7.6. Creating SQL Queries Using jOOQ

Before we move on to the implementation of managers and grids, we will examine briefly how to work with the database via jOOQ. You can find the full documentation on this issue in the SQL-building section of the jOOQ documentation.

The org.jooq.impl.DSL class is the main one from which jOOQ objects are created. It acts as a static factory for table expressions, column (or field) expressions, conditional expressions and many other parts of a query.

DSLContext references the org.jooq.Configuration object that configures the behavior of jOOQ during the execution of queries. Unlike with static DSL, with DSLContext you can to create SQL statements that are already “configured” and ready for execution.

In our application, DSLContext is created in the getDsl method of the JooqConfig configuration class. Configuration for DSLContext is returned by the getDslConfig method. In this method we specify the Firebird dialect that we will use, the connection provider that determines how we get a connection via JDBC and the SQL query execution listener.