Image Sink

Sink is used to save the picture to the specified folder.

Compile and deploy the plugin

  1. # cd $kuiper_src
  2. # go build -trimpath --buildmode=plugin -o plugins/sinks/ plugins/sinks/image/image.go
  3. # cp plugins/sinks/ $kuiper_install/plugins/sinks

Restart the Kuiper server to activate the plugin.


Attribute nameOptionalDescription
pathFalseThe name of the folder where the pictures are saved, such as ./tmp. Note: For multiple rules, their paths cannot be repeated, otherwise they will be deleted from each other.
formatFalseFile format, support jpeg and png.
maxAgeTrueMaximum file storage time (hours). The default value is 72, which means that the picture can be stored for up to 3 days.
maxCountTrueThe maximum number of stored pictures. The default value is 1000. The earlier pictures will be deleted. The relationship with maxAge is OR.

Usage example

The following example demonstrates how to receive pictures and save them to the folder /tmp. When the number of pictures exceeds 1000, the earlier pictures will be deleted. When the pictures are saved for more than 72 hours, the timeout pictures will be deleted.

  1. {
  2. "sql": "SELECT * from demo",
  3. "actions": [
  4. {
  5. "image": {
  6. "path": "/tmp",
  7. "format": "png",
  8. "maxCount":1000,
  9. "maxage":72
  10. }
  11. }
  12. ]
  13. }


In the following example, we take the zmq plugin as source and the image plugin as sink, and save the pictures received by zmq in the folder specified by image.

  1. curl -X POST -d '{"sql":"create stream s(image bytea)WITH(DATASOURCE = \"\",FORMAT=\"binary\", TYPE=\"zmq\");"}'
  2. curl -X POST -d '{"id":"r","sql":"SELECT * FROM s","actions":[{"image":{"path":"./tmp","format":"png"}}]}'