Using the ArangoDB Kubernetes Operator


The ArangoDB Kubernetes Operator needs to be installed in your Kubernetescluster first.

To do so, run (replace <version> with the version of the operator that you want to install):

  1. export URLPREFIX=<version>/manifests
  2. kubectl apply -f $URLPREFIX/crd.yaml
  3. kubectl apply -f $URLPREFIX/arango-deployment.yaml

To use ArangoLocalStorage resources, also run:

  1. kubectl apply -f $URLPREFIX/arango-storage.yaml

To use ArangoDeploymentReplication resources, also run:

  1. kubectl apply -f $URLPREFIX/arango-deployment-replication.yaml

You can find the latest release of the ArangoDB Kubernetes Operatorin the kube-arangodb repository.

ArangoDB deployment creation

Once the operator is running, you can create your ArangoDB database deploymentby creating a ArangoDeployment custom resource and deploying it into yourKubernetes cluster.

For example (all examples can be found in the kube-arangodb repository):

  1. kubectl apply -f examples/simple-cluster.yaml

Deployment removal

To remove an existing ArangoDB deployment, delete the customresource. The operator will then delete all created resources.

For example:

  1. kubectl delete -f examples/simple-cluster.yaml

Note that this will also delete all data in your ArangoDB deployment!

If you want to keep your data, make sure to create a backup before removing the deployment.

Operator removal

To remove the entire ArangoDB Kubernetes Operator, remove allclusters first and then remove the operator by running:

  1. kubectl delete deployment arango-deployment-operator
  2. # If `ArangoLocalStorage` operator is installed
  3. kubectl delete deployment -n kube-system arango-storage-operator
  4. # If `ArangoDeploymentReplication` operator is installed
  5. kubectl delete deployment arango-deployment-replication-operator

See also