Front matter

The front matter is YAML code in between triple-dashed lines at the top of each file and provides important management options for our content. For example, the front matter allows us to ensure that existing links continue to work for pages that are moved or deleted entirely. This page explains the features currently available for front matters in Istio.

The following example shows a front matter with all the required fields filled by placeholders:

  1. ---
  2. title: <title>
  3. description: <description>
  4. weight: <weight>
  5. keywords: [<keyword1>,<keyword2>,...]
  6. aliases:
  7. - <previously-published-at-this-URL>
  8. ---

You can copy the example above and replace all the placeholders with the appropriate values for your page.

Required front matter fields

The following table shows descriptions for all the required fields:

titleThe page’s title.
descriptionA one-line description of the content on the page.
weightThe order of the page relative to the other pages in the directory.
keywordsThe keywords on the page. Hugo uses this list to create the links under “See Also”.
aliasesPast URLs where the page was published. See Renaming, moving, or deleting pages below for details on this item

Rename, move, or delete pages

When you move pages or delete them completely, you must ensure that the existing links to those pages continue to work. The aliases field in the front matter helps you meet this requirement. Add the path to the page before the move or deletion to the aliases field. Hugo implements automatic redirects from the old URL to the new URL for our users.

On the target page, which is the page where you want users to land, add the <path> of the original page to the front-matter as follows:

  1. aliases:
  2. - <path>

For example, you could find our FAQ page in the past under /help/faq. To help our users find the FAQ page, we moved the page one level up to /faq/ and changed the front matter as follows:

  1. ---
  2. title: Frequently Asked Questions
  3. description: Questions Asked Frequently.
  4. weight: 13
  5. aliases:
  6. - /help/faq
  7. ---

The change above allows any user to access the FAQ when they visit or

Multiple redirects are supported, for example:

  1. ---
  2. title: Frequently Asked Questions
  3. description: Questions Asked Frequently.
  4. weight: 13
  5. aliases:
  6. - /faq
  7. - /faq2
  8. - /faq3
  9. ---

Optional front matter fields

However, Hugo supports many front matter fields and this page only covers those implemented on

The following table shows the most commonly used optional fields:

linktitleA shorter version of the title that is used for links to the page.
subtitleA subtitle displayed below the main title.
iconA path to the image that appears next to the title.
draftIf true, the page is not shown in the site’s navigation.
skip_bylineIf true, Hugo doesn’t show a byline under the main title.
skip_seealsoIf true, Hugo doesn’t generate a “See also” section for the page.

Some front matter fields control the auto-generated table of contents (ToC). The following table shows the fields and explains how to use them:

skip_tocIf true, Hugo doesn’t generate a ToC for the page.
force_inline_tocIf true, Hugo inserts an auto-generated ToC in the text instead of in the sidebar to the right.
max_toc_levelSets the heading levels used in the ToC. Values can go from 2 to 6.
remove_toc_prefixHugo removes this string from the beginning of every entry in the ToC

Some front matter fields only apply to so-called bundle pages. You can identify bundle pages because their file names begin with an underscore _, for example In Istio, we use bundle pages as our section landing pages. The following table shows the front matter fields pertinent to bundle pages.

skip_listIf true, Hugo doesn’t auto-generate the content tiles of a section page.
simple_listIf true, Hugo uses a simple list for the auto-generated content of a section page.
list_belowIf true, Hugo inserts the auto-generated content below the manually-written content.
list_by_publishdateIf true, Hugo sorts the auto-generated content by publication date, instead of by weight.

Similarly, some front matter fields apply specifically to blog posts. The following table shows those fields:

publishdateDate of the post’s original publication
last_updateDate when the post last received a major revision
attributionOptional name of the post’s author
twitterOptional Twitter handle of the post’s author
target_releaseThe release used on this blog. Normally, this value is the current major Istio release at the time the blog is authored or updated.