Connecting to MatrixOne with Database Client Tool

MatrixOne now supports the following Database client tools:

  • MySQL Shell
  • Navicat
  • DBeaver

Before you start

Make sure you have already installed and launched MatrixOne.

Connect to the MatrixOne Server through MySQL Client

  1. Download and install MySQL Client

  2. Connect to the MatrixOne server.

    You can use the MySQL command-line client to connect to MatrixOne server:

    1. mysql -h IP -P PORT -uUsername -p

    The connection string is the same format as MySQL accepts. You need to provide a user name and a password.

    Use the built-in test account for example:

    • user: dump
    • password: 111
    1. mysql -h -P 6001 -udump -p
    2. Enter password:

    The successful result is as below:

    1. Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 1031
    2. Server version: 0.5.1 MatrixOne
    3. Copyright (c) 2000, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
    4. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
    5. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

For more information on deployment, see Deployment FAQs.

Connect to the MatrixOne Server through Navicat

  1. Download and install Navicat.

  2. Open Navicat, click Connection > MySQL, and fill in the following parameters in the pop-up window:

    • Connction Name: MatrixOne
    • Host:
    • Port: 6001
    • User Name: dump
    • Password: 111
    • Save password:Yes
  3. Click Save, save the configuration.

  4. To connect to the MatrixOne server, double-click MatrixOne in the database directory on the left.

Connect to the MatrixOne Server through DBeaver

  1. Download and install DBeaver.

  2. Open DBeaver, click Connection, select MySQL, then click Next, and fill in the following parameters in the pop-up window:

    • Host:
    • Port: 6001
    • Connction Name: MatrixOne
    • User Name: dump
    • Password: 111
    • Save password:Yes
  3. Click Save, save the configuration.

  4. Right-click MatrixOne in database navigation on the left select Edit link, modify the configuration in the Driver Attribute area of the Connection Settings:

    1. - characterSetResults: "utf8"
    2. - continueBatchOnError: "false"
    3. - useServerPrepStmts: "true"
    4. - alwaysSendSetIsolation: "false"
    5. - useLocalSessionState: "true"
    6. - zeroDateTimeBehavior: "CONVERT_TO_NULL"
    7. - failoverReadOnly: "false"
    8. - serverTimezone: "Asia/Shanghai"
    9. - socketTimeout: 30000
  5. To connect to the MatrixOne server, double-click MatrixOne in the database navigation on the left.