Complete a TPCH Test with MatrixOne

The TPC-H is a decision support benchmark. It consists of a suite of business oriented ad-hoc queries and concurrent data modifications. The queries and the data populating the database have been chosen to have broad industry-wide relevance. This benchmark illustrates decision support systems that examine large volumes of data, execute queries with a high degree of complexity, and give answers to critical business questions. TPC-H is a widely used benchmark for OLAP databases.

By walking through this tutorial, you’ll learn how to complete a TPC-H Test with MatrixOne.

Before you start

Make sure you have already Deployed standalone MatrixOne.

1. Compile TPCH dbgen

The tpch dbgen utility generates, by default, a set of flat files suitable for loading into the tpch schema with the size based on the “Scale Factor” argument. A scale factor of 1 produces a complete data set of approximately 1 GB, a scale factor of 10 produces a data set of approximately 10 GB and so on.

  1. git clone
  2. cd tpch-dbgen
  3. make

2. Generate data

Run dbgen for the appropriate database size factor (1GB in the sample).

  1. ./dbgen -s 1

Generation may take a while. When completed, you can see the resulting files.

  1. total 2150000
  2. -rw-r--r-- 1 deister staff 24346144 13 may 12:05 customer.tbl
  3. -rw-r--r-- 1 deister staff 759863287 13 may 12:05 lineitem.tbl
  4. -rw-r--r-- 1 deister staff 2224 13 may 12:05 nation.tbl
  5. -rw-r--r-- 1 deister staff 171952161 13 may 12:05 orders.tbl
  6. -rw-r--r-- 1 deister staff 24135125 13 may 12:05 part.tbl
  7. -rw-r--r-- 1 deister staff 118984616 13 may 12:05 partsupp.tbl
  8. -rw-r--r-- 1 deister staff 389 13 may 12:05 region.tbl
  9. -rw-r--r-- 1 deister staff 1409184 13 may 12:05 supplier.tbl

We have also prepared a 1GB dataset for downloading. You can get the data files directly:


3. Create tables in MatrixOne

As MatrixOne doesn’t support composite primary key nor partition yet, we slightly modified the PARTSUPP and LINEITEM table creation.

  • The composite primary key of PARTSUPP and LINEITEM tables are removed.
  • PARTITION BY KEY() is removed for LINEITEM table.
  1. drop database if exists TPCH;
  2. create database if not exists TPCH;
  3. use TPCH;
  10. );
  16. );
  28. );
  38. );
  45. );
  56. );
  68. );
  86. );

4. Load data into the created tables

Load the sigle table dataset into related tables with this command in MatrixOne:


Then you can query data in MatrixOne with the created table.

