Azure Key Vault 和Kubernetes上的Managed Identities

如何配置Azure Key Vault和Kubernetes以使用Azure Managed Identities来获取密钥


要设置Azure Key Vault密钥仓库,请创建一个类型为的组件。 See this guide on how to create and apply a secretstore configuration. See this guide on referencing secrets to retrieve and use the secret with Dapr components.

在Kubernetes中,将服务主体的证书存储到Kubernetes Secret Store中,然后用Kubernetes secretstore中的这个证书启用Azure Key Vault密钥仓库。

组件yaml使用你的密钥仓库的名称和托管标识的Cliend ID来配置密钥仓库。

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: Component
  3. metadata:
  4. name: azurekeyvault
  5. namespace: default
  6. spec:
  7. type:
  8. version: v1
  9. metadata:
  10. - name: vaultName
  11. value: [your_keyvault_name]
  12. - name: spnClientId
  13. value: [your_managed_identity_client_id]


以上示例将密钥明文存储, It is recommended to use a local secret store such as Kubernetes secret store or a local file to bootstrap secure key storage.


vaultNameYAzure Key Vault名称“mykeyvault”

设置Managed Identity和 Azure Key Vault



  1. 登录到 Azure 并设置默认订阅

    1. # Log in Azure
    2. az login
    3. # Set your subscription to the default subscription
    4. az account set -s [your subscription id]
  2. 在一个区域中创建 Azure Key Vault

    1. az keyvault create --location [region] --name [your keyvault] --resource-group [your resource group]
  3. 创建托管标识(可选)

    只有当AKS集群没有”–enable-managed-identity “标志时,才需要进行这一步。 If the cluster is provisioned with managed identity, than it is suggested to use the autogenerated managed identity that is associated to the Resource Group MC_*.

    1. $identity = az identity create -g [your resource group] -n [your managed identity name] -o json | ConvertFrom-Json

    Below is the command to retrieve the managed identity in the autogenerated scenario:

    1. az aks show -g <AKSResourceGroup> -n <AKSClusterName>

    有关将 AKS 与 Azure 服务集成的角色分配的更多详细信息 角色分配

  4. 检索托管标识ID


    • 服务主体(Service Principal),在这种情况下,AKS服务集群(AKS Service Cluster) 部署在资源组(Resource Group) 中
    1. $clientId= az aks show -g <AKSResourceGroup> -n <AKSClusterName> --query servicePrincipalProfile.clientId -otsv
    • 托管标识(Managed Identity),在这种情况下,AKS服务集群(AKS Service Cluster) 部署在资源组(Resource Group) 中
    1. $clientId= az aks show -g <AKSResourceGroup> -n <AKSClusterName> --query identityProfile.kubeletidentity.clientId -otsv
  5. 将Reader角色分配给被托管标识


    1. az role assignment create --role "Reader" --assignee $clientId --scope /subscriptions/[your subscription id]/resourcegroups/[your resource group]
  6. 将托管标识管理员(Managed Identity Operator) 的角色分配给AKS服务主体(AKS Service Principal) 参考上一步关于要使用的资源组和要分配的标识的内容

    1. az role assignment create --role "Managed Identity Operator" --assignee $clientId --scope /subscriptions/[your subscription id]/resourcegroups/[your resource group]
    2. az role assignment create --role "Virtual Machine Contributor" --assignee $clientId --scope /subscriptions/[your subscription id]/resourcegroups/[your resource group]
  7. 为 Key Vault 添加策略,使托管标识可以读取密钥

    1. az keyvault set-policy --name [your keyvault] --spn $clientId --secret-permissions get list
  8. 在AKS上启用AAD Pod身份

    1. kubectl apply -f
    2. # For AKS clusters, deploy the MIC and AKS add-on exception by running -
    3. kubectl apply -f
  9. 配置Azure Identity和AzureIdentityBinding yaml


    1. apiVersion: ""
    2. kind: AzureIdentity
    3. metadata:
    4. name: [your managed identity name]
    5. spec:
    6. type: 0
    7. resourceID: [your managed identity id]
    8. clientID: [your managed identity Client ID]
    9. ---
    10. apiVersion: ""
    11. kind: AzureIdentityBinding
    12. metadata:
    13. name: [your managed identity name]-identity-binding
    14. spec:
    15. azureIdentity: [your managed identity name]
    16. selector: [your managed identity selector]
  10. 部署azure-identity-config.yaml:

    1. kubectl apply -f azure-identity-config.yaml
