HugeGraph Gremlin


HugeGraph supports Gremlin, a graph traversal query language of Apache TinkerPop3. While SQL is a query language for relational databases, Gremlin is a general-purpose query language for graph databases. Gremlin can be used to create entities (Vertex and Edge) of a graph, modify the properties of entities, delete entities, as well as perform graph queries.

Gremlin can be used to create entities (Vertex and Edge) of a graph, modify the properties of entities, and delete entities. More importantly, it can be used to perform graph querying and analysis operations.

TinkerPop Features

HugeGraph implements the TinkerPop framework, but not all TinkerPop features are implemented.

The table below lists the support status of various TinkerPop features in HugeGraph:

Graph Features

ComputerDetermines if the {@code Graph} implementation supports {@link GraphComputer} based processingfalse
TransactionsDetermines if the {@code Graph} implementations supports transactions.true
PersistenceDetermines if the {@code Graph} implementation supports persisting it’s contents natively to disk.This feature does not refer to every graph’s ability to write to disk via the Gremlin IO packages(.e.g. GraphML), unless the graph natively persists to disk via those options somehow. For example,TinkerGraph does not support this feature as it is a pure in-sideEffects graph.true
ThreadedTransactionsDetermines if the {@code Graph} implementation supports threaded transactions which allow a transaction be executed across multiple threads via {@link Transaction#createThreadedTx()}.false
ConcurrentAccessDetermines if the {@code Graph} implementation supports more than one connection to the same instance at the same time. For example, Neo4j embedded does not support this feature because concurrent access to the same database files by multiple instances is not possible. However, Neo4j HA could support this feature as each new {@code Graph} instance coordinates with the Neo4j cluster allowing multiple instances to operate on the same database.false

Vertex Features

UserSuppliedIdsDetermines if an {@link Element} can have a user defined identifier. Implementation that do not support this feature will be expected to auto-generate unique identifiers. In other words, if the {@link Graph} allows {@code graph.addVertex(id,x)} to work and thus set the identifier of the newly added {@link Vertex} to the value of {@code x} then this feature should return true. In this case, {@code x} is assumed to be an identifier data type that the {@link Graph} will accept.false
NumericIdsDetermines if an {@link Element} has numeric identifiers as their internal representation. In other words,if the value returned from {@link Element#id()} is a numeric value then this method should be return {@code true}. Note that this feature is most generally used for determining the appropriate tests to execute in the Gremlin Test Suite.false
StringIdsDetermines if an {@link Element} has string identifiers as their internal representation. In other words, if the value returned from {@link Element#id()} is a string value then this method should be return {@code true}. Note that this feature is most generally used for determining the appropriate tests to execute in the Gremlin Test Suite.false
UuidIdsDetermines if an {@link Element} has UUID identifiers as their internal representation. In other words,if the value returned from {@link Element#id()} is a {@link UUID} value then this method should be return {@code true}.Note that this feature is most generally used for determining the appropriate tests to execute in the Gremlin Test Suite.false
CustomIdsDetermines if an {@link Element} has a specific custom object as their internal representation.In other words, if the value returned from {@link Element#id()} is a type defined by the graph implementations, such as OrientDB’s {@code Rid}, then this method should be return {@code true}.Note that this feature is most generally used for determining the appropriate tests to execute in the Gremlin Test Suite.false
AnyIdsDetermines if an {@link Element} any Java object is a suitable identifier. TinkerGraph is a good example of a {@link Graph} that can support this feature, as it can use any {@link Object} as a value for the identifier. Note that this feature is most generally used for determining the appropriate tests to execute in the Gremlin Test Suite. This setting should only return {@code true} if {@link #supportsUserSuppliedIds()} is {@code true}.false
AddPropertyDetermines if an {@link Element} allows properties to be added. This feature is set independently from supporting “data types” and refers to support of calls to {@link Element#property(String, Object)}.true
RemovePropertyDetermines if an {@link Element} allows properties to be removed.true
AddVerticesDetermines if a {@link Vertex} can be added to the {@code Graph}.true
MultiPropertiesDetermines if a {@link Vertex} can support multiple properties with the same key.false
DuplicateMultiPropertiesDetermines if a {@link Vertex} can support non-unique values on the same key. For this value to be {@code true}, then {@link #supportsMetaProperties()} must also return true. By default this method, just returns what {@link #supportsMultiProperties()} returns.false
MetaPropertiesDetermines if a {@link Vertex} can support properties on vertex properties. It is assumed that a graph will support all the same data types for meta-properties that are supported for regular properties.false
RemoveVerticesDetermines if a {@link Vertex} can be removed from the {@code Graph}.true

