
Principle of Test

Generally, there are three types of test cases:

  • unit test
  • integration test, with mocking api for test
  • end to end(e2e) test

Each of them brings us different gains and pains. We should follow the principles below for better development life.

The main purposes of writing and maintaining unit tests are:

  • Explicit: ensure that the function behavior meets the design expectations.
  • Implicit: facilitates more reasonable code structure and interface-oriented programming.

Test target of a unit test is a class or a segment of algorithm code. In theory, functions with relatively independent logic should has at least one unit test case (except for getter and setter).

Basic principles for writing a single test are:

  • Keep It Simple and Stupid.
  • One case covers only one scenario.
  • Mock tools (such as golang/mock) are powerful, but NOT recommended. When you think you have to introduce mocking to unit test, what you really need is Integration test or event e2e test。

Single test requires high efficiency. For example, during code refactoring, after a function logic is modified, unit test of the entire module may be triggered to ensure that the modification meets expectations.

The propose of integration test is to setup parts of highly associated modules in a system, test is to ensure the interaction between modules within expectations.

Let’s use an example to learn how it works. In KubeVela project, integration tests are mainly divided into two categories:

  • The vela core controller. You need to add corresponding tests for major processes such as render, orchestrate, and deploy the CRD results into Kubernetes. In this case, you will have a mock server for Kubernetes API, then you can add tests to cover all these automated logic without the real Kubernetes and the other CRD controllers running.
  • Addons, such as velaux, apiserver and cli. You can add corresponding tests like creating, destroying, and updating an Application without the controller really acting.

Integration test of the core part don’t care about how CRD working. Therefore, it can mock the CRD controller behavior to speed up the test efficiency. While the outside CLI don’t care about how applications acted, they just not to ensure the application has the correct spec.

The propose of e2e test is to simulate the user’s real behavior, suitable for verification of the whole project.

We recommend e2e test to be added in the following situations:

  • To interact with upstream and downstream projects, for example:
    1. The application controller should interact with rollout and workload for progressive rollout.
    2. The CLI relies on the controller to response for next actions in one command.
  • Core Feature/Scenario: each core feature or scenario must has at least one e2e test case.

The purpose of the test is to ensure the quality of continuous software delivery, with emphasis on the word “continuous”. It is necessary to ensure not only the quality of the current delivery, but also the quality of future software delivery. It is particularly important to make good use of the respective advantages of the three test types and combine them to ensure the overall quality of the software.

Time consumed RunningTest StabilityCan simulate User behavior
integration testmiddiummiddiumalmost
e2e testmuchlowyes

Time consumed running is easy to understand here. A larger scale of software ability one test covering, the more time environment preparation and case running will cost. As a result, the testing efficiency is also lower. In terms of stability, the larger the case coverage scale is, the more problems it may encounter, and some of the problems are not the real bugs we want to discover, but merely noises. In simulating real user behavior, only e2e can cover end-to-end to ensure that the entire link can work together.

As for the long-term value, it refers to the value of the existing case in the continuous software iteration process. For unit test, during code refactoring, it is adjusted with the adjustment of class and function, the code base is consistent with the hot spots in software iteration and continues to evolve.

However, integration/e2e test is usually split into subsystem boundaries, whose external interfaces are relatively stable (there are very few functional changes during the software iteration of distributed systems, generally forward compatibility), integration/e2e test code base is relatively stable, which is very important in the future evolution of the system. It can timely discover whether new functions damage existing functions. ​

Combined with the characteristics of all three, the best way to balance is to comply with the pyramid model. The chassis is unittest, the middle is integration test, and the top layer is e2e. ​

  1. \
  2. / \
  3. / \
  4. / \
  5. / e2e \
  6. /----------
  7. / \
  8. /intergeration\
  9. / \
  10. /-----------------\
  11. / \
  12. / unit-test \
  13. / \
  14. ---------------------------

KubeVela would like to follow the 70/20/10 principle. that is, 70% unittest,20% integration test, and 10% e2e test. Each module has some differences. However, the higher the upper layer, the larger the test coverage, but the smaller the test case set. This pyramid model remains unchanged. The following situations need to be avoided: ​

  • Inverted pyramid, all rely on e2e to build the test
  • Funnel model, a large number of unit + e2e test, but no integration test

It’s hard to keep the test quality as we mainly focus on features instead of the stability. But for all of our maintainers, it’s our duty to keep the test in good quality to make the community running well in the long term.

Last updated on 2022年11月1日 by Tianxin Dong