returns the currently running AQL queries as an array.

Slow queries

The function returns the last AQL queries that exceeded the slow query threshold as an array:

  1. arangosh> queries.slow();

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  1. [ ]

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Clear slow queries

Clear the list of slow AQL queries:

  1. arangosh> queries.clearSlow();
  2. arangosh> queries.slow();

Show execution results

  1. {
  2. "code" : 200
  3. }
  4. [ ]

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Kill a running AQL query:

  1. arangosh> var runningQueries = queries.current().filter(function(query) {
  2. ........> return query.query === theQuery;
  3. ........> });
  4. arangosh> queries.kill(runningQueries[0].id);

Show execution results

  1. {
  2. "code" : 200
  3. }

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