Get started with InfluxDB

This page documents an earlier version of InfluxDB. InfluxDB v2.7 is the latest stable version. View this page in the v2.7 documentation.

After you’ve installed InfluxDB OSS, you’re ready to get started. Explore the following ways to work with your data:

Note:* To run InfluxDB, start the influxd daemon (InfluxDB service) using the InfluxDB command line interface. Once you’ve started the influxd daemon, use localhost:8086 to log in to your InfluxDB instance.

To start InfluxDB, do the following:

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Type influxd in the command line.
  1. influxd

Collect and write data

Collect and write data to InfluxDB using the Telegraf plugins, the InfluxDB v2 API, the influx command line interface (CLI), the InfluxDB UI (the user interface for InfluxDB 2.3), or the InfluxDB v2 API client libraries.

Use Telegraf

Use Telegraf to quickly write data to . Create new Telegraf configurations automatically in the InfluxDB UI, or manually update an existing Telegraf configuration to send data to your instance.

For details, see Automatically configure Telegraf and Manually update Telegraf configurations.

Scrape data

InfluxDB OSS lets you scrape Prometheus-formatted metrics from HTTP endpoints. For details, see Scrape data.

API, CLI, and client libraries

For information about using the InfluxDB v2 API, influx CLI, and client libraries to write data, see Write data to InfluxDB.

Query data

Query data using Flux, the UI, and the influx command line interface. See Query data.

Process data

Use InfluxDB tasks to process and downsample data. See Process data.

Visualize data

Build custom dashboards to visualize your data. See Visualize data.

Monitor and alert

Monitor your data and sends alerts based on specified logic. See Monitor and alert.

InfluxDB University

InfluxDB Essentials

Learn how to write, query, and visualize data in InfluxDB in this free InfluxDB University course.

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