Integration Testing

Cilium uses the standard go test framework in combination with gocheck for richer testing functionality.


Some tests interact with the kvstore and depend on a local kvstore instances of etcd. To start the local instances, run:

  1. $ make start-kvstores

Running all tests

To run integration tests over the entire repository, run the following command in the project root directory:

  1. $ make integration-tests

To run just unit tests, run:

  1. $ go test ./...

Testing individual packages

It is possible to test individual packages by invoking go test directly. You can then cd into the package subject to testing and invoke go test:

  1. $ cd pkg/kvstore
  2. $ go test

If you need more verbose output, you can pass in the -check.v and -check.vv arguments:

  1. $ cd pkg/kvstore
  2. $ go test -check.v -check.vv

Integration tests have some prerequisites like Prerequisites, you can use the following command to automatically set up the prerequisites, run the unit tests and tear down the prerequisites:

  1. $ make integration-tests TESTPKGS=pkg/kvstore

Some packages have privileged tests. They are not run by default when you run the integration tests for the respective package. The privileged test files have an entry at the top of the test file as shown.

  1. +build privileged_tests

There are two ways that you can run the ‘privileged’ tests.

  1. To run all the ‘privileged’ tests for cilium follow the instructions below.

    1. $ sudo -E make tests-privileged
  2. To run a specific package ‘privileged’ test, follow the instructions below. Here for example we are trying to run the tests for ‘routing’ package.

    1. $ TESTPKGS="pkg/aws/eni/routing" sudo -E make tests-privileged

Running individual tests

Due to the use of gocheck, the standard go test -run will not work, instead, the -check.f argument has to be specified:

  1. $ go test -check.f TestParallelAllocation

Automatically run unit tests on code changes

The script contrib/shell/ contains some helpful bash functions to improve the feedback cycle between writing tests and seeing their results. If you’re writing unit tests in a particular package, the watchtest function will watch for changes in a directory and run the unit tests for that package any time the files change. For example, if writing unit tests in pkg/policy, run this in a terminal next to your editor:

  1. $ . contrib/shell/
  2. $ watchtest pkg/policy

This shell script depends on the inotify-tools package on Linux.