Delete secrets

This page documents an earlier version of InfluxDB. InfluxDB v2.7 is the latest stable version. View this page in the v2.7 documentation.

Delete secrets using the influx command line interface (CLI) or the InfluxDB API.

Delete a secret using the influx CLI

Use the influx secret delete command to delete a secret key-value pair from your organization. Provide the secret key to delete with the -k or --key flag.

  1. # Syntax
  2. influx secret delete -k <secret-key>
  3. # Example
  4. influx secret delete -k foo

Delete secrets using the InfluxDB API

Use the POST request method and the orgs/{orgID}/secrets/delete API endpoint to delete one or more secrets.

Include the following:

  • Your organization ID in the request URL
  • Your API token in the Authorization header
  • An array of secret keys to delete in the request body
  1. curl --request GET http://localhost:8086/api/v2/orgs/<org-id>/secrets/delete \
  2. --header 'Authorization: Token YOURAUTHTOKEN' \
  3. --data '{
  4. "secrets": [
  5. "<secret-key>"
  6. ]
  7. }'

secrets security