5. Run TPCH Queries

  1. -- Q1
  2. select
  3. l_returnflag,
  4. l_linestatus,
  5. sum(l_quantity) as sum_qty,
  6. sum(l_extendedprice) as sum_base_price,
  7. sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as sum_disc_price,
  8. sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount) * (1 + l_tax)) as sum_charge,
  9. avg(l_quantity) as avg_qty,
  10. avg(l_extendedprice) as avg_price,
  11. avg(l_discount) as avg_disc,
  12. count(*) as count_order
  13. from
  14. lineitem
  15. where
  16. l_shipdate <= date '1998-12-01' - interval '112' day
  17. group by
  18. l_returnflag,
  19. l_linestatus
  20. order by
  21. l_returnflag,
  22. l_linestatus
  23. ;
  24. -- Q2
  25. select
  26. s_acctbal,
  27. s_name,
  28. n_name,
  29. p_partkey,
  30. p_mfgr,
  31. s_address,
  32. s_phone,
  33. s_comment
  34. from
  35. part,
  36. supplier,
  37. partsupp,
  38. nation,
  39. region
  40. where
  41. p_partkey = ps_partkey
  42. and s_suppkey = ps_suppkey
  43. and p_size = 48
  44. and p_type like '%TIN'
  45. and s_nationkey = n_nationkey
  46. and n_regionkey = r_regionkey
  47. and r_name = 'MIDDLE EAST'
  48. and ps_supplycost = (
  49. select
  50. min(ps_supplycost)
  51. from
  52. partsupp,
  53. supplier,
  54. nation,
  55. region
  56. where
  57. p_partkey = ps_partkey
  58. and s_suppkey = ps_suppkey
  59. and s_nationkey = n_nationkey
  60. and n_regionkey = r_regionkey
  61. and r_name = 'MIDDLE EAST'
  62. )
  63. order by
  64. s_acctbal desc,
  65. n_name,
  66. s_name,
  67. p_partkey
  68. limit 100
  69. ;
  70. -- Q3
  71. select
  72. l_orderkey,
  73. sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as revenue,
  74. o_orderdate,
  75. o_shippriority
  76. from
  77. customer,
  78. orders,
  79. lineitem
  80. where
  81. c_mktsegment = 'HOUSEHOLD'
  82. and c_custkey = o_custkey
  83. and l_orderkey = o_orderkey
  84. and o_orderdate < date '1995-03-29'
  85. and l_shipdate > date '1995-03-29'
  86. group by
  87. l_orderkey,
  88. o_orderdate,
  89. o_shippriority
  90. order by
  91. revenue desc,
  92. o_orderdate
  93. limit 10
  94. ;
  95. -- Q4
  96. select
  97. o_orderpriority,
  98. count(*) as order_count
  99. from
  100. orders
  101. where
  102. o_orderdate >= date '1997-07-01'
  103. and o_orderdate < date '1997-07-01' + interval '3' month
  104. and exists (
  105. select
  106. *
  107. from
  108. lineitem
  109. where
  110. l_orderkey = o_orderkey
  111. and l_commitdate < l_receiptdate
  112. )
  113. group by
  114. o_orderpriority
  115. order by
  116. o_orderpriority
  117. ;
  118. -- Q5
  119. select
  120. n_name,
  121. sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as revenue
  122. from
  123. customer,
  124. orders,
  125. lineitem,
  126. supplier,
  127. nation,
  128. region
  129. where
  130. c_custkey = o_custkey
  131. and l_orderkey = o_orderkey
  132. and l_suppkey = s_suppkey
  133. and c_nationkey = s_nationkey
  134. and s_nationkey = n_nationkey
  135. and n_regionkey = r_regionkey
  136. and r_name = 'AMERICA'
  137. and o_orderdate >= date '1994-01-01'
  138. and o_orderdate < date '1994-01-01' + interval '1' year
  139. group by
  140. n_name
  141. order by
  142. revenue desc
  143. ;
  144. -- Q6
  145. select
  146. sum(l_extendedprice * l_discount) as revenue
  147. from
  148. lineitem
  149. where
  150. l_shipdate >= date '1994-01-01'
  151. and l_shipdate < date '1994-01-01' + interval '1' year
  152. and l_discount between 0.03 - 0.01 and 0.03 + 0.01
  153. and l_quantity < 24;
  154. -- Q7
  155. select
  156. supp_nation,
  157. cust_nation,
  158. l_year,
  159. sum(volume) as revenue
  160. from
  161. (
  162. select
  163. n1.n_name as supp_nation,
  164. n2.n_name as cust_nation,
  165. extract(year from l_shipdate) as l_year,
  166. l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount) as volume
  167. from
  168. supplier,
  169. lineitem,
  170. orders,
  171. customer,
  172. nation n1,
  173. nation n2
  174. where
  175. s_suppkey = l_suppkey
  176. and o_orderkey = l_orderkey
  177. and c_custkey = o_custkey
  178. and s_nationkey = n1.n_nationkey
  179. and c_nationkey = n2.n_nationkey
  180. and (
  181. (n1.n_name = 'FRANCE' and n2.n_name = 'ARGENTINA')
  182. or (n1.n_name = 'ARGENTINA' and n2.n_name = 'FRANCE')
  183. )
  184. and l_shipdate between date '1995-01-01' and date '1996-12-31'
  185. ) as shipping
  186. group by
  187. supp_nation,
  188. cust_nation,
  189. l_year
  190. order by
  191. supp_nation,
  192. cust_nation,
  193. l_year
  194. ;
  195. -- Q8
  196. select
  197. o_year,
  198. (sum(case
  199. when nation = 'ARGENTINA' then volume
  200. else 0
  201. end) / sum(volume)) as mkt_share
  202. from
  203. (
  204. select
  205. extract(year from o_orderdate) as o_year,
  206. l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount) as volume,
  207. n2.n_name as nation
  208. from
  209. part,
  210. supplier,
  211. lineitem,
  212. orders,
  213. customer,
  214. nation n1,
  215. nation n2,
  216. region
  217. where
  218. p_partkey = l_partkey
  219. and s_suppkey = l_suppkey
  220. and l_orderkey = o_orderkey
  221. and o_custkey = c_custkey
  222. and c_nationkey = n1.n_nationkey
  223. and n1.n_regionkey = r_regionkey
  224. and r_name = 'AMERICA'
  225. and s_nationkey = n2.n_nationkey
  226. and o_orderdate between date '1995-01-01' and date '1996-12-31'
  227. and p_type = 'ECONOMY BURNISHED TIN'
  228. ) as all_nations
  229. group by
  230. o_year
  231. order by
  232. o_year
  233. ;
  234. -- Q9
  235. select
  236. nation,
  237. o_year,
  238. sum(amount) as sum_profit
  239. from
  240. (
  241. select
  242. n_name as nation,
  243. extract(year from o_orderdate) as o_year,
  244. l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount) - ps_supplycost * l_quantity as amount
  245. from
  246. part,
  247. supplier,
  248. lineitem,
  249. partsupp,
  250. orders,
  251. nation
  252. where
  253. s_suppkey = l_suppkey
  254. and ps_suppkey = l_suppkey
  255. and ps_partkey = l_partkey
  256. and p_partkey = l_partkey
  257. and o_orderkey = l_orderkey
  258. and s_nationkey = n_nationkey
  259. and p_name like '%pink%'
  260. ) as profit
  261. group by
  262. nation,
  263. o_year
  264. order by
  265. nation,
  266. o_year desc
  267. ;
  268. -- Q10
  269. select
  270. c_custkey,
  271. c_name,
  272. sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as revenue,
  273. c_acctbal,
  274. n_name,
  275. c_address,
  276. c_phone,
  277. c_comment
  278. from
  279. customer,
  280. orders,
  281. lineitem,
  282. nation
  283. where
  284. c_custkey = o_custkey
  285. and l_orderkey = o_orderkey
  286. and o_orderdate >= date '1993-03-01'
  287. and o_orderdate < date '1993-03-01' + interval '3' month
  288. and l_returnflag = 'R'
  289. and c_nationkey = n_nationkey
  290. group by
  291. c_custkey,
  292. c_name,
  293. c_acctbal,
  294. c_phone,
  295. n_name,
  296. c_address,
  297. c_comment
  298. order by
  299. revenue desc
  300. limit 20
  301. ;
  302. -- Q11
  303. select
  304. ps_partkey,
  305. sum(ps_supplycost * ps_availqty) as value
  306. from
  307. partsupp,
  308. supplier,
  309. nation
  310. where
  311. ps_suppkey = s_suppkey
  312. and s_nationkey = n_nationkey
  313. and n_name = 'JAPAN'
  314. group by
  315. ps_partkey having
  316. sum(ps_supplycost * ps_availqty) > (
  317. select
  318. sum(ps_supplycost * ps_availqty) * 0.0001000000
  319. from
  320. partsupp,
  321. supplier,nation
  322. where
  323. ps_suppkey = s_suppkey
  324. and s_nationkey = n_nationkey
  325. and n_name = 'JAPAN'
  326. )
  327. order by
