Configuring Retries

In order for Linkerd to do automatic retries of failures, there are twoquestions that need to be answered:

  • Which requests should be retried?
  • How many times should the requests be retried?Both of these questions can be answered by specifying a bit of extra informationin the service profile for the service you’resending requests to.

The reason why these pieces of configuration are required is because retries canpotentially be dangerous. Automatically retrying a request that changes state(e.g. a request that submits a financial transaction) could potentially impactyour user’s experience negatively. In addition, retries increase the load onyour system. A set of services that have requests being constantly retriedcould potentially get taken down by the retries instead of being allowed timeto recover.

Check out the retries section of the books demo for atutorial of how to configure retries.


For routes that are idempotent and don’t have bodies, you can edit the serviceprofile and add isRetryable to the retryable route:

  1. spec:
  2. routes:
  3. - name: GET /api/annotations
  4. condition:
  5. method: GET
  6. pathRegex: /api/annotations
  7. isRetryable: true ### ADD THIS LINE ###

Retry Budgets

A retry budget is a mechanism that limits the number of retries that can beperformed against a service as a percentage of original requests. Thisprevents retries from overwhelming your system. By default, retries may add atmost an additional 20% to the request load (plus an additional 10 “free”retries per second). These settings can be adjusted by setting a retryBudgeton your service profile.

  1. spec:
  2. retryBudget:
  3. retryRatio: 0.2
  4. minRetriesPerSecond: 10
  5. ttl: 10s