Top Hits Aggregation

    top_hits 指标聚合器跟踪正在聚合的最相关文档。此聚合器旨在用作子聚合器,以便可以按桶聚合最匹配的文档。

    top_hits 聚合器可以有效地用于通过桶聚合器按特定字段对结果集进行分组。一个或多个存储桶聚合器确定结果集被切入的属性。


    • from - 要获取的第一个结果的偏移量。
    • size - 每个桶返回的最大匹配匹配数的最大数量。默认情况下,返回前三个匹配的结果。
    • sort - 如何对顶部匹配的结果进行排序。默认情况下,命中按主查询的分数排序。

    Supported per hit features 每个匹配功能支持

    top_hits 聚合返回常规搜索命中,因为可以支持许多每个命中功能:



    1. POST /sales/_search?size=0
    2. {
    3. "aggs": {
    4. "top_tags": {
    5. "terms": {
    6. "field": "type",
    7. "size": 3
    8. },
    9. "aggs": {
    10. "top_sales_hits": {
    11. "top_hits": {
    12. "sort": [
    13. {
    14. "date": {
    15. "order": "desc"
    16. }
    17. }
    18. ],
    19. "_source": {
    20. "includes": [ "date", "price" ]
    21. },
    22. "size" : 1
    23. }
    24. }
    25. }
    26. }
    27. }
    28. }


    1. {
    2. ...
    3. "aggregations": {
    4. "top_tags": {
    5. "doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,
    6. "sum_other_doc_count": 0,
    7. "buckets": [
    8. {
    9. "key": "hat",
    10. "doc_count": 3,
    11. "top_sales_hits": {
    12. "hits": {
    13. "total" : {
    14. "value": 3,
    15. "relation": "eq"
    16. },
    17. "max_score": null,
    18. "hits": [
    19. {
    20. "_index": "sales",
    21. "_type": "_doc",
    22. "_id": "AVnNBmauCQpcRyxw6ChK",
    23. "_source": {
    24. "date": "2015/03/01 00:00:00",
    25. "price": 200
    26. },
    27. "sort": [
    28. 1425168000000
    29. ],
    30. "_score": null
    31. }
    32. ]
    33. }
    34. }
    35. },
    36. {
    37. "key": "t-shirt",
    38. "doc_count": 3,
    39. "top_sales_hits": {
    40. "hits": {
    41. "total" : {
    42. "value": 3,
    43. "relation": "eq"
    44. },
    45. "max_score": null,
    46. "hits": [
    47. {
    48. "_index": "sales",
    49. "_type": "_doc",
    50. "_id": "AVnNBmauCQpcRyxw6ChL",
    51. "_source": {
    52. "date": "2015/03/01 00:00:00",
    53. "price": 175
    54. },
    55. "sort": [
    56. 1425168000000
    57. ],
    58. "_score": null
    59. }
    60. ]
    61. }
    62. }
    63. },
    64. {
    65. "key": "bag",
    66. "doc_count": 1,
    67. "top_sales_hits": {
    68. "hits": {
    69. "total" : {
    70. "value": 1,
    71. "relation": "eq"
    72. },
    73. "max_score": null,
    74. "hits": [
    75. {
    76. "_index": "sales",
    77. "_type": "_doc",
    78. "_id": "AVnNBmatCQpcRyxw6ChH",
    79. "_source": {
    80. "date": "2015/01/01 00:00:00",
    81. "price": 150
    82. },
    83. "sort": [
    84. 1420070400000
    85. ],
    86. "_score": null
    87. }
    88. ]
    89. }
    90. }
    91. }
    92. ]
    93. }
    94. }
    95. }

    Filed collapse example




    1. POST /sales/_search
    2. {
    3. "query": {
    4. "match": {
    5. "body": "elections"
    6. }
    7. },
    8. "aggs": {
    9. "top_sites": {
    10. "terms": {
    11. "field": "domain",
    12. "order": {
    13. "top_hit": "desc"
    14. }
    15. },
    16. "aggs": {
    17. "top_tags_hits": {
    18. "top_hits": {}
    19. },
    20. "top_hit" : {
    21. "max": {
    22. "script": {
    23. "source": "_score"
    24. }
    25. }
    26. }
    27. }
    28. }
    29. }
    30. }


    top_hits support in a nested or reverse_nested aggregator




    1. PUT /sales
    2. {
    3. "mappings": {
    4. "properties" : {
    5. "tags" : { "type" : "keyword" },
    6. "comments" : {
    7. "type" : "nested",
    8. "properties" : {
    9. "username" : { "type" : "keyword" },
    10. "comment" : { "type" : "text" }
    11. }
    12. }
    13. }
    14. }
    15. }

    comments :注释是一个数组,用于存放产品对象下的嵌套文档。


    1. PUT /sales/_doc/1?refresh
    2. {
    3. "tags": ["car", "auto"],
    4. "comments": [
    5. {"username": "baddriver007", "comment": "This car could have better brakes"},
    6. {"username": "dr_who", "comment": "Where's the autopilot? Can't find it"},
    7. {"username": "ilovemotorbikes", "comment": "This car has two extra wheels"}
    8. ]
    9. }


    1. POST /sales/_search
    2. {
    3. "query": {
    4. "term": { "tags": "car" }
    5. },
    6. "aggs": {
    7. "by_sale": {
    8. "nested" : {
    9. "path" : "comments"
    10. },
    11. "aggs": {
    12. "by_user": {
    13. "terms": {
    14. "field": "comments.username",
    15. "size": 1
    16. },
    17. "aggs": {
    18. "by_nested": {
    19. "top_hits":{}
    20. }
    21. }
    22. }
    23. }
    24. }
    25. }
    26. }


    1. {
    2. ...
    3. "aggregations": {
    4. "by_sale": {
    5. "by_user": {
    6. "buckets": [
    7. {
    8. "key": "baddriver007",
    9. "doc_count": 1,
    10. "by_nested": {
    11. "hits": {
    12. "total" : {
    13. "value": 1,
    14. "relation": "eq"
    15. },
    16. "max_score": 0.3616575,
    17. "hits": [
    18. {
    19. "_index": "sales",
    20. "_type" : "_doc",
    21. "_id": "1",
    22. "_nested": {
    23. "field": "comments", #@1
    24. "offset": 0 #@2
    25. },
    26. "_score": 0.3616575,
    27. "_source": {
    28. "comment": "This car could have better brakes", #@3
    29. "username": "baddriver007"
    30. }
    31. }
    32. ]
    33. }
    34. }
    35. }
    36. ...
    37. ]
    38. }
    39. }
    40. }
    41. }

    @1: 包含嵌套匹配的数组字段的名称
    @2: 如果嵌套命中包含在数组中,则定位
    @3: 嵌套命中的来源






    1. ...
    2. "hits": {
    3. "total" : {
    4. "value": 2565,
    5. "relation": "eq"
    6. },
    7. "max_score": 1,
    8. "hits": [
    9. {
    10. "_index": "a",
    11. "_type": "b",
    12. "_id": "1",
    13. "_score": 1,
    14. "_nested" : {
    15. "field" : "nested_child_field",
    16. "offset" : 1,
    17. "_nested" : {
    18. "field" : "nested_grand_child_field",
    19. "offset" : 0
    20. }
    21. }
    22. "_source": ...
    23. },
    24. ...
    25. ]
    26. }
    27. ...