  328. value desc
  329. ;
  330. -- Q12
  331. select
  332. l_shipmode,
  333. sum(case
  334. when o_orderpriority = '1-URGENT'
  335. or o_orderpriority = '2-HIGH'
  336. then 1
  337. else 0
  338. end) as high_line_count,
  339. sum(case
  340. when o_orderpriority <> '1-URGENT'
  341. and o_orderpriority <> '2-HIGH'
  342. then 1
  343. else 0
  344. end) as low_line_count
  345. from
  346. orders,
  347. lineitem
  348. where
  349. o_orderkey = l_orderkey
  350. and l_shipmode in ('FOB', 'TRUCK')
  351. and l_commitdate < l_receiptdate
  352. and l_shipdate < l_commitdate
  353. and l_receiptdate >= date '1996-01-01'
  354. and l_receiptdate < date '1996-01-01' + interval '1' year
  355. group by
  356. l_shipmode
  357. order by
  358. l_shipmode
  359. ;
  360. -- Q13
  361. select
  362. c_count,
  363. count(*) as custdist
  364. from
  365. (
  366. select
  367. c_custkey,
  368. count(o_orderkey)
  369. from
  370. customer left outer join orders on
  371. c_custkey = o_custkey
  372. and o_comment not like '%pending%accounts%'
  373. group by
  374. c_custkey
  375. ) as c_orders (c_custkey, c_count)
  376. group by
  377. c_count
  378. order by
  379. custdist desc,
  380. c_count desc
  381. ;
  382. -- Q14
  383. select
  384. 100.00 * sum(case
  385. when p_type like 'PROMO%'
  386. then l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)
  387. else 0
  388. end) / sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as promo_revenue
  389. from
  390. lineitem,
  391. part
  392. where
  393. l_partkey = p_partkey
  394. and l_shipdate >= date '1996-04-01'
  395. and l_shipdate < date '1996-04-01' + interval '1' month;
  396. -- Q15
  397. with q15_revenue0 as (
  398. select
  399. l_suppkey as supplier_no,
  400. sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as total_revenue
  401. from
  402. lineitem
  403. where
  404. l_shipdate >= date '1995-12-01'
  405. and l_shipdate < date '1995-12-01' + interval '3' month
  406. group by
  407. l_suppkey
  408. )
  409. select
  410. s_suppkey,
  411. s_name,
  412. s_address,
  413. s_phone,
  414. total_revenue
  415. from
  416. supplier,
  417. q15_revenue0
  418. where
  419. s_suppkey = supplier_no
  420. and total_revenue = (
  421. select
  422. max(total_revenue)
  423. from
  424. q15_revenue0
  425. )
  426. order by
  427. s_suppkey
  428. ;
  429. -- Q16
  430. select
  431. p_brand,
  432. p_type,
  433. p_size,
  434. count(distinct ps_suppkey) as supplier_cnt
  435. from
  436. partsupp,
  437. part
  438. where
  439. p_partkey = ps_partkey
  440. and p_brand <> 'Brand#35'
  441. and p_type not like 'ECONOMY BURNISHED%'
  442. and p_size in (14, 7, 21, 24, 35, 33, 2, 20)
  443. and ps_suppkey not in (
  444. select
  445. s_suppkey
  446. from
  447. supplier
  448. where
  449. s_comment like '%Customer%Complaints%'
  450. )
  451. group by
  452. p_brand,
  453. p_type,
  454. p_size
  455. order by
  456. supplier_cnt desc,
  457. p_brand,
  458. p_type,
  459. p_size
  460. ;
  461. -- Q17
  462. select
  463. sum(l_extendedprice) / 7.0 as avg_yearly
  464. from
  465. lineitem,
  466. part
  467. where
  468. p_partkey = l_partkey
  469. and p_brand = 'Brand#54'
  470. and p_container = 'LG BAG'
  471. and l_quantity < (
  472. select
  473. 0.2 * avg(l_quantity)
  474. from
  475. lineitem
  476. where
  477. l_partkey = p_partkey
  478. );
  479. -- Q18
  480. select
  481. c_name,
  482. c_custkey,
  483. o_orderkey,
  484. o_orderdate,
  485. o_totalprice,
  486. sum(l_quantity)
  487. from
  488. customer,
  489. orders,
  490. lineitem
  491. where
  492. o_orderkey in (
  493. select
  494. l_orderkey
  495. from
  496. lineitem
  497. group by
  498. l_orderkey having
  499. sum(l_quantity) > 314
  500. )
  501. and c_custkey = o_custkey
  502. and o_orderkey = l_orderkey
  503. group by
  504. c_name,
  505. c_custkey,
  506. o_orderkey,
  507. o_orderdate,
  508. o_totalprice
  509. order by
  510. o_totalprice desc,
  511. o_orderdate
  512. limit 100
  513. ;
  514. -- Q19
  515. select
  516. sum(l_extendedprice* (1 - l_discount)) as revenue
  517. from
  518. lineitem,
  519. part
  520. where
  521. (
  522. p_partkey = l_partkey
  523. and p_brand = 'Brand#23'
  524. and p_container in ('SM CASE', 'SM BOX', 'SM PACK', 'SM PKG')
  525. and l_quantity >= 5 and l_quantity <= 5 + 10
  526. and p_size between 1 and 5
  527. and l_shipmode in ('AIR', 'AIR REG')
  528. and l_shipinstruct = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'
  529. )
  530. or
  531. (
  532. p_partkey = l_partkey
  533. and p_brand = 'Brand#15'
  534. and p_container in ('MED BAG', 'MED BOX', 'MED PKG', 'MED PACK')
  535. and l_quantity >= 14 and l_quantity <= 14 + 10
  536. and p_size between 1 and 10
  537. and l_shipmode in ('AIR', 'AIR REG')
  538. and l_shipinstruct = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'
  539. )
  540. or
  541. (
  542. p_partkey = l_partkey
  543. and p_brand = 'Brand#44'
  544. and p_container in ('LG CASE', 'LG BOX', 'LG PACK', 'LG PKG')
  545. and l_quantity >= 28 and l_quantity <= 28 + 10
  546. and p_size between 1 and 15
  547. and l_shipmode in ('AIR', 'AIR REG')
  548. and l_shipinstruct = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'
  549. );
  550. -- Q20
  551. select
  552. s_name,
  553. s_address
  554. from
  555. supplier,
  556. nation
  557. where
  558. s_suppkey in (
  559. select
  560. ps_suppkey
  561. from
  562. partsupp
  563. where
  564. ps_partkey in (
  565. select
  566. p_partkey
  567. from
  568. part
  569. where
  570. p_name like 'lime%'
  571. )
  572. and ps_availqty > (
  573. select
  574. 0.5 * sum(l_quantity)
  575. from
  576. lineitem
  577. where
  578. l_partkey = ps_partkey
  579. and l_suppkey = ps_suppkey
  580. and l_shipdate >= date '1993-01-01'
  581. and l_shipdate < date '1993-01-01' + interval '1' year
  582. )
  583. )
  584. and s_nationkey = n_nationkey
  585. and n_name = 'VIETNAM'
  586. order by s_name
  587. ;
  588. -- Q21
  589. select
  590. s_name,
  591. count(*) as numwait
  592. from
  593. supplier,
  594. lineitem l1,
  595. orders,
  596. nation
  597. where
  598. s_suppkey = l1.l_suppkey
  599. and o_orderkey = l1.l_orderkey
  600. and o_orderstatus = 'F'
  601. and l1.l_receiptdate > l1.l_commitdate
  602. and exists (
  603. select
  604. *
  605. from
  606. lineitem l2
  607. where
  608. l2.l_orderkey = l1.l_orderkey
  609. and l2.l_suppkey <> l1.l_suppkey
  610. )
  611. and not exists (
  612. select
  613. *
  614. from
  615. lineitem l3
  616. where
  617. l3.l_orderkey = l1.l_orderkey
  618. and l3.l_suppkey <> l1.l_suppkey
  619. and l3.l_receiptdate > l3.l_commitdate
  620. )
  621. and s_nationkey = n_nationkey
  622. and n_name = 'BRAZIL'
  623. group by
  624. s_name
  625. order by
  626. numwait desc,
  627. s_name
  628. limit 100
  629. ;
  630. -- Q22
  631. select
  632. cntrycode,
  633. count(*) as numcust,
  634. sum(c_acctbal) as totacctbal
  635. from
  636. (
  637. select
  638. substring(c_phone from 1 for 2) as cntrycode,
  639. c_acctbal
  640. from
  641. customer
  642. where
  643. substring(c_phone from 1 for 2) in
  644. ('10', '11', '26', '22', '19', '20', '27')
  645. and c_acctbal > (
  646. select
  647. avg(c_acctbal)
  648. from
  649. customer
  650. where
  651. c_acctbal > 0.00
  652. and substring(c_phone from 1 for 2) in
  653. ('10', '11', '26', '22', '19', '20', '27')
  654. )
  655. and not exists (
  656. select
  657. *
  658. from
  659. orders
  660. where
  661. o_custkey = c_custkey
  662. )
  663. ) as custsale
  664. group by
  665. cntrycode
  666. order by
  667. cntrycode
  668. ;

