Consul API Gateway Configuration Overview

This topic provides an overview of the configuration items that enable Consul API Gateway to manage traffic into your Consul service mesh.

  • Gateway defines the main infrastructure resource that links API gateway components. It specifies the name of the GatewayClass and one or more listeners, which specify the logical endpoints bound to the gateway’s addresses.
  • GatewayClass defines a class of gateway resources that you can use as a template for creating gateways.
  • GatewayClassConfig describes additional Consul API Gateway-related configuration parameters for the GatewayClass resource.
  • Routes specifies the path from the gateway to the backend service(s) client to the listener.
  • Intentions specify traffic communication rules between services in the mesh. Intentions also enforce rules for service-to-service traffic routed through a Consul API gateway.

You can create a basic Gateway object using the default gatewayClassName (consul). If you want to create custom Gateways suitable for your environment, complete the following steps:

  1. Define a GatewayClassConfig that contains your custom configurations.
  2. Define a GatewayClass and configure the to reference the name of your GatewayClassConfig.
  3. Define a Gateway and configure the gatewayClassName to reference the name of your GatewayClass.