Lookup API reference

This document has the API references of lookups, the Django API for buildingthe WHERE clause of a database query. To learn how to use lookups, see执行查询; to learn how to create new lookups, see自定义查询器.

The lookup API has two components: a RegisterLookupMixin classthat registers lookups, and the Query Expression API, aset of methods that a class has to implement to be registrable as a lookup.

Django has two base classes that follow the query expression API and from whereall Django builtin lookups are derived:

  • Lookup: to lookup a field (e.g. the exact of field_name__exact)
  • Transform: to transform a fieldA lookup expression consists of three parts:

  • Fields part (e.g. Book.objects.filter(authorbest_friendsfirst_name…);

  • Transforms part (may be omitted) (e.g. lowerfirst3chars__reversed);
  • A lookup (e.g. icontains) that, if omitted, defaults to exact.

Registration API

Django uses RegisterLookupMixin to give a class the interface toregister lookups on itself. The two prominent examples areField, the base class of all model fields, andTransform, the base class of all Django transforms.

  • class lookups.RegisterLookupMixin
  • A mixin that implements the lookup API on a class.

    • classmethod registerlookup(_lookup, lookup_name=None)
    • Registers a new lookup in the class. For exampleDateField.register_lookup(YearExact) will register YearExactlookup on DateField. It overrides a lookup that already exists withthe same name. lookup_name will be used for this lookup ifprovided, otherwise lookup.lookup_name will be used.

    • getlookup(_lookup_name)

    • Returns the Lookup named lookup_name registered in the class.The default implementation looks recursively on all parent classesand checks if any has a registered lookup named lookup_name, returningthe first match.

    • get_lookups()

    • Returns a dictionary of each lookup name registered in the class mappedto the Lookup class.

    • gettransform(_transform_name)

    • Returns a Transform named transform_name. The defaultimplementation looks recursively on all parent classes to check if anyhas the registered transform named transform_name, returning the firstmatch.

For a class to be a lookup, it must follow the Query Expression API. Lookup and Transform naturallyfollow this API.

The Query Expression API

The query expression API is a common set of methods that classes define to beusable in query expressions to translate themselves into SQL expressions. Directfield references, aggregates, and Transform are examples that follow thisAPI. A class is said to follow the query expression API when it implements thefollowing methods:

  • assql(_compiler, connection)
  • Responsible for producing the query string and parameters for the expression.The compiler is an SQLCompiler object, which has a compile()method that can be used to compile other expressions. The connection isthe connection used to execute the query.

Calling expression.as_sql() is usually incorrect - insteadcompiler.compile(expression) should be used. The compiler.compile()method will take care of calling vendor-specific methods of the expression.

Custom keyword arguments may be defined on this method if it's likely thatas_vendorname() methods or subclasses will need to supply data tooverride the generation of the SQL string. See Func.as_sql() forexample usage.

  • asvendorname(_compiler, connection)
  • Works like as_sql() method. When an expression is compiled bycompiler.compile(), Django will first try to call as_vendorname(),where vendorname is the vendor name of the backend used for executingthe query. The vendorname is one of postgresql, oracle,sqlite, or mysql for Django's built-in backends.

  • getlookup(_lookup_name)

  • Must return the lookup named lookup_name. For instance, by returningself.output_field.get_lookup(lookup_name).

  • gettransform(_transform_name)

  • Must return the lookup named transform_name. For instance, by returningself.output_field.get_transform(transform_name).

  • output_field

  • Defines the type of class returned by the get_lookup() method. It mustbe a Field instance.

Transform reference

  • class Transform[源代码]
  • A Transform is a generic class to implement field transformations. Aprominent example is __year that transforms a DateField into aIntegerField.

The notation to use a Transform in an lookup expression is<expression><transformation> (e.g. dateyear).

This class follows the Query Expression API, whichimplies that you can use <expression><transform1><transform2>. It'sa specialized Func() expression that only acceptsone argument. It can also be used on the right hand side of a filter ordirectly as an annotation.

  • bilateral
  • A boolean indicating whether this transformation should apply to bothlhs and rhs. Bilateral transformations will be applied to rhs inthe same order as they appear in the lookup expression. By default it is setto False. For example usage, see 自定义查询器.

  • lhs

  • The left-hand side - what is being transformed. It must follow theQuery Expression API.

  • lookup_name

  • The name of the lookup, used for identifying it on parsing queryexpressions. It cannot contain the string "__".

  • output_field

  • Defines the class this transformation outputs. It must be aField instance. By default is the same asits lhs.output_field.

Lookup reference

  • class Lookup[源代码]
  • A Lookup is a generic class to implement lookups. A lookup is a queryexpression with a left-hand side, lhs; a right-hand side,rhs; and a lookup_name that is used to produce a booleancomparison between lhs and rhs such as lhs in rhs orlhs > rhs.

The notation to use a lookup in an expression is<lhs>__<lookup_name>=<rhs>.

This class doesn't follow the Query Expression APIsince it has =<rhs> on its construction: lookups are always the end ofa lookup expression.

  • lhs
  • The left-hand side - what is being looked up. The object must followthe Query Expression API.

  • rhs

  • The right-hand side - what lhs is being compared against. It can bea plain value, or something that compiles into SQL, typically anF() object or a QuerySet.

  • lookup_name

  • The name of this lookup, used to identify it on parsing queryexpressions. It cannot contain the string "__".

  • processlhs(_compiler, connection, lhs=None)[源代码]

  • Returns a tuple (lhs_string, lhs_params), as returned bycompiler.compile(lhs). This method can be overridden to tune howthe lhs is processed.

compiler is an SQLCompiler object, to be used likecompiler.compile(lhs) for compiling lhs. The connectioncan be used for compiling vendor specific SQL. If lhs is notNone, use it as the processed lhs instead of self.lhs.