


This statement is used to conditionally delete data in the specified table (base index) partition.

This operation will also delete the data of the rollup index related to this base index.


  1. DELETE FROM table_name [PARTITION partition_name | PARTITIONS (p1, p2)]
  2. WHERE
  3. column_name1 op { value | value_list } [ AND column_name2 op { value | value_list } ...];


  1. The optional types of op include: =, >, <, >=, <=, !=, in, not in
  2. Only conditions on the key column can be specified when using AGGREGATE (UNIQUE) model.
  3. When the selected key column does not exist in a rollup, delete cannot be performed.
  4. Conditions can only have an “and” relationship. If you want to achieve an “or” relationship, you need to write the conditions in two DELETE statements.
  5. If it is a partitioned table, you can specify a partition. If not specified, and the session variable delete_without_partition is true, it will be applied to all partitions. If it is a single-partition table, it can be left unspecified.


  1. This statement may reduce query efficiency for a period of time after execution.
  2. The degree of impact depends on the number of delete conditions specified in the statement.
  3. The more conditions you specify, the greater the impact.


  1. Delete the data row whose k1 column value is 3 in my_table partition p1

    1. DELETE FROM my_table PARTITION p1
    2. WHERE k1 = 3;
  2. Delete the data rows where the value of column k1 is greater than or equal to 3 and the value of column k2 is “abc” in my_table partition p1

    1. DELETE FROM my_table PARTITION p1
    2. WHERE k1 >= 3 AND k2 = "abc";
  3. Delete the data rows where the value of column k1 is greater than or equal to 3 and the value of column k2 is “abc” in my_table partition p1, p2

    1. DELETE FROM my_table PARTITIONS (p1, p2)
    2. WHERE k1 >= 3 AND k2 = "abc";



Best Practice