5 minutes quick start

  1. Pull a Kuiper Docker image from https://hub.docker.com/r/emqx/kuiper/tags. It’s recommended to use alpine image in this tutorial (refer to Kuiper DockerDocker installation tutorial - 图1 (opens new window) for the difference of Kuiper Docker image variants).

  2. Set Kuiper source to an MQTT server. This sample uses server locating at tcp://broker.emqx.io:1883. broker.emqx.io is a public MQTT test server hosted by EMQDocker installation tutorial - 图2 (opens new window).

    1. docker run -p 9081:9081 -d --name kuiper -e MQTT_SOURCE__DEFAULT__SERVERS=[tcp://broker.emqx.io:1883] emqx/kuiper:$tag
  3. Create a stream - the stream is your stream data schema, similar to table definition in database. Let’s say the temperature & humidity data are sent to broker.emqx.io, and those data will be processed in your LOCAL RUN Kuiper docker instance. Below steps will create a stream named demo, and data are sent to devices/device_001/messages topic, while device_001 could be other devices, such as device_002, all of those data will be subscribed and handled by demo stream.

    1. -- In host
    2. # docker exec -it kuiper /bin/sh
    3. -- In docker instance
    4. # bin/kuiper create stream demo '(temperature float, humidity bigint) WITH (FORMAT="JSON", DATASOURCE="devices/+/messages")'
    5. Connecting to
    6. Stream demo is created.
    7. # bin/kuiper query
    8. Connecting to
    9. kuiper > select * from demo where temperature > 30;
    10. Query was submit successfully.
  4. Publish sensor data to topic devices/device_001/messages of server tcp://broker.emqx.io:1883 with any MQTT client toolsDocker installation tutorial - 图3 (opens new window). Below sample uses mosquitto_pub.

    1. # mosquitto_pub -h broker.emqx.io -m '{"temperature": 40, "humidity" : 20}' -t devices/device_001/messages
  5. If everything goes well, you can see the message is print on docker bin/kuiper query window. Please try to publish another message with temperature less than 30, and it will be filtered by WHERE condition of the SQL.

    1. kuiper > select * from demo WHERE temperature > 30;
    2. [{"temperature": 40, "humidity" : 20}]

    If having any problems, please take a look at log/stream.log.

  6. To stop the test, just press ctrl + c in bin/kuiper query command console, or input exit and press enter.

You can also refer to Kuiper dashboard documentationDocker installation tutorial - 图4 (opens new window) for better using experience.

Next for exploring more powerful features of EMQ X Kuiper? Refer to below for how to apply EMQ X Kuiper in edge and integrate with AWS / Azure IoT cloud.