layout: post
title: “Swapping type-safety for high performance using compiler directives”
description: “An experiment in how to have your cake and eat it too”

categories: []

TL;DR; An experiment: you can use lots of domain modelling types at development time and swap them out for a more performant implementation later using compiler directives.

Domain Modelling vs. Performance

I am a big fan of using types for domain modelling — lots and lots and lots of types!

These types act both as documentation and as a compile time constraint to ensure that only valid data is used.

For example, if I have two types CustomerId and OrderId, I can represent them as separate types:

  1. type CustomerId = CustomerId of int
  2. type OrderId = OrderId of int

and by doing this, I guarantee that I can’t use an OrderId where I need an CustomerId.

The problem is that adding a layer of indirection like this can affect performance:

  • the extra indirection can cause data access to be much slower.
  • the wrapper class needs extra memory, creating memory pressure.
  • this in turn triggers the garbage collector more often, which can often be the cause of performance problems in managed code.

In general, I don’t generally worry about micro-performance like this at design-time.
Many many things will have a much bigger impact on performance, including any kind of I/O, and the algorithms you choose.

As a result, I am very much against doing micro-benchmarks out of context. You should always profile a real app in a real context,
rather than worrying too much over things that might not be important.

Having said that, I am now going to do some micro-benchmarks!

Micro-benchmarking a wrapper type

Let’s see how a wrapper type fares when used in large numbers. Let’s say we want to:

  • create ten million customer ids
  • then, map over them twice
  • then, filter them

Admittedly, it’s a bit silly adding 1 to a customer id — we’ll look at a better example later.

Anyway, here’s the code:

  1. // type is an wrapper for a primitive type
  2. type CustomerId = CustomerId of int
  3. // create two silly functions for mapping and filtering
  4. let add1ToCustomerId (CustomerId i) =
  5. CustomerId (i+1)
  6. let isCustomerIdSmall (CustomerId i) =
  7. i < 100000
  8. // ---------------------------------
  9. // timed with a 1 million element array
  10. // ---------------------------------
  11. #time
  12. Array.init 1000000 CustomerId
  13. // map it
  14. |> add1ToCustomerId
  15. // map it again
  16. |> add1ToCustomerId
  17. // filter it
  18. |> Array.filter isCustomerIdSmall
  19. |> ignore
  20. #time

The code sample above is available on GitHub.

(Again, let me stress that this is a terrible way to profile code!)

A typical timed result looks like this:

  1. Real: 00:00:00.296, CPU: 00:00:00.296, GC gen0: 6, gen1: 4, gen2: 0

That is, it takes about 0.3 seconds to do those steps, and it creates quite a bit of garbage, triggering four gen1 collections.
If you are not sure what “gen0”, “gen1”, and “gen2” mean, then this is a good place to start.

DISCLAIMER: I’m going to be doing all my benchmarking in F# interactive. Compiled code with optimizations might have a completely different performance profile.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Draw conclusions at your own risk. Etc., etc.

If we increase the array size to 10 million, we get a more than 10x slower result:

  1. Real: 00:00:03.489, CPU: 00:00:03.541, GC gen0: 68, gen1: 46, gen2: 2

That is, it takes about 3.5 seconds to do those steps, and it creates a lot of garbage, including a few gen2 GC’s, which are really bad.
In fact, you might even get an “out of memory” exception, in which case, you’ll have to restart F# Interactive!

So what are the alternatives to using a wrapper? There are two common approaches:

  • Using type aliases
  • Using units of measure

Let’s start with type aliases.

Using type aliases

In the type alias approach, I would simply dispense with the wrapper, but keep the type around as documentation.

  1. type CustomerId = int
  2. type OrderId = int

If I want to use the type as documentation, I must then annotate the functions appropriately.

For example, in the add1ToCustomerId below
both the parameter and the return value have been annotated so that it has the type CustomerId -> CustomerId rather than int -> int.

