Migrating from go-pg

Bun is a rewrite of go-pgMigrating from go-pg - 图1open in new window that works with PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite. It consists of:

  • Bun core that provides a query builder and models.
  • pgdriver package to connect to PostgreSQL.
  • migrate package to run migrations.
  • dbfixture to load initial data from YAML files.
  • Optional starter kit that provides modern app skeleton.

Bun’s query builder tries to be compatible with go-pg’s builder, but some rarely used APIs are removed (for example, WhereOrNotGroup). In most cases, you won’t need to rewrite your queries.

go-pg is still maintained and there is no urgency in rewriting go-pg apps in Bun, but new projects should prefer Bun over go-pg. And once you are familiar with the updated API, you should be able to migrate a 80-100k lines go-pg app to Bun within a single day.

New features

  • *pg.Query is split into smaller structs, for example, bun.SelectQueryMigrating from go-pg - 图2open in new window, bun.InsertQueryMigrating from go-pg - 图3open in new window, bun.UpdateQueryMigrating from go-pg - 图4open in new window, bun.DeleteQueryMigrating from go-pg - 图5open in new window and so on. This is one of the reasons Bun inserts/updates data faster than go-pg.

    go-pg API:

    1. err := db.ModelContext(ctx, &users).Select()
    2. err := db.ModelContext(ctx, &users).Select(&var1, &var2)
    3. res, err := db.ModelContext(ctx, &users).Insert()
    4. res, err := db.ModelContext(ctx, &user).WherePK().Update()
    5. res, err := db.ModelContext(ctx, &users).WherePK().Delete()

    Bun API:

    1. err := db.NewSelect().Model(&users).Scan(ctx)
    2. err := db.NewSelect().Model(&users).Scan(ctx, &var1, &var2)
    3. res, err := db.NewInsert().Model(&users).Exec(ctx)
    4. res, err := db.NewUpdate().Model(&users).WherePK().Exec(ctx)
    5. res, err := db.NewDelete().Model(&users).WherePK().Exec(ctx)
  • To create VALUES (1, 'one') statement, use db.NewValues(&rows).

  • Bulk UPDATE queries should be rewrited using CTE and VALUES statement:

    1. db.NewUpdate().
    2. With("_data", db.NewValues(&rows)).
    3. Model((*Model)(nil)).
    4. Table("_data").
    5. Set("model.name = _data.name").
    6. Where("model.id = _data.id").
    7. Exec(ctx)

    Alternatively, you can use UpdateQuery.Bulk helper that does the same:

    1. err := db.NewUpdate().Model(&rows).Bulk().Exec(ctx)
  • To create an index, use db.NewCreateIndex().

  • To drop an index, use db.NewDropIndex().

  • To truncate a table, use db.NewTruncateTable().

  • To overwrite model table name, use q.Model((*MyModel)(nil)).ModelTableExpr("my_table_name").

  • To provide initial data, use fixtures.

Go zero values and NULL

Unlike go-pg, Bun does not marshal Go zero values as SQL NULLs by default. To get the old behavior, use nullzero tag option:

  1. type User struct {
  2. Name string `bun:",nullzero"`
  3. }

For time.Time fields you can use bun.NullTime:

  1. type User struct {
  2. Name string `bun:",nullzero"`
  3. CreatedAt time.Time `bun:",notnull,default:current_timestamp"`
  4. UpdatedAt bun.NullTime
  5. }

Other changes

  • Replace pg struct tags with bun, for example, bun:"my_column_name".
  • Replace rel:"has-one" with rel:"belongs-to" and rel:"belongs-to" with rel:"has-one". go-pg used wrong names for those relations.
  • Replace tableName struct{} `pg:"mytable`" with bun.BaseModel `bun:"mytable"` . This helps with linters that mark the field as unused.
  • To marshal Go zero values as NULLs, use bun:",nullzero" field tag. By default, Bun does not marshal Go zero values as NULL any more.
  • Replace pg.ErrNoRows with sql.ErrNoRows.
  • Replace db.WithParam with db.WithNamedArg.
  • Replace orm.RegisterTable with db.RegisterModel.
  • Replace pg.Safe with bun.Safe.
  • Replace pg.Ident with bun.Ident.
  • Replace pg.Array with pgdialect.Array.
  • Replace pg:",discard_unknown_columns" with db.WithDiscardUnknownColumns() option.
  • Replace q.OnConflict("DO NOTHING") with q.On("CONFLICT DO NOTHING").
  • Replace q.OnConflict("(column) DO UPDATE") with q.On("CONFLICT (column) DO UPDATE").
  • Replace ForEach with sql.Rows and db.ScanRow.
  • Replace WhereIn("foo IN (?)", slice) with Where("foo IN (?)", bun.In(slice)).
  • Replace db.RunInTransaction with db.RunInTx.
  • Replace db.SelectOrInsert with an upsert:
  1. res, err := db.NewInsert().Model(&model).On("CONFLICT DO NOTHING").Exec(ctx)
  2. res, err := db.NewInsert().Model(&model).On("CONFLICT DO UPDATE").Exec(ctx)
  1. subq := db.NewSelect()
  2. q := db.NewSelect().
  3. With("subq", subq).
  4. Table("subq")

Ignored columns

Unlike go-pg, Bun does not allow scanning into explicitly ignored fields. For example, the following code does not work:

  1. type Model struct {
  2. Foo string `bun:"-"`
  3. }

But you can fix it by adding scanonly option:

  1. type Model struct {
  2. Foo string `bun:",scanonly"`
  3. }


You have 2 options if you need pg.Listener:

Porting migrations

Bun supports migrations via bun/migrate package. Because it uses timestamp-based migration names, you need to rename your migration files, for example, 1_initial.up.sql should be renamed to 20210505110026_initial.up.sql.

After you are done porting migrations, you need to initialize Bun tables (use starter kit):

  1. go run cmd/bun/main.go -env=dev db init

And probably mark existing migrations as completed:

  1. go run cmd/bun/main.go -env=dev db mark_applied

You can check the status of migrations with:

  1. go run cmd/bun/main.go -env=dev db status