layout: post
title: ‘Out-of-the-box behavior for types’
description: “Immutability and built-in equality with no coding”
nav: why-use-fsharp
seriesId: “Why use F#?”
seriesOrder: 14

categories: [Convenience, Types]

One nice thing about F# is that most types immediately have some useful “out-of-the-box” behavior such as immutability and built-in equality, functionality that often has to be explicitly coded for in C#.

By “most” F# types, I mean the core “structural” types such as tuples, records, unions, options, lists, etc. Classes and some other types have been added to help with .NET integration, but lose some of the power of the structural types.

This built-in functionality for these core types includes:

  • Immutability
  • Pretty printing when debugging
  • Equality
  • Comparisons

Each of these is addressed below.

F# types have built-in immutability

In C# and Java, it is has become good practice to create immutable classes whenever possible. In F#, you get this for free.

Here is an immutable type in F#:

  1. type PersonalName = {FirstName:string; LastName:string}

And here is how the same type is typically coded in C#:

  1. class ImmutablePersonalName
  2. {
  3. public ImmutablePersonalName(string firstName, string lastName)
  4. {
  5. this.FirstName = firstName;
  6. this.LastName = lastName;
  7. }
  8. public string FirstName { get; private set; }
  9. public string LastName { get; private set; }
  10. }

That’s 10 lines to do the same thing as 1 line of F#.

Most F# types have built-in pretty printing

In F#, you don’t have to override ToString() for most types — you get pretty printing for free!

You have probably already seen this when running the earlier examples. Here is another simple example:

  1. type USAddress =
  2. {Street:string; City:string; State:string; Zip:string}
  3. type UKAddress =
  4. {Street:string; Town:string; PostCode:string}
  5. type Address = US of USAddress | UK of UKAddress
  6. type Person =
  7. {Name:string; Address:Address}
  8. let alice = {
  9. Name="Alice";
  10. Address=US {Street="123 Main";City="LA";State="CA";Zip="91201"}}
  11. let bob = {
  12. Name="Bob";
  13. Address=UK {Street="221b Baker St";Town="London";PostCode="NW1 6XE"}}
  14. printfn "Alice is %A" alice
  15. printfn "Bob is %A" bob

The output is:

  1. Alice is {Name = "Alice";
  2. Address = US {Street = "123 Main";
  3. City = "LA";
  4. State = "CA";
  5. Zip = "91201";};}

Most F# types have built-in structural equality

In C#, you often have to implement the IEquatable interface so that you can test for equality between objects. This is needed when using objects for Dictionary keys, for example.

In F#, you get this for free with most F# types. For example, using the PersonalName type from above, we can compare two names straight away.

  1. type PersonalName = {FirstName:string; LastName:string}
  2. let alice1 = {FirstName="Alice"; LastName="Adams"}
  3. let alice2 = {FirstName="Alice"; LastName="Adams"}
  4. let bob1 = {FirstName="Bob"; LastName="Bishop"}
  5. //test
  6. printfn "alice1=alice2 is %A" (alice1=alice2)
  7. printfn "alice1=bob1 is %A" (alice1=bob1)

Most F# types are automatically comparable

In C#, you often have to implement the IComparable interface so that you can sort objects.

Again, in F#, you get this for free with most F# types. For example, here is a simple definition of a deck of cards.

  1. type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart
  2. type Rank = Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight
  3. | Nine | Ten | Jack | Queen | King | Ace

We can write a function to test the comparison logic:

  1. let compareCard card1 card2 =
  2. if card1 < card2
  3. then printfn "%A is greater than %A" card2 card1
  4. else printfn "%A is greater than %A" card1 card2

And let’s see how it works:

  1. let aceHearts = Heart, Ace
  2. let twoHearts = Heart, Two
  3. let aceSpades = Spade, Ace
  4. compareCard aceHearts twoHearts
  5. compareCard twoHearts aceSpades

Note that the Ace of Hearts is automatically greater than the Two of Hearts, because the “Ace” rank value comes after the “Two” rank value.

But also note that the Two of Hearts is automatically greater than the Ace of Spades, because the Suit part is compared first, and the “Heart” suit value comes after the “Spade” value.

Here’s an example of a hand of cards:

  1. let hand = [ Club,Ace; Heart,Three; Heart,Ace;
  2. Spade,Jack; Diamond,Two; Diamond,Ace ]
  3. //instant sorting!
  4. List.sort hand |> printfn "sorted hand is (low to high) %A"

And as a side benefit, you get min and max for free too!

  1. List.max hand |> printfn "high card is %A"
  2. List.min hand |> printfn "low card is %A"