  1. let add1ToCustomerId (id:CustomerId) :CustomerId =
  2. id+1

Micro-benchmarking a type alias

Let’s create another micro-benchmark:

  1. type CustomerId = int
  2. // create two silly functions for mapping and filtering
  3. let add1ToCustomerId (id:CustomerId) :CustomerId =
  4. id+1
  5. // val add1ToCustomerId : id:CustomerId -> CustomerId
  6. let isCustomerIdSmall (id:CustomerId) =
  7. id < 100000
  8. // val isCustomerIdSmall : id:CustomerId -> bool
  9. // ---------------------------------
  10. // timed with a 1 million element array
  11. // ---------------------------------
  12. #time
  13. Array.init 1000000 (fun i -> i)
  14. // map it
  15. |> add1ToCustomerId
  16. // map it again
  17. |> add1ToCustomerId
  18. // filter it
  19. |> Array.filter isCustomerIdSmall
  20. |> Array.length
  21. #time

The code sample above is available on GitHub.

The results are spectacularly better!

  1. Real: 00:00:00.017, CPU: 00:00:00.015, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0

It takes about 17 milliseconds to do those steps, and more importantly, very little garbage was generated.

If we increase the array size to 10 million, we get a 10x slower result, but still no garbage:

  1. Real: 00:00:00.166, CPU: 00:00:00.156, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0

Compared with the earlier version at over three seconds, that’s excellent.

Problems with type aliases

Alas, the problem with type aliases is that we have completely lost type safety now!

To demonstrate, here’s some code that creates a CustomerId and an OrderId:

  1. type CustomerId = int
  2. type OrderId = int
  3. // create two
  4. let cid : CustomerId = 12
  5. let oid : OrderId = 12

And sadly, the two ids compare equal, and we can pass an OrderId to function expecting a CustomerId without any complaint from the compiler.

  1. cid = oid // true
  2. // pass OrderId to function expecting a CustomerId
  3. add1ToCustomerId oid // CustomerId = 13

Ok, so that doesn’t look promising! What next?

Using units of measure

The other common option is to use units of measure to distinguish the two types, like this:

  1. type [<Measure>] CustomerIdUOM
  2. type [<Measure>] OrderIdUOM
  3. type CustomerId = int<CustomerIdUOM>
  4. type OrderId = int<OrderIdUOM>

CustomerId and OrderId are still two different types, but the unit of measure is erased, so by the time the JIT sees it the type looks like an primitive int.

We can see that this is true when we time the same steps as before:

  1. // create two silly functions for mapping and filtering
  2. let add1ToCustomerId id =
  3. id+1<CustomerIdUOM>
  4. let isCustomerIdSmall i =
  5. i < 100000<CustomerIdUOM>
  6. // ---------------------------------
  7. // timed with a 1 million element array
  8. // ---------------------------------
  9. #time
  10. Array.init 1000000 (fun i -> LanguagePrimitives.Int32WithMeasure<CustomerIdUOM> i)
  11. // map it
  12. |> add1ToCustomerId
  13. // map it again
  14. |> add1ToCustomerId
  15. // filter it
  16. |> Array.filter isCustomerIdSmall
  17. |> ignore
  18. #time

The code sample above is available on GitHub.

A typical timed result looks like this:

  1. Real: 00:00:00.022, CPU: 00:00:00.031, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0

Again, the code is very fast (22 milliseconds), and just as importantly, very little garbage was generated again.

If we increase the array size to 10 million, we maintain the high performance (just as with the type alias approach) and still no garbage:

  1. Real: 00:00:00.157, CPU: 00:00:00.156, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0

Problems with units of measure

The advantage of units of measure is that the CustomerId and OrderId types are incompatible, so we get the type safety that we want.

But I find them unsatisfactory from an esthetic point of view. I like my wrapper types!

And also, units of measure are really meant to be used with numeric values. For example, I can create a customer id and order id:

  1. let cid = 12<CustomerIdUOM>
  2. let oid = 4<OrderIdUOM>

and then I can divide CustomerId(12) by OrderId(4) to get three…

  1. let ratio = cid / oid
  2. // val ratio : int<CustomerIdUOM/OrderIdUOM> = 3

Three what though? Three customer ids per order id? What does that even mean?

