Uninstalling Linkerd

Removing Linkerd from a Kubernetes cluster requires two steps: removing anydata plane proxies, and then removing the control plane.

Removing Linkerd data plane proxies

To remove the Linkerd data plane proxies, you should remove any Linkerd proxyinjection annotations and roll the deployments.When Kubernetes recreates the pods, they will not have the Linkerd data planeattached.

Removing the control plane

NoteUninstallating the control plane requires cluster-wide permissions.

To remove the control plane, run:

  1. linkerd install --ignore-cluster | kubectl delete -f -

The linkerd install command outputs the manifest for all of the Kubernetesresources necessary for the control plane, including namespaces, serviceaccounts, CRDs, and more; kubectl delete then deletes those resources.

This command can also be used to remove control planes that have been partiallyinstalled. Note that kubectl delete will complain about any resources that itwas asked to delete that hadn’t been created, but these errors can be safelyignored.