Option and Result

The types represent optional data:

  1. fn main() {
  2. let numbers = vec![10, 20, 30];
  3. let first: Option<&i8> = numbers.first();
  4. println!("first: {first:?}");
  5. let idx: Result<usize, usize> = numbers.binary_search(&10);
  6. println!("idx: {idx:?}");
  7. }
  • Option and Result are widely used not just in the standard library.
  • Option<&T> has zero space overhead compared to &T.
  • Result is the standard type to implement error handling as we will see on Day 3.
  • binary_search returns Result<usize, usize>.
    • If found, Result::Ok holds the index where the element is found.
    • Otherwise, Result::Err contains the index where such an element should be inserted.