Yes, surely this will never happen in practice, but still it bothers me!

Using compiler directives to get the best of both worlds

Did I mention that I really like wrapper types? I really like them up until I get a call saying that production systems are having performance hiccups because of too many big GCs.

So, can we get the best of both worlds? Type-safe wrapper types AND fast performance?

I think so, if you are willing to put up with some extra work during development and build.

The trick is to have both the “wrapper type” implemention and the “type alias” implementation available to you, and then switch between them based on a compiler directive.

For this to work:

  • you will need to tweak your code to not access the type directly, but only via functions and pattern matching.
  • you will need to create a “type alias” implementation that implements a “constructor”, various “getters” and for pattern matching, active patterns.

Here’s an example, using the COMPILED and INTERACTIVE directives so that you can play with it interactively.
Obviously, in real code, you would use your own directive such as FASTTYPES or similar.

  1. #if COMPILED // uncomment to use aliased version
  2. //#if INTERACTIVE // uncomment to use wrapped version
  3. // type is an wrapper for a primitive type
  4. type CustomerId = CustomerId of int
  5. // constructor
  6. let createCustomerId i = CustomerId i
  7. // get data
  8. let customerIdValue (CustomerId i) = i
  9. // pattern matching
  10. // not needed
  11. #else
  12. // type is an alias for a primitive type
  13. type CustomerId = int
  14. // constructor
  15. let inline createCustomerId i :CustomerId = i
  16. // get data
  17. let inline customerIdValue (id:CustomerId) = id
  18. // pattern matching
  19. let inline (|CustomerId|) (id:CustomerId) :int = id
  20. #endif

You can see that for both versions I’ve created a constructor createCustomerId and a getter customerIdValue and, for the type alias version, an active pattern that looks just like CustomerId.

With this code in place, we can use CustomerId without caring about the implementation:

  1. // test the getter
  2. let testGetter c1 c2 =
  3. let i1 = customerIdValue c1
  4. let i2 = customerIdValue c2
  5. printfn "Get inner value from customers %i %i" i1 i2
  6. // Note that the signature is as expected:
  7. // c1:CustomerId -> c2:CustomerId -> unit
  8. // test pattern matching
  9. let testPatternMatching c1 =
  10. let (CustomerId i) = c1
  11. printfn "Get inner value from Customers via pattern match: %i" i
  12. match c1 with
  13. | CustomerId i2 -> printfn "match/with %i" i
  14. // Note that the signature is as expected:
  15. // c1:CustomerId -> unit
  16. let test() =
  17. // create two ids
  18. let c1 = createCustomerId 1
  19. let c2 = createCustomerId 2
  20. let custArray : CustomerId [] = [| c1; c2 |]
  21. // test them
  22. testGetter c1 c2
  23. testPatternMatching c1

And now we can run the same micro-benchmark with both implementations:

  1. // create two silly functions for mapping and filtering
  2. let add1ToCustomerId (CustomerId i) =
  3. createCustomerId (i+1)
  4. let isCustomerIdSmall (CustomerId i) =
  5. i < 100000
  6. // ---------------------------------
  7. // timed with a 1 million element array
  8. // ---------------------------------
  9. #time
  10. Array.init 1000000 createCustomerId
  11. // map it
  12. |> add1ToCustomerId
  13. // map it again
  14. |> add1ToCustomerId
  15. // filter it
  16. |> Array.filter isCustomerIdSmall
  17. |> Array.length
  18. #time

The code sample above is available on GitHub.

The results are similar to the previous examples. The aliased version is much faster and does not create GC pressure:

  1. // results using wrapped version
  2. Real: 00:00:00.408, CPU: 00:00:00.405, GC gen0: 7, gen1: 4, gen2: 1
  3. // results using aliased version
  4. Real: 00:00:00.022, CPU: 00:00:00.031, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0

and for the 10 million element version:

  1. // results using wrapped version
  2. Real: 00:00:03.199, CPU: 00:00:03.354, GC gen0: 67, gen1: 45, gen2: 2
  3. // results using aliased version
  4. Real: 00:00:00.239, CPU: 00:00:00.202, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0

A more complex example

In practice, we might want something more complex than a simple wrapper.

