
A Kubernetes operator for Apache Flink(https://github.com/apache/flink-kubernetes-operator), it allows users to manage Flink applications and their lifecycle through native k8s tooling like kubectl.

  1. vela addon enable flink-kubernetes-operator
  1. vela addon disable flink-kubernetes-operator

Since this addon dependents fluxcd and cert-manager addon, so will enable them automatically. Check the status of them:

  1. $ vela ls -n vela-system
  3. addon-cert-manager cert-manager helm running healthy Fetch repository successfully, Create helm release 2022-06-16 11:50:19 +0800 CST
  4. successfully
  5. addon-flink-kubernetes-operator flink-namespace raw running healthy 2022-06-16 11:50:20 +0800 CST
  6. └─ flink-operator helm running healthy Fetch repository successfully, Create helm release 2022-06-16 11:50:20 +0800 CST
  7. successfully
  8. addon-fluxcd flux-system-namespace raw running healthy 2022-06-16 11:47:07 +0800 CST
  9. └─ fluxcd-resources k8s-objects running healthy 2022-06-16 11:47:07 +0800 CST

Show the component type flink-cluster, so we know how to use it in one application. As a Flink user, you can choose the parameter to set for your Flink cluster

  1. vela show flink-cluster
  2. # Specification
  3. # Specification
  4. +--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+----------+---------+
  6. +--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+----------+---------+
  7. | name | Specify the flink cluster name. | string | true | |
  8. | namespace | Specify the namespace for flink cluster to install. | string | true | |
  9. | nots | Specify the taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots, e.g "2". | string | true | |
  10. | flinkVersion | Specify the flink cluster version, e.g "v1_14". | string | true | |
  11. | image | Specify the image for flink cluster to run, e.g "flink:latest". | string | true | |
  12. | jarURI | Specify the uri for the jar of the flink cluster job, e.g | string | true | |
  13. | | "local:///opt/flink/examples/streaming/StateMachineExample.jar". | | | |
  14. | parallelism | Specify the parallelism of the flink cluster job, e.g 2. | int | true | |
  15. | upgradeMode | Specify the upgradeMode of the flink cluster job, e.g "stateless". | string | true | |
  16. | replicas | Specify the replicas of the flink cluster jobManager, e.g 1. | int | true | |
  17. | jmcpu | Specify the cpu of the flink cluster jobManager, e.g 1. | int | true | |
  18. | jmmem | Specify the memory of the flink cluster jobManager, e.g "1024m". | string | true | |
  19. | tmcpu | Specify the cpu of the flink cluster taskManager, e.g 1. | int | true | |
  20. | tmmem | Specify the memory of the flink cluster taskManager, e.g "1024m". | string | true | |
  21. +--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+----------+---------+

First please make sure your cluster already exists namespace flink-cluster.

Then deploy the application:

  1. cat <<EOF | vela up -f -
  2. apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
  3. kind: Application
  4. metadata:
  5. name: flink-app-v1
  6. namespace: vela-system
  7. spec:
  8. components:
  9. - name: my-flink-component
  10. type: flink-cluster
  11. properties:
  12. name: my-flink-cluster
  13. namespace: flink-cluster
  14. nots: '2'
  15. flinkVersion: v1_14
  16. image: flink:latest
  17. jarURI: local:///opt/flink/examples/streaming/StateMachineExample.jar
  18. parallelism: 2
  19. upgradeMode: stateless
  20. replicas: 1
  21. jmcpu: 1
  22. jmmem: 1024m
  23. tmcpu: 1
  24. tmmem: 1024m

Check the flink cluster

  1. vela ls -n vela-system | grep app
  2. flink-app-v1 my-flink-component flink-cluster running healthy 2022-07-30 18:53:34 +0800 CST

Accesss the flink cluster by website using http://localhost:8888

  1. kubectl get svc -n flink-cluster | grep rest
  2. my-flink-cluster-rest ClusterIP <none> 8081/TCP 17m
  3. kubectl port-forward service/my-flink-cluster-rest 8888:8081 -n flink-cluster
  4. Forwarding from -> 8081

Last updated on Aug 4, 2023 by Daniel Higuero