Edge Features

UserSuppliedIdsDetermines if an {@link Element} can have a user defined identifier. Implementation that do not support this feature will be expected to auto-generate unique identifiers. In other words, if the {@link Graph} allows {@code graph.addVertex(id,x)} to work and thus set the identifier of the newly added {@link Vertex} to the value of {@code x} then this feature should return true. In this case, {@code x} is assumed to be an identifier data type that the {@link Graph} will accept.false
NumericIdsDetermines if an {@link Element} has numeric identifiers as their internal representation. In other words,if the value returned from {@link Element#id()} is a numeric value then this method should be return {@code true}. Note that this feature is most generally used for determining the appropriate tests to execute in the Gremlin Test Suite.false
StringIdsDetermines if an {@link Element} has string identifiers as their internal representation. In other words, if the value returned from {@link Element#id()} is a string value then this method should be return {@code true}. Note that this feature is most generally used for determining the appropriate tests to execute in the Gremlin Test Suite.false
UuidIdsDetermines if an {@link Element} has UUID identifiers as their internal representation. In other words,if the value returned from {@link Element#id()} is a {@link UUID} value then this method should be return {@code true}.Note that this feature is most generally used for determining the appropriate tests to execute in the Gremlin Test Suite.false
CustomIdsDetermines if an {@link Element} has a specific custom object as their internal representation.In other words, if the value returned from {@link Element#id()} is a type defined by the graph implementations, such as OrientDB’s {@code Rid}, then this method should be return {@code true}.Note that this feature is most generally used for determining the appropriate tests to execute in the Gremlin Test Suite.false
AnyIdsDetermines if an {@link Element} any Java object is a suitable identifier. TinkerGraph is a good example of a {@link Graph} that can support this feature, as it can use any {@link Object} as a value for the identifier. Note that this feature is most generally used for determining the appropriate tests to execute in the Gremlin Test Suite. This setting should only return {@code true} if {@link #supportsUserSuppliedIds()} is {@code true}.false
AddPropertyDetermines if an {@link Element} allows properties to be added. This feature is set independently from supporting “data types” and refers to support of calls to {@link Element#property(String, Object)}.true
RemovePropertyDetermines if an {@link Element} allows properties to be removed.true
AddEdgesDetermines if an {@link Edge} can be added to a {@code Vertex}.true
RemoveEdgesDetermines if an {@link Edge} can be removed from a {@code Vertex}.true

Data Type Features

MapValuesSupports setting of a {@code Map} value. The assumption is that the {@code Map} can contain arbitrary serializable values that may or may not be defined as a feature itselffalse
MixedListValuesSupports setting of a {@code List} value. The assumption is that the {@code List} can contain arbitrary serializable values that may or may not be defined as a feature itself. As this{@code List} is “mixed” it does not need to contain objects of the same type.false
UniformListValuesSupports setting of a {@code List} value. The assumption is that the {@code List} can contain arbitrary serializable values that may or may not be defined as a feature itself. As this{@code List} is “uniform” it must contain objects of the same type.false

Gremlin Steps

HugeGraph supports all steps of Gremlin. For complete reference information about Gremlin, please refer to the Gremlin official website.

addEAdd an edge between two vertices.addE step
addVadd vertices to graph.addV step
andMake sure all traversals return values.and step
asStep modulator for assigning variables to the step’s step
byStep Modulators used in conjunction with group and step
coalesceReturns the first traversal that returns a result.coalesce step
constantReturns a constant value. Used in conjunction with coalesce.constant step
countReturns a count from the traversal.count step
dedupReturns values with duplicates removed.dedup step
dropDiscards a value (vertex/edge).drop step
foldActs as a barrier for computing aggregated values from results.fold step
groupGroups values based on specified step
hasUsed to filter properties, vertices, and edges. Supports hasLabel, hasId, hasNot, and has variants.has step
injectInjects values into the stream.inject step
isUsed to filter by a Boolean step
limitUsed to limit the number of items in a traversal.limit step
localLocally wraps a part of a traversal, similar to a subquery.local step
notUsed to generate the negation result of a filter.not step
optionalReturns the result of a specified traversal if it generates any results, otherwise returns the calling element.optional step
orEnsures that at least one traversal returns a value.or step
orderReturns results in the specified order.order step
pathReturns the full path of the traversal.path step
projectProjects properties as a map.project step
propertiesReturns properties with specified step
rangeFilters based on a specified range of values.range step
repeatRepeats a step a specified number of times. Used for looping.repeat step
sampleUsed to sample results returned by the traversal.sample step
selectUsed to project the results returned by the step
storeThis step is used fo.r non-blocking aggregation of results returned by traversalstore step
treeAggregate the paths in vertices into a tree.tree step
unfoldUnfolds an iterator as a step.unfold step
unionMerge the results returned by multiple traversals.union step
VThese are the steps required for traversing between vertices and edges: V, E, out, in, both, outE, inE, bothE, outV, inV, bothV, and otherV.order step
whereUsed to filter the results returned by a traversal. Supports eq, neq, lt, lte, gt, gte, and between operators.where step

Last modified May 14, 2023: Update (#224) (20695829)