filesource listener

The monitoring of real-time file collection indicates the progress and status of the current log collection, including the file name, collection progress, and QPS.


periodtime.Durationfalse10sThe interval at which listener consumes and processes data.


    • pipeline: Indicates the name of the pipeline where it is located.
    • source: Indicates the name of the source where it is located.
    • filename: indicates the file name.


  1. # HELP file size
  2. # TYPE loggie_filesource_file_size gauge
  3. loggie_filesource_file_size{pipeline="xxx", source="access", filename="/var/log/a.log"} 2048
  • HELP: Indicates the file size of a current log file when it is collected.
  • TYPE: gauge


  1. # HELP file offset
  2. # TYPE loggie_filesource_file_offset gauge
  3. loggie_filesource_file_offset{pipeline="xxx", source="access", filename="/var/log/a.log"} 1024
  • HELP: Indicates the current progress of a log file being collected, the offset of the current file being read.
  • TYPE: gauge


  1. # HELP current read line number
  2. # TYPE loggie_filesource_line_number gauge
  3. loggie_filesource_line_number{pipeline="xxx", source="access", filename="/var/log/a.log"} 20
  • HELP: Indicates the number of lines currently read when a log file is currently being collected
  • TYPE: gauge


  1. # HELP current read line qps
  2. # TYPE loggie_filesource_line_qps gauge
  3. loggie_filesource_line_qps{pipeline="xxx", source="access", filename="/var/log/a.log"} 48
  • HELP: Indicates the number of lines read per second when a log file is currently being collected
  • TYPE: gauge