1. What to do with errors such as failed to get schema and Storage schema reading not supported when accessing Icerberg tables via Hive Metastore?

    To fix this, please place the Jar file package of iceberg runtime in the lib/ directory of Hive.

    And configure as follows in hive-site.xml :

    1. metastore.storage.schema.reader.impl=org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.SerDeStorageSchemaReader

    After configuring, please restart Hive Metastore.

  2. What to do with the GSS initiate failed error when connecting to Hive Metastore with Kerberos authentication?

    In Doris 1.2.1 and the older versions, gsasl is disabled for libhdfs3, so please update to Doris 1.2.2 or newer.

  3. What to do with thejava.lang.VerifyError: xxx error when accessing HDFS 3.x?

    Doris 1.2.1 and the older versions rely on Hadoop 2.8. Please update Hadoop to 2.10.2 or update Doris to 1.2.2 or newer.