HashiCorp Vault

详细介绍了关于 HashiCorp Vault密钥仓库组件的信息

创建 Vault 组件

要设置HashiCorp Vault密钥仓库,请创建一个类型为secretstores.hashicorp.vault的组件。 See this guide on how to create and apply a secretstore configuration. See this guide on referencing secrets to retrieve and use the secret with Dapr components.

  1. apiVersion: dapr.io/v1alpha1
  2. kind: Component
  3. metadata:
  4. name: vault
  5. namespace: default
  6. spec:
  7. type: secretstores.hashicorp.vault
  8. version: v1
  9. metadata:
  10. - name: vaultAddr
  11. value: [vault_address] # Optional. Default: ""
  12. - name: caCert # Optional. This or caPath or caPem
  13. value: "[ca_cert]"
  14. - name: caPath # Optional. This or CaCert or caPem
  15. value: "[path_to_ca_cert_file]"
  16. - name: caPem # Optional. This or CaCert or CaPath
  17. value : "[encoded_ca_cert_pem]"
  18. - name: skipVerify # Optional. Default: false
  19. value : "[skip_tls_verification]"
  20. - name: tlsServerName # Optional.
  21. value : "[tls_config_server_name]"
  22. - name: vaultTokenMountPath # Required if vaultToken not provided. Path to token file.
  23. value : "[path_to_file_containing_token]"
  24. - name: vaultToken # Required if vaultTokenMountPath not provided. Token value.
  25. value : "[path_to_file_containing_token]"
  26. - name: vaultKVPrefix # Optional. Default: "dapr"
  27. value : "[vault_prefix]"


以上示例将密钥明文存储, It is recommended to use a local secret store such as Kubernetes secret store or a local file to bootstrap secure key storage.


vaultAddrNVault服务器的地址 默认值为
caCertNCertificate Authority只使用其中一个选项。 要使用的加密cacerts“cacerts”
caPathNCertificate Authority只使用其中一个选项。 CA证书文件的路径“path/to/cacert/file”
caPemNCertificate Authority只使用其中一个选项。 要是用的加密cacert pem“encodedpem”
skipVerifyN跳过 TLS 验证。 默认值为 “false”“true”, “false”
tlsServerNameNTLS 配置服务器名称“tls-server”
vaultTokenYToken for authentication within Vault.“tokenValue”
vaultKVPrefixN仓库前缀 默认值为 “dapr”“dapr”, “myprefix”

设置 Hashicorp Vault实例

参考Vault文档设置Hashicorp Vault:https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/install/index.html。

对于Kubernetes,你可以使用Helm Chart:https://github.com/hashicorp/vault-helm