6. Expected Results

Below are the expected results for the 22 TPCH queries. Q16’s result is too long to print, please refer to the complete result in this link:

  1. Q1
  2. +--------------+--------------+-------------+-----------------+-------------------+---------------------+---------+-----------+----------+-------------+
  3. | l_returnflag | l_linestatus | sum_qty | sum_base_price | sum_disc_price | sum_charge | avg_qty | avg_price | avg_disc | count_order |
  4. +--------------+--------------+-------------+-----------------+-------------------+---------------------+---------+-----------+----------+-------------+
  5. | A | F | 37734107.00 | 56586554400.73 | 53758257134.8700 | 55909065222.827692 | 25.52 | 38273.12 | 0.04 | 1478493 |
  6. | N | F | 991417.00 | 1487504710.38 | 1413082168.0541 | 1469649223.194375 | 25.51 | 38284.46 | 0.05 | 38854 |
  7. | N | O | 76633518.00 | 114935210409.19 | 109189591897.4720 | 113561024263.013782 | 25.50 | 38248.01 | 0.05 | 3004998 |
  8. | R | F | 37719753.00 | 56568041380.90 | 53741292684.6040 | 55889619119.831932 | 25.50 | 38250.85 | 0.05 | 1478870 |
  9. +--------------+--------------+-------------+-----------------+-------------------+---------------------+---------+-----------+----------+-------------+
  10. 4 rows in set
  11. Q2
  12. +-----------+--------------------+--------------+-----------+----------------+------------------------------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  13. | s_acctbal | s_name | n_name | p_partkey | p_mfgr | s_address | s_phone | s_comment |
  14. +-----------+--------------------+--------------+-----------+----------------+------------------------------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  15. | 9973.93 | Supplier#000004194 | JORDAN | 14193 | Manufacturer#1 | A8AoX9AK,qhf,CpEF | 23-944-413-2681 | t fluffily. regular requests about the regular, unusual somas play of the furiously busy |
  16. | 9956.34 | Supplier#000005108 | IRAN | 140079 | Manufacturer#5 | d3PLCdpPP3uE4GzbbAh4bWmU 7ecOifL9e1mNnzG | 20-842-882-7047 | ronic accounts. carefully bold accounts sleep beyond |
  17. | 9836.43 | Supplier#000000489 | IRAN | 190488 | Manufacturer#2 | y9NMoYGxDUPfrB1GwjYhLtCeV7pOt | 20-375-500-2226 | quickly carefully pending accounts. fina |
  18. | 9825.95 | Supplier#000007554 | IRAQ | 40041 | Manufacturer#5 | Huq0k qKET hByp3RcMcr | 21-787-637-9651 | ending, final requests thrash pending, |
  19. | 9806.52 | Supplier#000005276 | IRAQ | 132762 | Manufacturer#2 | inh0KOhRfLM7WRhdRNvJJDQx | 21-834-496-7360 | the slyly unusual theodolites; carefully even accounts use slyly. sl |
  20. | 9796.31 | Supplier#000005847 | IRAQ | 188292 | Manufacturer#1 | obol3bfh0zWi | 21-530-950-2847 | equests. blithely regular deposits should have to impress. final platelets integrate fluffily |
  21. | 9775.37 | Supplier#000007245 | IRAQ | 169696 | Manufacturer#5 | 5VOUnvxlJeOJ | 21-663-724-2985 | ic deposits about the slyly bold requests |
  22. | 9755.43 | Supplier#000002439 | EGYPT | 172438 | Manufacturer#5 | rXxojWV0VefSK7A0dhF | 14-410-168-5354 | p quickly packages. carefully pending pinto beans after the |
  23. | 9714.60 | Supplier#000007317 | EGYPT | 29810 | Manufacturer#4 | nJGsPl2ruoq4Ydtv0fwWG385eOFV6 VUokbCZ | 14-666-351-2592 | ons integrate furiously? slyly ironic requests sl |
  24. | 9557.33 | Supplier#000007367 | EGYPT | 197366 | Manufacturer#3 | bTP8DLvaRAB0n | 14-234-934-5255 | ep slyly regular accounts-- regular, regular excuses dazzle furiously about the reg |
  25. | 9538.15 | Supplier#000000979 | IRAN | 55968 | Manufacturer#1 | cdvHjrKZR7iDlmSWU2a | 20-151-688-1408 | ckages cajole quietly carefully regular in |
  26. | 9513.31 | Supplier#000004163 | SAUDI ARABIA | 109142 | Manufacturer#4 | 2VnQypC7pJPJRu6HzYRg7nAvhzckcYAQFbI | 30-544-852-3772 | he regular requests. blithely final |
  27. | 9450.15 | Supplier#000002067 | EGYPT | 9566 | Manufacturer#3 | 9dO68x0XLMCUDuFk1J6k9hpvLoKx 4qasok4lIb | 14-252-246-5791 | rding to the regular dolphins. quickly ir |
  28. | 9359.59 | Supplier#000005087 | JORDAN | 55086 | Manufacturer#4 | q0c6r9wYVQx31IeGBZKfe | 23-335-392-5204 | osits. quickly regular packages haggle among the quickly silent ins |
  29. | 9343.35 | Supplier#000006337 | IRAN | 173819 | Manufacturer#1 | ilQgNOdCAysclt3SgODb6LeJ7d4RzYD | 20-950-345-8173 | quickly ironic packages affix aft |
  30. | 9318.47 | Supplier#000003834 | SAUDI ARABIA | 11332 | Manufacturer#5 | cxGQnW3nShks59xA5bPoaC bIvcBWUt | 30-823-353-6520 | regular instructions. express packages run slyly pending |
  31. | 9318.47 | Supplier#000003834 | SAUDI ARABIA | 108813 | Manufacturer#2 | cxGQnW3nShks59xA5bPoaC bIvcBWUt | 30-823-353-6520 | regular instructions. express packages run slyly pending |
  32. | 9315.33 | Supplier#000003009 | IRAN | 40504 | Manufacturer#2 | oTbwfQ,Yfdcf3ysgc60NKtTpSIc | 20-306-556-2450 | the carefully special requests. express instructions wake |
  33. | 9296.31 | Supplier#000008213 | JORDAN | 163180 | Manufacturer#2 | YhdN9ESxYvhJp9ngr12Bbeo4t3zLPD, | 23-197-507-9431 | g to the blithely regular accounts! deposit |
  34. | 9284.57 | Supplier#000009781 | EGYPT | 4780 | Manufacturer#4 | 49NAd1iDiY4, | 14-410-636-4312 | its. ironic pinto beans are blithely. express depths use caref |
  35. | 9261.13 | Supplier#000000664 | EGYPT | 125639 | Manufacturer#5 | ln6wISAnC8Bpj q4V | 14-244-772-4913 | ly special foxes cajole slyly ironic reque |
  36. | 9260.78 | Supplier#000001949 | IRAN | 86932 | Manufacturer#2 | W79M2lpYiSY76Ujo6fSRUQiu | 20-531-767-2819 | thinly ironic excuses haggle slyly. f |
