ks param set

Change component or environment parameters (e.g. replica count, name)


The set command sets component or environment parameters such as replica count
or name. Parameters are set individually, one at a time. All of these changes are
reflected in the params.libsonnet files.

For more details on how parameters are organized, see ks param --help.

(If you need to customize multiple parameters at once, we suggest that you modify
your ksonnet application’s components/params.libsonnet file directly. Likewise,
for greater customization of environment parameters, we suggest modifying the
environments/:name/params.libsonnet file.)

  • ks param diff — Display differences between the component parameters of two environments
  • ks apply — Apply local Kubernetes manifests (components) to remote clusters


  1. ks param set <component-name> <param-key> <param-value> [flags]


  1. # Update the replica count of the 'guestbook' component to 4.
  2. ks param set guestbook replicas 4
  3. # Update the replica count of the 'guestbook' component to 2, but only for the
  4. # 'dev' environment
  5. ks param set guestbook replicas 2 --env=dev


  1. --as-string Force value to be interpreted as string
  2. --env string Specify environment to set parameters for
  3. -h, --help help for set
  4. --resolve-image Resolve Docker image tag to reference

Options inherited from parent commands

  1. --dir string Ksonnet application root to use; Defaults to CWD
  2. --tls-skip-verify Skip verification of TLS server certificates
  3. -v, --verbose count Increase verbosity. May be given multiple times.


  • ks param - Manage ksonnet parameters for components and environments