jcli job build

jcli job build

Build the job of your Jenkins


Build the job of your Jenkins. You need to give the parameters if your pipeline has them. Learn more about it from https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/syntax/#parameters.

  1. jcli job build <jobName> [flags]


  1. -b, --batch Batch mode, no need confirm
  2. -h, --help help for build
  3. --param string Parameters of the job which is JSON format
  4. --param-entry stringArray Parameters of the job which are the entry format, for example: --param-entry name=value

Options inherited from parent commands

  1. --config-load If load a default config file (default true)
  2. --configFile string 指定另外一个配置文件
  3. --debug Print the output into debug.html
  4. --doctor Run the diagnose for current command
  5. --insecureSkipVerify If skip insecure skip verify (default true)
  6. -j, --jenkins string 选择本次执行的 Jenkins
  7. --logger-level string Logger level which could be: debug, info, warn, error (default "warn")
  8. -o, --output string Format the output (default "json")
  9. --proxy string The proxy of connection to Jenkins
  10. --proxy-auth string The auth of proxy of connection to Jenkins
  11. --proxy-disable Disable proxy setting
  12. --token string The token of Jenkins
  13. --url string The URL of Jenkins
  14. --username string The username of Jenkins


  • jcli job - Manage the job of your Jenkins