  37. | 9227.16 | Supplier#000009461 | EGYPT | 126948 | Manufacturer#2 | Eweba 0sfaF,l4sAxXGTgEjzsJsNWWIGjYhFkRWV | 14-983-137-4957 | lly bold packages. carefully express deposits integrate about the unusual accounts. regular, |
  38. | 9185.89 | Supplier#000007888 | EGYPT | 27887 | Manufacturer#1 | nq06Y48amPfS8YBuduy1RYu | 14-462-704-3828 | ole slyly-- blithely careful foxes wake against the furiously ironic accounts. pending ideas |
  39. | 9185.89 | Supplier#000007888 | EGYPT | 190330 | Manufacturer#4 | nq06Y48amPfS8YBuduy1RYu | 14-462-704-3828 | ole slyly-- blithely careful foxes wake against the furiously ironic accounts. pending ideas |
  40. | 9132.92 | Supplier#000007878 | IRAN | 92859 | Manufacturer#3 | aq6T3tUVq1, | 20-861-274-6282 | waters cajole ironic, ironic requests. furi |
  41. | 9058.94 | Supplier#000002789 | IRAN | 142788 | Manufacturer#4 | 7EkIldjP7M6psSWcJ11tf65GT7ZC7UaiCh | 20-842-716-4307 | s. platelets use carefully. busily regular accounts cajole fluffily above the slowly final pinto be |
  42. | 9026.80 | Supplier#000005436 | SAUDI ARABIA | 92926 | Manufacturer#3 | 3HiusYZGYmHItExgX5VfNCdJwkW8W7R | 30-453-280-6340 | . blithely unusual requests |
  43. | 9007.16 | Supplier#000001747 | EGYPT | 121746 | Manufacturer#3 | UyDlFjVxanP,ifej7L5jtNaubC | 14-141-360-9722 | maintain bravely across the busily express pinto beans. sometimes |
  44. | 8846.35 | Supplier#000005446 | EGYPT | 57930 | Manufacturer#2 | Nusoq0ckv9SwnJZV8Rw2dUqE,V0ylm Bon | 14-468-853-6477 | deposits. ironic, bold ideas wake. fluffily ironic deposits must have to sleep furiously pending |
  45. | 8837.21 | Supplier#000007210 | JORDAN | 144695 | Manufacturer#3 | G7MYkWkkJDVu,rr23aXjQCwNqZ2Vk6 | 23-560-295-1805 | en, express foxes use across the blithely bold |
  46. | 8800.91 | Supplier#000008182 | EGYPT | 143153 | Manufacturer#5 | KGMyipBiAF00tSB99DwH | 14-658-338-3635 | thely even excuses integrate blithel |
  47. | 8788.46 | Supplier#000003437 | IRAN | 118414 | Manufacturer#4 | JfgZDO9fsP4ljfzsi,s7431Ld3A7zXtHfrF74 | 20-547-871-1712 | ickly unusual dependencies. carefully regular dolphins ha |
  48. | 8750.12 | Supplier#000001064 | IRAQ | 31063 | Manufacturer#5 | QgmUIaEs5KpuW ,oREZV2b4wr3HEC1z4F | 21-440-809-7599 | sly even deposits? furiously regular pack |
  49. | 8594.80 | Supplier#000007553 | IRAN | 5052 | Manufacturer#4 | wAU2Lui w9 | 20-663-409-7956 | old, stealthy accounts are blithely. fluffily final |
  50. | 8594.80 | Supplier#000007553 | IRAN | 195033 | Manufacturer#1 | wAU2Lui w9 | 20-663-409-7956 | old, stealthy accounts are blithely. fluffily final |
  51. | 8588.63 | Supplier#000008094 | SAUDI ARABIA | 148093 | Manufacturer#1 | SNS6FCscBNZBFecA | 30-465-665-6735 | ake quickly blithely ironic theodolites. quickly ironic ideas boost. furiously iro |
  52. | 8522.70 | Supplier#000004208 | IRAQ | 166659 | Manufacturer#5 | x3jZYF7ZYN 8a4LY1c1kEsh | 21-468-998-1571 | furiously regular accounts! |
  53. | 8514.86 | Supplier#000006347 | JORDAN | 181310 | Manufacturer#5 | wwR5j4kdIAwLe33uBwo | 23-340-942-3641 | uests breach blithely ironic deposi |
  54. | 8473.01 | Supplier#000003912 | IRAQ | 33911 | Manufacturer#3 | Op7,1zt3MAxs34Qo4O W | 21-474-809-6508 | es. regular, brave instructions wa |
  55. | 8405.28 | Supplier#000007886 | IRAQ | 192847 | Manufacturer#4 | sFTj5nzc5EIVmzjXwenFTXD U | 21-735-778-5786 | ven dependencies boost blithely ironic de |
  56. | 8375.58 | Supplier#000001259 | IRAQ | 38755 | Manufacturer#2 | 32cJBGFFpGEkEjx1sF8JZAy0A72uXL5qU | 21-427-422-4993 | ironic accounts haggle slyly alongside of the carefully ironic deposit |
  57. | 8351.75 | Supplier#000007495 | IRAQ | 114983 | Manufacturer#4 | 3jQQGvfs,5Aryhn0Z | 21-953-463-7239 | requests. carefully final accounts after the qui |
  58. | 8230.12 | Supplier#000001058 | SAUDI ARABIA | 68551 | Manufacturer#2 | fJ8egP,xkLygXGv8bmtc9T1FJ | 30-496-504-3341 | requests haggle? regular, regular pinto beans integrate fluffily. dependenc |
  59. | 8195.44 | Supplier#000009805 | IRAQ | 4804 | Manufacturer#4 | dTTmLRYJNat,JbhlQlxwWp HjMR | 21-838-243-3925 | lets. quickly even theodolites dazzle slyly even a |
  60. | 8175.17 | Supplier#000003172 | IRAN | 55656 | Manufacturer#5 | 8ngbGS7BQoTDmJyMa5WV9XbaM31u5FAayd2vT3 | 20-834-374-7746 | ss deposits use furiously after the quickly final sentiments. fluffily ruthless ideas believe regu |
  61. | 8159.13 | Supplier#000007486 | EGYPT | 17485 | Manufacturer#1 | AjfdzbrrJE1 | 14-970-643-1521 | ld accounts. enticingly furious requests cajole. final packages s |
  62. | 8111.40 | Supplier#000007567 | IRAN | 197566 | Manufacturer#1 | 7W4k2qEVoBkRehprGliXRSYVOQEh | 20-377-181-7435 | gular foxes. silent attainments boost furiousl |
  63. | 8046.55 | Supplier#000001625 | IRAQ | 14121 | Manufacturer#2 | yKlKMbENR6bfmIu7aCFmbs | 21-769-404-7617 | deposits. ideas boost blithely. slyly even Tiresias according to the platelets are q |
  64. | 8040.16 | Supplier#000001925 | SAUDI ARABIA | 4424 | Manufacturer#4 | Cu5Ub AAdXT | 30-969-417-1108 | pending packages across the regular req |
  65. | 8031.68 | Supplier#000002370 | SAUDI ARABIA | 147341 | Manufacturer#5 | xGQB9xSPqRtCuMZaJavOrFuTY7km | 30-373-388-2352 | dependencies. carefully express deposits use slyly among the slyly unusual pearls. dogge |
  66. | 8031.42 | Supplier#000008216 | IRAN | 83199 | Manufacturer#2 | jsqlyr1ViAo | 20-224-305-7298 | to the carefully even excuses haggle blithely against the pending pinto be |
  67. | 8007.83 | Supplier#000006266 | JORDAN | 81249 | Manufacturer#1 | XWBf5Jd2V5SOurbn11Tt1 | 23-363-445-7184 | as cajole carefully against the quickly special ac |
  68. | 7995.78 | Supplier#000006957 | IRAN | 161924 | Manufacturer#1 | 8lvRhU5xtXv | 20-312-173-2216 | ly ironic accounts. stealthily regular foxes about the blithely ironic requests play blithely abo |
