Kotlin 动手实践

A series of hands-on tutorials where you can create applications with Kotlin using a variety of different technologies and targeting multiple platforms. The exercises are divided into a series of steps, walking you through each section.

Building Reactive Spring Boot applications with Kotlin coroutines and RSocket

Build a simple chat application using Spring Boot and Kotlin, and learn about the benefits of using Kotlin for server-side development from a syntax perspective.


Building web applications with React and Kotlin/JS

Create a React Application using Kotlin/JS, and see how you can leverage Kotlin’s type system, library ecosystem, and interoperability features.


Building web applications with Spring Boot and Kotlin

Build a sample blog application by combining the power of Spring Boot and Kotlin.


Creating HTTP APIs with Ktor

Create a backend API for your application that responds to HTTP requests.


Creating a WebSocket chat with Ktor

Create a simple Chat application using Ktor including both a JVM server and a JVM client.


Creating an interactive website with Ktor

Learn how to serve files, use templating engines such as Freemarker and the kotlinx.html DSL, and work with form input from Ktor.


Building a full stack web app with Kotlin Multiplatform

Create an application with Kotlin/JVM and Kotlin/JS, and explore topics around code sharing, serialization, server- and client-side development.


Introduction to Kotlin coroutines and channels

Learn about coroutines in Kotlin and how you can communicate between them using channels.


Introduction to Kotlin/Native

Create a simple HTTP client that can run natively on multiple platforms using Kotlin/Native and libcurl.


Introduction to Kotlin/Native concurrency

Learn about the concurrency model in Kotlin/Native, and how to work with state in a multithreaded environment.


Kotlin Multiplatform: networking and data storage

Learn how to create a mobile application for Android and iOS using Kotlin Multiplatform with Ktor and SQLDelight.


Targeting iOS and Android with Kotlin Multiplatform

Learn how to create a mobile application that can target both iOS and Android using Kotlin Multiplatform.
