MatrixOne Server Setting

To launch a MatrixOne instance, a configuration file is required. The configuration file will be generated in make config, it’s located in matrixone/system_vars_config.toml file.

The settings are listed as below:

General Settings

ParameterTypeDefault ValueRangeFunctionality
rootpasswordstring“”string valuepassword for root user
dumpdatabasestringdefaultstring valuedump database name for backup
portint646001[0 - 65536]port defines which port the mo-server listens on and clients connect to
hoststring0.0.0.0[ -]listening ip

Log Settings

ParameterTypeDefault ValueRangeFunctionality
logLevelstringdebug[debug, info, warn, error, fatal]the log output level
logFormatstringjson[json, console]output log style
logFilenamestring“”string valueoutput log filename
logMaxSizeint64512[0 - 314572800]maximum log file size
logMaxDaysint640[0 - 314572800]maximum log file days kept
logMaxBackupsint640[0 - 314572800]maximum numbers of old log files to retain
lengthOfQueryPrintedint6450[-1 - 10000]the length of query printed into console. -1, complete string. 0, empty string. >0 , length of characters at the header of the string.
printLogInterValint6410[1 - 1000]the interval for printing logs

Data Storage Settings

ParameterTypeDefault ValueRangeFunctionality
storePathstring./storefile paththe root directory of data storage

Memory Settings

ParameterTypeDefault ValueRangeFunctionality
hostMmuLimitationint641099511627776[0 - 1099511627776]host mmu limitation. default: 1 << 40 = 1099511627776
guestMmuLimitationint641099511627776[0 - 1099511627776]guest mmu limitation. default: 1 << 40 = 1099511627776
mempoolMaxSizeint641099511627776[0 - 1099511627776]mempool maxsize. default: 1 << 40 = 1099511627776
mempoolFactorint648[0 - TBD]mempool factor. Default: 8
processLimitationSizeint6442949672960[0 - 42949672960]process.Limitation.Size. default: 10 << 32 = 42949672960
processLimitationBatchRowsint6442949672960[0 - 42949672960]process.Limitation.BatchRows. default: 10 << 32 = 42949672960
processLimitationPartitionRowsint6442949672960[0 - 42949672960]process.Limitation.PartitionRows. default: 10 << 32 = 42949672960

Metrics Settings

ParameterTypeDefault ValueRangeFunctionality
statusPortint647001All portsstatusPort defines which port the mo status server (for metric etc.) listens on and clients connect to
metricToPrombooltruetrue falseif true, metrics can be scraped through host:status/metrics endpoint
enableMetricbooltruetrue falsedefault is true. if true, enable metric at booting

Other Settings

ParameterTypeDefault ValueRangeFunctionality
batchSizeInLoadDataint645010 - 40000the number of rows for a batch in loading data
loadDataConcurrencyCountint6441 - 16the concurrent threads to load data
maxBytesInOutbufToFlushint64102432 - 4096 KBthe output memory buffer, the buffer will be flushed when it exceeds this limit
exportDataDefaultFlushSizeint6411,2,4,8 MBtexport data to csv file default flush size