Soft deletes in PostgreSQL and MySQL


Soft deletes allow marking rows as deleted without actually deleting them from a database. You can achieve that by using an auxiliary flag column and modifying queries to check the flag value.

For example, to soft delete a row using deleted_at timestamptz column as a flag:

  1. UPDATE users SET deleted_at = now() WHERE id = 1

To select undeleted (live) rows:

  1. SELECT * FROM users WHERE deleted_at IS NULL

Using Bun models

Bun supports soft deletes using time.Time column as a flag that reports whether the row is deleted or not. Bun automatically adjust queries to check the flag.

To enable soft deletes on a model, add DeletedAt field with soft_delete tag:

  1. type User struct {
  2. ID int64
  3. CreatedAt time.Time `bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"`
  4. DeletedAt time.Time `bun:",soft_delete,nullzero"`
  5. }

For such models Bun updates rows instead of deleting them:

  1. _, err := db.NewDelete().Model(user).Where("id = ?", 123).Exec(ctx)
  1. UPDATE users SET deleted_at = current_timestamp WHERE id = 123

Bun also automatically excludes soft-deleted rows from SELECT queries results:

  1. err := db.NewSelect().Model(&users).Scan(ctx)
  1. SELECT * FROM users WHERE deleted_at IS NULL

To select soft-deleted rows:

  1. err := db.NewSelect().Model(&users).WhereDeleted().Scan(ctx)
  1. SELECT * FROM users WHERE deleted_at IS NOT NULL

To select all rows including soft-deleted rows:

  1. err := db.NewSelect().Model(&users).WhereAllWithDeleted().Scan(ctx)
  1. SELECT * FROM users

Finally, to actually delete soft-deleted rows from a database:

  1. db.NewDelete().Model(user).Where("id = ?", 123).ForceDelete().Exec(ctx)
  1. DELETE FROM users WHERE id = 123 AND deleted_at IS NOT NULL

Using table views

You can also implement soft deletes using table views. Given the following table schema:

  1. CREATE TABLE all_users (
  3. name varchar(500),
  4. created_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
  5. deleted_at timestamptz
  6. );

You can create a view that omits deleted users:

  1. CREATE VIEW users AS
  2. SELECT * FROM all_users
  3. WHERE deleted_at IS NULL

PostgreSQL views support inserts and deletes without any gotchas so you can use them in models:

  1. type User struct {
  2. bun.BaseModel `bun:"users"`
  3. ID uint64
  4. Name string
  5. }

To query deleted rows, use ModelTableExpr to change the table:

  1. var deletedUsers []User
  2. err := db.NewSelect().
  3. Model(&deletedUsers).
  4. ModelTableExpr("all_users").
  5. Where("deleted_at IS NOT NULL").
  6. Scan(ctx)

Unique indexes

Using soft deletes with unique indexes can cause conflicts on insert queries because soft-deleted rows are included in unique indexes just like normal rows.

With some DBMS, you can exclude soft-deleted rows from an index:

  1. CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_name ON table (column1) WHERE deleted_at IS NULL;

Alternatively, you can include deleted_at column to indexed columns using coalesce function to convert NULL time because NULL is not equal to any other value including itself:

  1. CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_name ON table (column1, coalesce(deleted_at, '1970-01-01 00:00:00'))

If your DBMS does not allow to use expressions in indexed columns, you can configure Bun to append zero time as 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00:00 by removing nullzero option:

  1. type User struct {
  2. ID int64
  3. CreatedAt time.Time `bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"`
  4. - DeletedAt time.Time `bun:",soft_delete,nullzero"`
  5. + DeletedAt time.Time `bun:",soft_delete"`
  6. }