ks env list

List all environments in a ksonnet application


The list command lists all of the available environments for the
current ksonnet app. Specifically, this will display the (1) name,
(2) server, and (3) namespace of each environment.

  • ks env add — Add a new environment to a ksonnet application
  • ks env set — Set environment-specific fields (name, namespace, server)
  • ks env rm — Delete an environment from a ksonnet application


  1. ks env list [flags]


  1. -h, --help help for list
  2. -o, --output string Output format. Valid options: table|json

Options inherited from parent commands

  1. --dir string Ksonnet application root to use; Defaults to CWD
  2. --tls-skip-verify Skip verification of TLS server certificates
  3. -v, --verbose count Increase verbosity. May be given multiple times.


  • ks env - Manage ksonnet environments