  69. | 7913.40 | Supplier#000003148 | JORDAN | 58137 | Manufacturer#1 | CpCJWI4PHeiwYuq0 | 23-767-770-9172 | ove the quickly final packages boost fluffily among the furiously final platelets. carefully s |
  70. | 7910.16 | Supplier#000002102 | IRAQ | 99592 | Manufacturer#2 | 1kuyUn5q6czLOGB60fAVgpv68M2suwchpmp2nK | 21-367-198-9930 | accounts after the blithely |
  71. | 7893.58 | Supplier#000000918 | SAUDI ARABIA | 13414 | Manufacturer#1 | e0sB7xAU3,cWF7pzXrpIbATUNydCUZup | 30-303-831-1662 | ependencies wake carefull |
  72. | 7885.17 | Supplier#000004001 | JORDAN | 38994 | Manufacturer#2 | 3M39sZY1XeQXPDRO | 23-109-632-6806 | efully express packages integrate across the regular pearls. blithely unusual packages mainta |
  73. | 7880.20 | Supplier#000005352 | JORDAN | 351 | Manufacturer#3 | PP9gHTn946hXqUF5E7idIPLkhnN | 23-557-756-7951 | egular frays. final instructions sleep a |
  74. | 7844.31 | Supplier#000006987 | IRAQ | 44482 | Manufacturer#5 | UH1zBxTNjTminnmHRe h YUT1eR | 21-963-444-7397 | nag quickly carefully regular requests. ironic theo |
  75. | 7812.27 | Supplier#000006967 | SAUDI ARABIA | 151936 | Manufacturer#4 | S4i1HfrSM4m3di3R9Cxxp59M1 | 30-193-457-6365 | ely. dependencies cajole quickly. final warhorses across the furiously ironic foxes integr |
  76. | 7767.63 | Supplier#000004306 | IRAN | 31802 | Manufacturer#2 | SkZkJZflW5mDg9wL fJ | 20-911-180-1895 | uickly regular ideas. blithely express accounts along the carefully sile |
  77. | 7741.42 | Supplier#000000899 | IRAQ | 53383 | Manufacturer#5 | oLlkiVghtro IwzcwFuzwMCG94rRpux | 21-980-994-3905 | equests wake quickly special, express accounts. courts promi |
  78. | 7741.42 | Supplier#000000899 | IRAQ | 105878 | Manufacturer#3 | oLlkiVghtro IwzcwFuzwMCG94rRpux | 21-980-994-3905 | equests wake quickly special, express accounts. courts promi |
  79. | 7741.10 | Supplier#000001059 | IRAN | 103528 | Manufacturer#4 | 4tBenOMokWbWVRB8i8HwENeO cQjM9 | 20-620-710-8984 | to the carefully special courts. |
  80. | 7599.20 | Supplier#000006596 | SAUDI ARABIA | 184077 | Manufacturer#2 | k8qeFxfXKIGYdQ82RXAfCwddSrc | 30-804-947-3851 | ously unusual deposits boost carefully after the enticing |
  81. | 7598.31 | Supplier#000008857 | IRAQ | 63844 | Manufacturer#4 | dP2th8vneyOLIUFwNBwqixkFD6 | 21-691-170-4769 | s. quickly ironic frays detect carefully |
  82. | 7591.79 | Supplier#000009723 | JORDAN | 104702 | Manufacturer#2 | Q1CkkpDdlLOpCJiV,zIf,Mv86otWhxj7slGc | 23-710-907-3873 | e fluffily even instructions. packages impress enticingly. |
  83. | 7575.12 | Supplier#000007557 | IRAQ | 77556 | Manufacturer#1 | udLvpjNvIx9qeRNdjL1ZAO0OZNOBo6h | 21-629-935-9941 | ally special accounts nod; f |
  84. | 7496.91 | Supplier#000005828 | IRAN | 103317 | Manufacturer#1 | Xt0EqDCNU6X00sNsIO7nd0ws3H | 20-435-850-8703 | furiously about the fluffily careful idea |
  85. | 7472.88 | Supplier#000004204 | EGYPT | 14203 | Manufacturer#1 | 0rGZJ6VZXdH | 14-520-667-4690 | y pending pinto beans. even, final requests sleep care |
  86. | 7472.88 | Supplier#000004204 | EGYPT | 161687 | Manufacturer#3 | 0rGZJ6VZXdH | 14-520-667-4690 | y pending pinto beans. even, final requests sleep care |
  87. | 7467.63 | Supplier#000003270 | IRAN | 45757 | Manufacturer#2 | 7j4n5FnNEHVJxFhiyz | 20-450-599-9591 | regular, even instructions boost deposits |
  88. | 7465.41 | Supplier#000008686 | EGYPT | 188685 | Manufacturer#4 | 4Onf4yxuNwHCRIC0y | 14-454-946-4151 | ly final ideas. bravely unusual deposits doze carefully. expr |
  89. | 7460.80 | Supplier#000008701 | IRAQ | 83684 | Manufacturer#3 | PLR2QehcW08 | 21-747-984-4244 | ideas use carefully pending, final deposits. ironic, pe |
  90. | 7447.86 | Supplier#000005877 | JORDAN | 120852 | Manufacturer#2 | EyqOHClZZMJkq grnOX9 4alZx6P7B2fq | 23-419-288-6451 | lar pinto beans breach carefully final pinto |
  91. | 7445.03 | Supplier#000009802 | IRAQ | 164769 | Manufacturer#5 | y6wLN KiZuTf5HT9Hbm0BELn1GUTD6yl | 21-116-708-2013 | nic requests. pinto beans across the carefully regular grouches snooze among the final pin |
  92. | 7401.46 | Supplier#000008677 | IRAN | 123652 | Manufacturer#5 | WNa780JZzivxuGBEsDszqoT1Pj | 20-899-256-5288 | onic instructions along the furiously ironic accounts haggle fluffily silently un |
  93. | 7393.50 | Supplier#000007056 | IRAQ | 54550 | Manufacturer#1 | M5cAJQvW9D5zwC7o2qkoe | 21-175-383-4727 | slyly even requests. forges haggle boldly express requests. furio |
  94. | 7376.11 | Supplier#000003982 | IRAQ | 118959 | Manufacturer#1 | jx9EloF33Ez | 21-890-236-4160 | s the furiously special warhorses affix after the car |
  95. | 7264.42 | Supplier#000001565 | IRAQ | 14061 | Manufacturer#4 | bOwKHdBteMkZoZcxdigk4Tnu07w1gDztmV7hvCw | 21-791-273-8592 | to beans. express accounts nag around the |
  96. | 7256.46 | Supplier#000009116 | IRAQ | 4115 | Manufacturer#3 | ULjaQwNbcB XUG9dvbZDHvJVwLo08utswt | 21-241-469-8343 | ending deposits. slyly ironic dependencies breach. blithely speci |
  97. | 7256.46 | Supplier#000009116 | IRAQ | 99115 | Manufacturer#1 | ULjaQwNbcB XUG9dvbZDHvJVwLo08utswt | 21-241-469-8343 | ending deposits. slyly ironic dependencies breach. blithely speci |
  98. | 7256.46 | Supplier#000009116 | IRAQ | 131576 | Manufacturer#4 | ULjaQwNbcB XUG9dvbZDHvJVwLo08utswt | 21-241-469-8343 | ending deposits. slyly ironic dependencies breach. blithely speci |
  99. | 7254.81 | Supplier#000005664 | EGYPT | 35663 | Manufacturer#2 | b8VWuTXRt66wF9bfrgTmNGuxf1PU0x3O9e | 14-214-171-8987 | ts across the quickly pending pin |