For example, here is an EmailAddress (a simple wrapper type, but constrained to be non-empty and containing a “@”) and
some sort of Activity record that stores an email and the number of visits, say.

  1. module EmailAddress =
  2. // type with private constructor
  3. type EmailAddress = private EmailAddress of string
  4. // safe constructor
  5. let create s =
  6. if System.String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s) then
  7. None
  8. else if s.Contains("@") then
  9. Some (EmailAddress s)
  10. else
  11. None
  12. // get data
  13. let value (EmailAddress s) = s
  14. module ActivityHistory =
  15. open EmailAddress
  16. // type with private constructor
  17. type ActivityHistory = private {
  18. emailAddress : EmailAddress
  19. visits : int
  20. }
  21. // safe constructor
  22. let create email visits =
  23. {emailAddress = email; visits = visits }
  24. // get data
  25. let email {emailAddress=e} = e
  26. let visits {visits=a} = a

As before, for each type there is a constructor and a getter for each field.

NOTE: Normally I would define a type outside a module, but because the real constructor needs to be private,
I’ve put the type inside the module and given the module and the type the same name. If this is too awkward, you can rename the module to be different
from the type, or use the OCaml convention of calling the main type in a module just “T”, so you get EmailAddress.T as the type name.

To make a more performant version, we replace EmailAddress with a type alias, and Activity with a struct, like this:

  1. module EmailAddress =
  2. // aliased type
  3. type EmailAddress = string
  4. // safe constructor
  5. let inline create s :EmailAddress option =
  6. if System.String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s) then
  7. None
  8. else if s.Contains("@") then
  9. Some s
  10. else
  11. None
  12. // get data
  13. let inline value (e:EmailAddress) :string = e
  14. module ActivityHistory =
  15. open EmailAddress
  16. [<Struct>]
  17. type ActivityHistory(emailAddress : EmailAddress, visits : int) =
  18. member this.EmailAddress = emailAddress
  19. member this.Visits = visits
  20. // safe constructor
  21. let create email visits =
  22. ActivityHistory(email,visits)
  23. // get data
  24. let email (act:ActivityHistory) = act.EmailAddress
  25. let visits (act:ActivityHistory) = act.Visits

This version reimplements the constructor and a getter for each field.
I could have made the field names for ActivityHistory be the same in both cases too, but. in the struct case, type inference would not work.
By making them different, the user is forced to use the getter functions rather than dotting in.

Both implementations have the same “API”, so we can create code that works with both:

  1. let rand = new System.Random()
  2. let createCustomerWithRandomActivityHistory() =
  3. let emailOpt = EmailAddress.create ""
  4. match emailOpt with
  5. | Some email ->
  6. let visits = rand.Next(0,100)
  7. ActivityHistory.create email visits
  8. | None ->
  9. failwith "should not happen"
  10. let add1ToVisits activity =
  11. let email = activity
  12. let visits = ActivityHistory.visits activity
  13. ActivityHistory.create email (visits+1)
  14. let isCustomerInactive activity =
  15. let visits = ActivityHistory.visits activity
  16. visits < 3
  17. // execute creation and iteration for a large number of records
  18. let mapAndFilter noOfRecords =
  19. Array.init noOfRecords (fun _ -> createCustomerWithRandomActivity() )
  20. // map it
  21. |> add1ToVisits
  22. // map it again
  23. |> add1ToVisits
  24. // filter it
  25. |> Array.filter isCustomerInactive
  26. |> ignore // we don't actually care!

Pros and cons of this approach

One nice thing about this approach is that it is self-correcting — it forces you to use the “API” properly.

For example, if I started accessing fields directly by dotting into
the ActivityHistory record, then that code would break when the compiler directive was turned on and the struct implementation was used.

Of course, you could also create a signature file to enforce the API.

On the negative side, we do lose some of the nice syntax such as {rec with ...}.
But you should really only be using this technique with small records (2-3 fields), so not having with is not a big burden.

Timing the two implementations

Rather than using #time, this time I wrote a custom timer that runs a function 10 times and prints out the GC and memory used on each run.

