Local Development

How to develop and debug Loggie locally.

Local Project

Golang Development Environment

Loggie is written in Golang, please make sure you have Golang development environment.

  1. go version


Please use your own GitHub account to fork Loggie. Then git clone it to local.

  1. git clone git@github.com:<Account>/loggie.git

Local Environment

Under normal circumstances, there are no special local dependencies.

For different scenarios, you need to install or use external dependencies according to specific situations.

It is recommended to use Kubernetes locally for deployment and management.


Build Kubernetes

Kind is recommended.

Deploy Dependent Components

Helm is recommended. Related components can be added and deployed using public Helm repository.

Local Loggie Connects to Kubernetes

If you need to use CRDs such as LogConfig, or debug in Kubernetes, you need to enable Kubernetes Discovery in the system configuration.


  1. discovery:
  2. enabled: true
  3. kubernetes:
  4. kubeconfig: ${home}/.kube/config

Specify kubeconfig to connect to local Kubernetes APIServer.

In addition, Loggie in the form of Agent will only monitor the Kubernetes Pod events of this node. You need to add -meta.nodeName in the Loggie CMD arguments to simulate the node where it is located.

For example, you can kubectl get node to view all node names:

  2. kind-control-plane Ready master 2y50d v1.21.0

Add -meta.nodeName=kind-control-plane in CMD arguments, so that Loggie can be considered to be deployed on the specific node after startup.

Verify and Debug

After Loggie is started by default, the output log format is JSON. If you are not used to it, you can add -log.jsonFormat=false in CMD arguments to turn it off.

Try to use dev method locally, and make reasonable use of dev source and dev sink. for example:

  • To develop source, configure dev sink for local verification
  • To develop sink, configure dev source to simulate input or configure file source to collect local files
  • To develop an interceptor, configure both dev source and dev sink for simulation

Example: In pipelines, use dev sink to see the final output of the data sent to downstream.


  1. sink:
  2. type: "dev"
  3. printEvents: true
  4. codec:
  5. pretty: true