  100. | 7186.63 | Supplier#000006958 | IRAN | 71943 | Manufacturer#4 | 0n9BD,gRzUc3B,PsFcxDBGp4BFf4P | 20-185-413-5590 | against the instructions. requests are. speci |
  101. | 7166.36 | Supplier#000003541 | EGYPT | 116007 | Manufacturer#1 | DbwyOxoaMEdhEtIB3y045QrKCi2fQpGRu, | 14-508-763-1850 | ages. carefully unusual requests across the pending instructions aff |
  102. | 7128.81 | Supplier#000000677 | JORDAN | 50676 | Manufacturer#4 | 8mhrffG7D2WJBSQbOGstQ | 23-290-639-3315 | nder blithely. slyly unusual theod |
  103. | 7051.73 | Supplier#000003349 | IRAQ | 125812 | Manufacturer#3 | wtTK9df9kY7mQ5QUM0Xe5bHLMRLgwE | 21-614-525-7451 | ar theodolites cajole fluffily across the pending requests. slyly final requests a |
  104. | 7023.47 | Supplier#000009543 | SAUDI ARABIA | 47038 | Manufacturer#1 | VYKinyOBNXRr Hdqn8kOxfTw | 30-785-782-6088 | sts. furiously pending packages sleep slyly even requests. final excuses print deposits. final pac |
  105. | 6985.93 | Supplier#000006409 | IRAQ | 131382 | Manufacturer#1 | eO8JDNM19HrlQMR | 21-627-356-3992 | sts. slyly final deposits around the regular accounts are along the furiously final pac |
  106. | 6964.75 | Supplier#000009931 | EGYPT | 57425 | Manufacturer#1 | peQYiRFk G0xZKfJ | 14-989-166-5782 | deposits according to the sometimes silent requests wake along the packages-- blithely f |
  107. | 6964.04 | Supplier#000007399 | IRAQ | 77398 | Manufacturer#2 | zdxjENOGR4QiCFP | 21-859-733-1999 | e blithely after the even requests. carefully ironic packages use slyly a |
  108. | 6913.81 | Supplier#000002625 | IRAQ | 22624 | Manufacturer#3 | a4V0rWemgbsT ZMj w7DB8rUbZ4F4lqqW5VKljQF | 21-136-564-3910 | . asymptotes among the express requests cajole furiously after the ca |
  109. | 6880.18 | Supplier#000006704 | IRAN | 26703 | Manufacturer#4 | 97rxJlAImbO1 sUlChUWoOJ0ZzvQ2NI3KI6VDOwk | 20-588-916-1286 | old accounts wake quickly. ca |
  110. | 6878.62 | Supplier#000001697 | IRAQ | 146668 | Manufacturer#5 | 37nm ODTeHy0xWTWegplgdWQqelh | 21-377-544-4864 | ironic theodolites. furiously regular d |
  111. | 6790.39 | Supplier#000008703 | IRAN | 123678 | Manufacturer#4 | wMslK1A8SEUTIIdApQ | 20-782-266-2552 | eep blithely regular, pending w |
  112. | 6763.46 | Supplier#000007882 | EGYPT | 137881 | Manufacturer#5 | JDv8BZiYG0UlZ | 14-111-252-9120 | the silent accounts wake foxes. furious |
  113. | 6751.81 | Supplier#000003156 | EGYPT | 165607 | Manufacturer#2 | alRWaW4FTFERMM4vf2rHKIKE | 14-843-946-7775 | are furiously. final theodolites affix slyly bold deposits. even packages haggle idly slyly specia |
  114. | 6702.07 | Supplier#000006276 | EGYPT | 31269 | Manufacturer#2 | ,dE1anEjKQGZfgquYfkx2fkGcXH | 14-896-626-7847 | ze about the carefully regular pint |
  115. +-----------+--------------------+--------------+-----------+----------------+------------------------------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  116. 100 rows in set
  117. Q3
  118. +------------+-------------+-------------+----------------+
  119. | l_orderkey | revenue | o_orderdate | o_shippriority |
  120. +------------+-------------+-------------+----------------+
  121. | 2152675 | 431309.8065 | 1995-03-28 | 0 |
  122. | 4994400 | 423834.7976 | 1995-03-09 | 0 |
  123. | 2160291 | 401149.7805 | 1995-03-18 | 0 |
  124. | 2845094 | 401094.1393 | 1995-03-06 | 0 |
  125. | 1902471 | 400497.3847 | 1995-03-01 | 0 |
  126. | 5624358 | 395710.6806 | 1995-03-20 | 0 |
  127. | 2346242 | 392580.0394 | 1995-03-17 | 0 |
  128. | 2529826 | 387365.1560 | 1995-02-17 | 0 |
  129. | 5168933 | 385433.6198 | 1995-03-20 | 0 |
  130. | 2839239 | 380503.7310 | 1995-03-22 | 0 |
  131. +------------+-------------+-------------+----------------+
  132. 10 rows in set
  133. Q4
  134. +-----------------+-------------+
  135. | o_orderpriority | order_count |
  136. +-----------------+-------------+
  137. | 1-URGENT | 10623 |
  138. | 2-HIGH | 10465 |
  139. | 3-MEDIUM | 10309 |
  140. | 4-NOT SPECIFIED | 10618 |
  141. | 5-LOW | 10541 |
  142. +-----------------+-------------+
  143. 5 rows in set
  144. Q5
  145. +---------------+---------------+
  146. | n_name | revenue |
  147. +---------------+---------------+
  148. | PERU | 56206762.5035 |
  149. | CANADA | 56052846.0161 |
  150. | ARGENTINA | 54595012.8076 |
  151. | BRAZIL | 53601776.5201 |
  152. | UNITED STATES | 50890580.8962 |
  153. +---------------+---------------+
  154. 5 rows in set
  155. Q6
  156. +---------------+
  157. | revenue |
  158. +---------------+
  159. | 61660051.7967 |
  160. +---------------+
  161. Q7
  162. +-------------+-------------+--------+---------------+
  163. | supp_nation | cust_nation | l_year | revenue |
  164. +-------------+-------------+--------+---------------+
  165. | ARGENTINA | FRANCE | 1995 | 57928886.8015 |
  166. | ARGENTINA | FRANCE | 1996 | 55535134.8474 |
  167. | FRANCE | ARGENTINA | 1995 | 52916227.7375 |
  168. | FRANCE | ARGENTINA | 1996 | 51077995.8841 |
  169. +-------------+-------------+--------+---------------+
  170. 4 rows in set
  171. Q8
  172. +--------+----------------------+
  173. | o_year | mkt_share |
  174. +--------+----------------------+
  175. | 1995 | 0.035094304475112484 |
  176. | 1996 | 0.03724375099464825 |
  177. +--------+----------------------+
  178. 2 rows in set
  179. Q9
  180. +----------------+--------+---------------+
  181. | nation | o_year | sum_profit |
  182. +----------------+--------+---------------+
  183. | ALGERIA | 1998 | 29931671.4862 |
  184. | ALGERIA | 1997 | 49521023.1139 |
  185. | ALGERIA | 1996 | 51283603.7356 |
  186. | ALGERIA | 1995 | 50206939.3447 |
  187. | ALGERIA | 1994 | 48738988.5891 |
  188. | ALGERIA | 1993 | 48084070.1204 |