  1. /// Do countN repetitions of the function f and print the
  2. /// time elapsed, number of GCs and change in total memory
  3. let time countN label f =
  4. let stopwatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch()
  5. // do a full GC at the start but NOT thereafter
  6. // allow garbage to collect for each iteration
  7. System.GC.Collect()
  8. printfn "Started"
  9. let getGcStats() =
  10. let gen0 = System.GC.CollectionCount(0)
  11. let gen1 = System.GC.CollectionCount(1)
  12. let gen2 = System.GC.CollectionCount(2)
  13. let mem = System.GC.GetTotalMemory(false)
  14. gen0,gen1,gen2,mem
  15. printfn "======================="
  16. printfn "%s (%s)" label WrappedOrAliased
  17. printfn "======================="
  18. for iteration in [1..countN] do
  19. let gen0,gen1,gen2,mem = getGcStats()
  20. stopwatch.Restart()
  21. f()
  22. stopwatch.Stop()
  23. let gen0',gen1',gen2',mem' = getGcStats()
  24. // convert memory used to K
  25. let changeInMem = (mem'-mem) / 1000L
  26. printfn "#%2i elapsed:%6ims gen0:%3i gen1:%3i gen2:%3i mem:%6iK" iteration stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds (gen0'-gen0) (gen1'-gen1) (gen2'-gen2) changeInMem

The code sample above is available on GitHub.

Let’s now run mapAndFilter with a million records in the array:

  1. let size = 1000000
  2. let label = sprintf "mapAndFilter: %i records" size
  3. time 10 label (fun () -> mapAndFilter size)

The results are shown below:

  1. =======================
  2. mapAndFilter: 1000000 records (Wrapped)
  3. =======================
  4. # 1 elapsed: 820ms gen0: 13 gen1: 8 gen2: 1 mem: 72159K
  5. # 2 elapsed: 878ms gen0: 12 gen1: 7 gen2: 0 mem: 71997K
  6. # 3 elapsed: 850ms gen0: 12 gen1: 6 gen2: 0 mem: 72005K
  7. # 4 elapsed: 885ms gen0: 12 gen1: 7 gen2: 0 mem: 72000K
  8. # 5 elapsed: 6690ms gen0: 16 gen1: 10 gen2: 1 mem:-216005K
  9. # 6 elapsed: 714ms gen0: 12 gen1: 7 gen2: 0 mem: 72003K
  10. # 7 elapsed: 668ms gen0: 12 gen1: 7 gen2: 0 mem: 71995K
  11. # 8 elapsed: 670ms gen0: 12 gen1: 7 gen2: 0 mem: 72001K
  12. # 9 elapsed: 6676ms gen0: 16 gen1: 11 gen2: 2 mem:-215998K
  13. #10 elapsed: 712ms gen0: 13 gen1: 7 gen2: 0 mem: 71998K
  14. =======================
  15. mapAndFilter: 1000000 records (Aliased)
  16. =======================
  17. # 1 elapsed: 193ms gen0: 7 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 25325K
  18. # 2 elapsed: 142ms gen0: 8 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 23779K
  19. # 3 elapsed: 143ms gen0: 8 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 23761K
  20. # 4 elapsed: 138ms gen0: 8 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 23745K
  21. # 5 elapsed: 135ms gen0: 7 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 25327K
  22. # 6 elapsed: 135ms gen0: 8 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 23762K
  23. # 7 elapsed: 137ms gen0: 8 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 23755K
  24. # 8 elapsed: 140ms gen0: 8 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 23777K
  25. # 9 elapsed: 174ms gen0: 7 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 25327K
  26. #10 elapsed: 180ms gen0: 8 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 23762K

Now this code no longer consists of only value types, so the profiling is getting muddier now!
The mapAndFilter function uses createCustomerWithRandomActivity which in turn uses Option, a reference type,
so there will be a large number of reference types being allocated. Just as in real life, it’s hard to keep things pure!

