
class GenericRizinGraphView : public SimpleTextGraphView

Generic graph view for rizin graphs. Not all rizin graph commands output the same kind of json. Only those that have following format.

  1. { "nodes": [
  2. {
  3. "id": 0,
  4. "tittle": "node_0_tittle",
  5. "body": "".
  6. "out_nodes": [1, 2, 3]
  7. },
  8. ...
  9. ]}

Id don’t have to be sequential. Simple text label is displayed containing concatenation of label and body. No rizin builtin graph uses both. Duplicate edges and edges with target id not present in the list of nodes are removed.

Public Functions

  • GenericRizinGraphView(RizinGraphWidget *parent, MainWindow *main)

  • void setGraphCommand(QString cmd)

  • virtual void refreshView() override