Kubernetes Gateway API

This task describes how to configure Istio to expose a service outside of the service mesh cluster, using the Kubernetes Gateway API. These APIs are an actively developed evolution of the Kubernetes Service and Ingress APIs.


  1. Install the Gateway API CRDs:

    1. $ kubectl kustomize "github.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/config/crd?ref=v0.3.0" | kubectl apply -f -
  2. Install Istio:

    1. $ istioctl install
  3. Follow the instructions in the Determining the ingress IP and ports sections of the Ingress Gateways task in order to retrieve the external IP address of your ingress gateway.

Configuring a Gateway

See the Gateway API documentation for information about the APIs.

  1. Deploy a test application:


    1. $ kubectl apply -f @samples/httpbin/httpbin.yaml@
  2. Deploy the Gateway API configuration:

    1. $ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    2. apiVersion: networking.x-k8s.io/v1alpha1
    3. kind: GatewayClass
    4. metadata:
    5. name: istio
    6. spec:
    7. controller: istio.io/gateway-controller
    8. ---
    9. apiVersion: networking.x-k8s.io/v1alpha1
    10. kind: Gateway
    11. metadata:
    12. name: gateway
    13. namespace: istio-system
    14. spec:
    15. gatewayClassName: istio
    16. listeners:
    17. - hostname: "*"
    18. port: 80
    19. protocol: HTTP
    20. routes:
    21. namespaces:
    22. from: All
    23. selector:
    24. matchLabels:
    25. selected: "yes"
    26. kind: HTTPRoute
    27. ---
    28. apiVersion: networking.x-k8s.io/v1alpha1
    29. kind: HTTPRoute
    30. metadata:
    31. name: http
    32. namespace: default
    33. labels:
    34. selected: "yes"
    35. spec:
    36. gateways:
    37. allow: All
    38. hostnames: ["httpbin.example.com"]
    39. rules:
    40. - matches:
    41. - path:
    42. type: Prefix
    43. value: /get
    44. filters:
    45. - type: RequestHeaderModifier
    46. requestHeaderModifier:
    47. add:
    48. my-added-header: added-value
    49. forwardTo:
    50. - serviceName: httpbin
    51. port: 8000
    52. EOF
  3. Access the httpbin service using curl:

    1. $ curl -s -I -HHost:httpbin.example.com "http://$INGRESS_HOST:$INGRESS_PORT/get"
    2. HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    3. server: istio-envoy
    4. ...

    Note the use of the -H flag to set the Host HTTP header to “httpbin.example.com”. This is needed because the HTTPRoute is configured to handle “httpbin.example.com”, but in your test environment you have no DNS binding for that host and are simply sending your request to the ingress IP.

  4. Access any other URL that has not been explicitly exposed. You should see an HTTP 404 error:

    1. $ curl -s -I -HHost:httpbin.example.com "http://$INGRESS_HOST:$INGRESS_PORT/headers"
    2. HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    3. ...