Even so, you can see that the wrapped version is slower than the aliased version (approx 800ms vs. 150ms) and creates more garbage on each iteration (approx 72Mb vs 24Mb)
and most importantly has two big GC pauses (in the 5th and 9th iterations), while the aliased version never even does a gen1 GC, let alone a gen2.

NOTE: The fact that aliased version is using up memory and yet there are no gen1s makes me a bit suspicious of these figures. I think they might be different if run outside of
F# interactive.

What about non-record types?

What if the type we want to optimise is a discriminated union rather than a record?

My suggestion is to turn the DU into a struct with a tag for each case, and fields for all possible data.

For example, let’s say that we have DU that classifies an Activity into Active and Inactive, and for the Active case we store the email and visits and for
the inactive case we only store the email:

  1. module Classification =
  2. open EmailAddress
  3. open ActivityHistory
  4. type Classification =
  5. | Active of EmailAddress * int
  6. | Inactive of EmailAddress
  7. // constructor
  8. let createActive email visits =
  9. Active (email,visits)
  10. let createInactive email =
  11. Inactive email
  12. // pattern matching
  13. // not needed

To turn this into a struct, I would do something like this:

  1. module Classification =
  2. open EmailAddress
  3. open ActivityHistory
  4. open System
  5. [<Struct>]
  6. type Classification(isActive : bool, email: EmailAddress, visits: int) =
  7. member this.IsActive = isActive
  8. member this.Email = email
  9. member this.Visits = visits
  10. // constructor
  11. let inline createActive email visits =
  12. Classification(true,email,visits)
  13. let inline createInactive email =
  14. Classification(false,email,0)
  15. // pattern matching
  16. let inline (|Active|Inactive|) (c:Classification) =
  17. if c.IsActive then
  18. Active (c.Email,c.Visits)
  19. else
  20. Inactive (c.Email)

Note that Visits is not used in the Inactive case, so is set to a default value.

Now let’s create a function that classifies the activity history, creates a Classification and then filters and extracts the email only for active customers.

  1. open Classification
  2. let createClassifiedCustomer activity =
  3. let email = activity
  4. let visits = ActivityHistory.visits activity
  5. if isCustomerInactive activity then
  6. Classification.createInactive email
  7. else
  8. Classification.createActive email visits
  9. // execute creation and iteration for a large number of records
  10. let extractActiveEmails noOfRecords =
  11. Array.init noOfRecords (fun _ -> createCustomerWithRandomActivityHistory() )
  12. // map to a classification
  13. |> createClassifiedCustomer
  14. // extract emails for active customers
  15. |> Array.choose (function
  16. | Active (email,visits) -> email |> Some
  17. | Inactive _ -> None )
  18. |> ignore

The code sample above is available on GitHub.

The results of profiling this function with the two different implementations are shown below:

  1. =======================
  2. extractActiveEmails: 1000000 records (Wrapped)
  3. =======================
  4. # 1 elapsed: 664ms gen0: 12 gen1: 6 gen2: 0 mem: 64542K
  5. # 2 elapsed: 584ms gen0: 14 gen1: 7 gen2: 0 mem: 64590K
  6. # 3 elapsed: 589ms gen0: 13 gen1: 7 gen2: 0 mem: 63616K
  7. # 4 elapsed: 573ms gen0: 11 gen1: 5 gen2: 0 mem: 69438K
  8. # 5 elapsed: 640ms gen0: 15 gen1: 7 gen2: 0 mem: 58464K
  9. # 6 elapsed: 4297ms gen0: 13 gen1: 7 gen2: 1 mem:-256192K
  10. # 7 elapsed: 593ms gen0: 14 gen1: 7 gen2: 0 mem: 64623K
  11. # 8 elapsed: 621ms gen0: 13 gen1: 7 gen2: 0 mem: 63689K
  12. # 9 elapsed: 577ms gen0: 11 gen1: 5 gen2: 0 mem: 69415K
  13. #10 elapsed: 609ms gen0: 15 gen1: 7 gen2: 0 mem: 58480K
  14. =======================
  15. extractActiveEmails: 1000000 records (Aliased)
  16. =======================
  17. # 1 elapsed: 254ms gen0: 32 gen1: 1 gen2: 0 mem: 33162K
  18. # 2 elapsed: 221ms gen0: 33 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 31532K
  19. # 3 elapsed: 196ms gen0: 32 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 33113K
  20. # 4 elapsed: 185ms gen0: 33 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 31523K
  21. # 5 elapsed: 187ms gen0: 33 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 31532K
  22. # 6 elapsed: 186ms gen0: 32 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 33095K
  23. # 7 elapsed: 191ms gen0: 33 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 31514K
  24. # 8 elapsed: 200ms gen0: 32 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 33096K
  25. # 9 elapsed: 189ms gen0: 33 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 31531K
  26. #10 elapsed: 3732ms gen0: 33 gen1: 1 gen2: 1 mem:-256432K

