



  • 你为什么要关心这个功能?
  • 它能帮他们解决什么问题?

虽然组件、API或SDK规范可以帮助读者了解如何使用或处理这些功能,但概念文章提供了更深入的内容和背景。 链接到规范文章,但尽量不要简单重复规范。

在命名概念文章时,请确保其在名称、参数和术语方面与规范一致。 确保根据需要更新两者。


这个模板只是一个建议。 根据您的文档目的随意更改。



  1. ---
  2. type: #Required; docs
  3. title: #Required; Brief, clear title
  4. linkTitle: #Required; Brief title
  5. weight: #Required; Use the correct weight based on hierarchy
  6. description: #Required; One-sentence description of what to expect in the article
  7. ---
  8. <!--
  9. Remove all the comments in this template before opening a PR.
  10. -->
  11. <!--
  12. H1: The title in the Hugo front-matter serves as the article's markdown H1.
  13. -->
  14. <!-- Introductory paragraph
  15. Required. Brief intro that describes the concepts that the article will cover. Link off to the appropriate reference, specs, or how-to guides to provide context. -->
  16. <!--
  17. Include a diagram or image, if possible.
  18. -->
  19. ## <Section 1 H2>
  20. <!--
  21. Add your content here.
  22. -->
  23. ## <Section 2 H2>
  24. <!--
  25. Each H2 step should start with a noun/descriptive word.
  26. -->
  27. ## <Section 3 H2>
  28. <!--
  29. Add your content here.
  30. -->
  31. <!--
  32. Include diagrams or images throughout, where applicable.
  33. -->
  34. ## Try out <concept>
  35. <!--
  36. If applicable, include a section with links to the related quickstart, how-to guides, or tutorials. -->
  37. ### Quickstarts and tutorials
  38. Want to put the Dapr <topic> API to the test? Walk through the following quickstart and tutorials to see <topic> in action:
  39. | Quickstart/tutorial | Description |
  40. | ------------------- | ----------- |
  41. | [<topic> quickstart](link) | Description of the quickstart. |
  42. | [<topic> tutorial](link) | Description of the tutorial. |
  43. ### Start using <topic> directly in your app
  44. Want to skip the quickstarts? Not a problem. You can try out the <topic> building block directly in your application. After [Dapr is installed](link), you can begin using the <topic> API, starting with [the <topic> how-to guide](link).
  45. -->
  46. ## Next steps
  47. <!--
  48. Link to related pages and examples. For example, the related API spec, related building blocks, etc.
  49. -->