
Сontains licenses of third-party libraries that are located in the contrib directory of ClickHouse sources.


  • library_name (String) — Name of the library, which is license connected with.
  • license_type (String) — License type — e.g. Apache, MIT.
  • license_path (String) — Path to the file with the license text.
  • license_text (String) — License text.


  1. SELECT library_name, license_type, license_path FROM system.licenses LIMIT 15
  1. ┌─library_name───────┬─license_type─┬─license_path────────────────────────┐
  2. FastMemcpy MIT /contrib/FastMemcpy/LICENSE
  3. arrow Apache /contrib/arrow/LICENSE.txt
  4. avro Apache /contrib/avro/LICENSE.txt
  5. aws-c-common Apache /contrib/aws-c-common/LICENSE
  6. aws-c-event-stream Apache /contrib/aws-c-event-stream/LICENSE
  7. aws-checksums Apache /contrib/aws-checksums/LICENSE
  8. aws Apache /contrib/aws/LICENSE.txt
  9. base64 BSD 2-clause /contrib/base64/LICENSE
  10. boost Boost /contrib/boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt
  11. brotli MIT /contrib/brotli/LICENSE
  12. capnproto MIT /contrib/capnproto/LICENSE
  13. cassandra Apache /contrib/cassandra/LICENSE.txt
  14. cctz Apache /contrib/cctz/LICENSE.txt
  15. cityhash102 MIT /contrib/cityhash102/COPYING
  16. cppkafka BSD 2-clause /contrib/cppkafka/LICENSE
  17. └────────────────────┴──────────────┴─────────────────────────────────────┘