As before, the aliased/struct version is more performant, being faster and generating less garbage (although there was a GC pause at the end, oh dear).


Isn’t this a lot of work, creating two implementations?

Yes! I don’t think you should do this in general. This is just an experiment on my part.

I suggest that turning records and DUs into structs is a last resort, only done after you have eliminated all other bottlenecks first.

However, there may be a few special cases where speed and memory are critical, and then, perhaps, it might be worth doing something like this.

What are the downsides?

In addition to all the extra work and maintenance, you mean?

Well, because the types are essentially private, we do lose some of the nice syntax available when you have access to the internals of the type,
such as {rec with ...}, but as I said, you should really only be using this technique with small records anyway.

More importantly, value types like structs are not a silver bullet. They have their own problems.

For example, they can be slower when passed as arguments (because of copy-by-value) and you must be careful not to box them implicitly,
otherwise you end up doing allocations and creating garbage. Microsoft has guidelines on using classes vs structs,
but see also this commentary on breaking these guidelines and these rules.

What about using shadowing?

Shadowing is used when the client wants to use a different implementation. For example, you can
switch from unchecked to checked arithmetic by opening the Checked module.
More details here.

But that would not work here — I don’t want each client to decide which version of the type they will use. That would lead to all sorts of incompatibility problems.
Also, it’s not a per-module decision, it’s a decision based on deployment context.

What about more performant collection types?

I am using array everywhere as the collection type. If you want other high performing collections,
check out FSharpx.Collections or Funq collections.

You’ve mixed up allocations, mapping, filtering. What about a more fine-grained analysis?

I’m trying to keep some semblage of dignity after I said that micro-benchmarking was bad!

So, yes, I deliberately created a case with mixed usage and measured it as a whole rather than benchmarking each part separately.
Your usage scenarios will obviously be different, so I don’t think there’s any need to go deeper.

Also, I’m doing all my benchmarking in F# interactive. Compiled code with optimizations might have a completely different performance profile.

What other ways are there to increase performance?

Since F# is a .NET language, the performance tips for C# work for F# as well, standard stuff like:

  • Make all I/O async. Use streaming IO over random access IO if possible. Batch up your requests.
  • Check your algorithms. Anything worse than O(n log(n)) should be looked at.
  • Don’t do things twice. Cache as needed.
  • Keep things in the CPU cache by keeping objects in contiguous memory and avoiding too many deep reference (pointer) chains. Things that help with this are using arrays instead of lists, value types instead of reference types, etc.
  • Avoid pressure on the garbage collector by minimizing allocations. Avoid creating long-lived objects that survive gen0 collections.

To be clear, I don’t claim to be an expert on .NET performance and garbage collection. In fact, if you see something wrong with this analysis, please let me know!

Here are some sources that helped me:


“Keep it clean; keep it simple; aim to be elegant.”
Martin Thompson

This was a little experiment to see if I could have my cake and eat it too. Domain modelling using lots of types, but with the ability to get performance when needed in an elegant way.

I think that this is quite a nice solution, but as I said earlier, this optimization (and uglification)
should only ever be needed for a small number of heavily used core types that are allocated many millions of times.

Finally, I have not used this approach myself in a large production system (I’ve never needed to),
so I would be interested in getting feedback from people in the trenches on what they do.

The code samples used in this post are available on GitHub.