Dashboard and Grafana

In addition to its command-line interface, Linkerd provides a webdashboard and pre-configured Grafana dashboards.

Linkerd Dashboard

The Linkerd dashboard provides a high level view of what is happening with yourservices in real time. It can be used to view the “golden” metrics (successrate, requests/second and latency), visualize service dependencies andunderstand the health of specific service routes. One way to pull it up is byrunning linkerd dashboard from the command line.

Top Line Metrics)Top Line Metrics


As a component of the control plane, Grafana provides actionable dashboards foryour services out of the box. It is possible to see high level metrics and digdown into the details, even for pods.

The dashboards that are provided out of the box include:

Top Line Metrics)Top Line Metrics

Deployment Detail)Deployment Detail

Pod Detail)Pod Detail

Linkerd Health)Linkerd Health