Calculating percentages in a query

InfluxQL lets you perform simple math equationswhich makes calculating percentages using two fields in a measurement pretty simple.However there are some caveats of which you need to be aware.

Basic calculations within a query

SELECT statements support the use of basic math operators such as +,-,/, *, (), etc.

  1. -- Add two field keys
  2. SELECT field_key1 + field_key2 AS "field_key_sum" FROM "measurement_name" WHERE time < now() - 15m
  3. -- Subtract one field from another
  4. SELECT field_key1 - field_key2 AS "field_key_difference" FROM "measurement_name" WHERE time < now() - 15m
  5. -- Grouping and chaining mathematical calculations
  6. SELECT (field_key1 + field_key2) - (field_key3 + field_key4) AS "some_calculation" FROM "measurement_name" WHERE time < now() - 15m

Calculating a percentage in a query

Using basic math functions, you can calculate a percentage by dividing one field valueby another and multiplying the result by 100:

  1. SELECT (field_key1 / field_key2) * 100 AS "calculated_percentage" FROM "measurement_name" WHERE time < now() - 15m

Calculating a percentage using aggregate functions

If using aggregate functions in your percentage calculation, all data must be referencedusing aggregate functions.You can’t mix aggregate and non-aggregate data.

All Aggregate functions need a GROUP BY time() clause defining the time intervalsin which data points are grouped and aggregated.

  1. SELECT (sum(field_key1) / sum(field_key2)) * 100 AS "calculated_percentage" FROM "measurement_name" WHERE time < now() - 15m GROUP BY time(1m)


Sample data

The following example uses simulated Apple Stand data that tracks the weight ofbaskets containing different varieties of apples throughout a day of business.

  1. influx -import -path=path/to/apple_stand.txt -precision=s -database=apple_stand

Calculating percentage of total weight per apple variety

The following query calculates the percentage of the total weight each varietyaccounts for at each given point in time.

  2. ("braeburn"/total_weight)*100,
  3. ("granny_smith"/total_weight)*100,
  4. ("golden_delicious"/total_weight)*100,
  5. ("fuji"/total_weight)*100,
  6. ("gala"/total_weight)*100
  7. FROM "apple_stand"."autogen"."variety"


If visualized as a stacked graphin Chronograf, it would look like:

Percentage of total per apple variety

Calculating aggregate percentage per variety

The following query calculates the average percentage of the total weight each varietyaccounts for per hour.

  2. (mean("braeburn")/mean(total_weight))*100,
  3. (mean("granny_smith")/mean(total_weight))*100,
  4. (mean("golden_delicious")/mean(total_weight))*100,
  5. (mean("fuji")/mean(total_weight))*100,
  6. (mean("gala")/mean(total_weight))*100
  7. FROM "apple_stand"."autogen"."variety"
  8. WHERE time >= '2018-06-18T12:00:00Z' AND time <= '2018-06-19T04:35:00Z'
  9. GROUP BY time(1h)

Note the following about this query:

  • It uses aggregate functions (mean()) for pulling all data.
  • It includes a GROUP BY time() clause which aggregates data into 1 hour blocks.
  • It includes an explicitly limited time window. Without it, aggregate functionsare very resource-intensive.

If visualized as a stacked graphin Chronograf, it would look like:

Hourly average percentage of total per apple variety