
Thanks for making it to the end of the Little ASP.NET Core Book! There’s a lot more to ASP.NET Core can do that couldn’t fit in this short book, including

  • building RESTful APIs and microservices
  • using ASP.NET Core with single-page apps like Angular and React
  • Razor Pages
  • bundling and minifying static assets
  • WebSockets

I write about many of these topics on my blog:

The official ASP.NET Core documentation also covers these topics, and more:

Happy coding!

About the author

Hey, I’m Nate! I wrote the Little ASP.NET Core Book in a caffeine-fueled weekend because I love the .NET community and wanted to give back in my own little way. I hope it helped you learn something new!

You can stay in touch with me on Twitter (@nbarbettini) or on my blog (

Special thanks

To Jennifer, who always supports my crazy ideas.

To the following contributors who improved the Little ASP.NET Core Book:

  • 0xNF

To these amazing polyglot programmers who translated the Little ASP.NET Core Book:

  • sahinyanlik (Turkish)
  • windsting, yuyi (Simplified Chinese)


1.0.4 (2018-01-15): Added explanation of service container lifecycles, clarified server ports and the -o flag, and removed semicolons after Razor directives. Corrected Chinese translation author credit. Fixed other small typos and issues noticed by readers.

1.0.3 (2017-11-13): Typo fixes and small improvements suggested by readers.

1.0.2 (2017-10-20): More bug fixes and small improvements. Added link to translations.

1.0.1 (2017-09-23): Bug fixes and small improvements.

1.0.0 (2017-09-18): Initial release.