  189. | ALGERIA | 1992 | 49725592.1793 |
  190. | ARGENTINA | 1998 | 26407044.9262 |
  191. | ARGENTINA | 1997 | 46224601.0785 |
  192. | ARGENTINA | 1996 | 44579611.0571 |
  193. | ARGENTINA | 1995 | 45081953.2540 |
  194. | ARGENTINA | 1994 | 48291282.8512 |
  195. | ARGENTINA | 1993 | 48063838.9130 |
  196. | ARGENTINA | 1992 | 45277890.2991 |
  197. | BRAZIL | 1998 | 28577022.6384 |
  198. | BRAZIL | 1997 | 46808660.3688 |
  199. | BRAZIL | 1996 | 47119265.0765 |
  200. | BRAZIL | 1995 | 47706399.9100 |
  201. | BRAZIL | 1994 | 48377469.9386 |
  202. | BRAZIL | 1993 | 46933565.7471 |
  203. | BRAZIL | 1992 | 47272215.5408 |
  204. | CANADA | 1998 | 30500303.6521 |
  205. | CANADA | 1997 | 50046257.5687 |
  206. | CANADA | 1996 | 52638586.9029 |
  207. | CANADA | 1995 | 50433911.3289 |
  208. | CANADA | 1994 | 51605251.7124 |
  209. | CANADA | 1993 | 50117218.8464 |
  210. | CANADA | 1992 | 50347111.2789 |
  211. | CHINA | 1998 | 26956001.9487 |
  212. | CHINA | 1997 | 48311246.7866 |
  213. | CHINA | 1996 | 51133929.1033 |
  214. | CHINA | 1995 | 48024289.1049 |
  215. | CHINA | 1994 | 50027433.6557 |
  216. | CHINA | 1993 | 48240226.3801 |
  217. | CHINA | 1992 | 47769117.6007 |
  218. | EGYPT | 1998 | 26972573.1604 |
  219. | EGYPT | 1997 | 46708654.7666 |
  220. | EGYPT | 1996 | 46095050.4457 |
  221. | EGYPT | 1995 | 44901908.2949 |
  222. | EGYPT | 1994 | 48522762.8892 |
  223. | EGYPT | 1993 | 49055807.7642 |
  224. | EGYPT | 1992 | 46909796.1083 |
  225. | ETHIOPIA | 1998 | 26364411.6457 |
  226. | ETHIOPIA | 1997 | 44889623.0645 |
  227. | ETHIOPIA | 1996 | 47554295.2892 |
  228. | ETHIOPIA | 1995 | 44747639.5440 |
  229. | ETHIOPIA | 1994 | 46497570.0631 |
  230. | ETHIOPIA | 1993 | 43853718.5460 |
  231. | ETHIOPIA | 1992 | 44005773.0397 |
  232. | FRANCE | 1998 | 27033406.6353 |
  233. | FRANCE | 1997 | 45763555.5515 |
  234. | FRANCE | 1996 | 47178544.9301 |
  235. | FRANCE | 1995 | 48821282.1929 |
  236. | FRANCE | 1994 | 46444640.9397 |
  237. | FRANCE | 1993 | 46602311.0590 |
  238. | FRANCE | 1992 | 47769356.5113 |
  239. | GERMANY | 1998 | 26165681.8305 |
  240. | GERMANY | 1997 | 46600844.4431 |
  241. | GERMANY | 1996 | 44873520.1979 |
  242. | GERMANY | 1995 | 47761215.6058 |
  243. | GERMANY | 1994 | 42283120.0209 |
  244. | GERMANY | 1993 | 46954873.9820 |
  245. | GERMANY | 1992 | 46263626.6361 |
  246. | INDIA | 1998 | 27651103.0250 |
  247. | INDIA | 1997 | 46000888.8340 |
  248. | INDIA | 1996 | 43993476.7354 |
  249. | INDIA | 1995 | 44015709.1914 |
  250. | INDIA | 1994 | 44281439.6282 |
  251. | INDIA | 1993 | 45367255.7857 |
  252. | INDIA | 1992 | 45350810.5330 |
  253. | INDONESIA | 1998 | 27120545.3120 |
  254. | INDONESIA | 1997 | 45745362.3667 |
  255. | INDONESIA | 1996 | 45347554.8232 |
  256. | INDONESIA | 1995 | 45685709.4978 |
  257. | INDONESIA | 1994 | 44738603.1901 |
  258. | INDONESIA | 1993 | 45172063.2033 |
  259. | INDONESIA | 1992 | 44623924.3942 |
  260. | IRAN | 1998 | 27876287.0949 |
  261. | IRAN | 1997 | 47184621.5647 |
  262. | IRAN | 1996 | 47397859.7878 |
  263. | IRAN | 1995 | 49579120.6991 |
  264. | IRAN | 1994 | 48032316.8744 |
  265. | IRAN | 1993 | 48295593.2066 |
  266. | IRAN | 1992 | 50531453.3934 |
  267. | IRAQ | 1998 | 29997323.2927 |
  268. | IRAQ | 1997 | 52851471.1377 |
  269. | IRAQ | 1996 | 53671825.6297 |
  270. | IRAQ | 1995 | 53251012.1025 |
  271. | IRAQ | 1994 | 50934553.4361 |
  272. | IRAQ | 1993 | 51961214.1186 |
  273. | IRAQ | 1992 | 50840364.3833 |
  274. | JAPAN | 1998 | 26054615.4955 |
  275. | JAPAN | 1997 | 43557394.2595 |
  276. | JAPAN | 1996 | 46531743.0980 |
  277. | JAPAN | 1995 | 41688293.4741 |
  278. | JAPAN | 1994 | 45526719.0728 |
  279. | JAPAN | 1993 | 45619475.4478 |
  280. | JAPAN | 1992 | 44545639.3069 |
  281. | JORDAN | 1998 | 24793092.4101 |
  282. | JORDAN | 1997 | 42050730.7748 |
  283. | JORDAN | 1996 | 42562783.8663 |
  284. | JORDAN | 1995 | 42253019.5330 |
  285. | JORDAN | 1994 | 45027034.7721 |
  286. | JORDAN | 1993 | 44797510.9808 |
  287. | JORDAN | 1992 | 41313405.2890 |
  288. | KENYA | 1998 | 24550926.4693 |
  289. | KENYA | 1997 | 42767120.5848 |
  290. | KENYA | 1996 | 45000095.1105 |
  291. | KENYA | 1995 | 43250458.0109 |
  292. | KENYA | 1994 | 42891596.7158 |
  293. | KENYA | 1993 | 43599201.5126 |
  294. | KENYA | 1992 | 45286145.8141 |
  295. | MOROCCO | 1998 | 23482053.5970 |
  296. | MOROCCO | 1997 | 41503033.0020 |
  297. | MOROCCO | 1996 | 45645555.9409 |
  298. | MOROCCO | 1995 | 44462858.7689 |
  299. | MOROCCO | 1994 | 44768368.8310 |
  300. | MOROCCO | 1993 | 44611871.2477 |
  301. | MOROCCO | 1992 | 43057959.1352 |
  302. | MOZAMBIQUE | 1998 | 28824737.9244 |
  303. | MOZAMBIQUE | 1997 | 48682746.5995 |
  304. | MOZAMBIQUE | 1996 | 50816940.9909 |
  305. | MOZAMBIQUE | 1995 | 50010039.0178 |
  306. | MOZAMBIQUE | 1994 | 48794892.1253 |
  307. | MOZAMBIQUE | 1993 | 48451128.3332 |
  308. | MOZAMBIQUE | 1992 | 50113858.5449 |
  309. | PERU | 1998 | 30575758.1899 |
  310. | PERU | 1997 | 49323405.6808 |
  311. | PERU | 1996 | 50063490.6085 |
  312. | PERU | 1995 | 51272843.6555 |
  313. | PERU | 1994 | 50690589.2334 |
  314. | PERU | 1993 | 49086129.3668 |
  315. | PERU | 1992 | 50067216.3450 |
  316. | ROMANIA | 1998 | 27367992.9903 |
  317. | ROMANIA | 1997 | 45668932.7094 |
  318. | ROMANIA | 1996 | 46594220.7498 |
  319. | ROMANIA | 1995 | 44576835.1623 |
  320. | ROMANIA | 1994 | 45640971.0684 |
  321. | ROMANIA | 1993 | 46374545.0712 |
  322. | ROMANIA | 1992 | 47130533.3076 |
  323. | RUSSIA | 1998 | 27486839.8755 |
  324. | RUSSIA | 1997 | 44050712.6907 |
  325. | RUSSIA | 1996 | 45604597.4983 |
  326. | RUSSIA | 1995 | 48972490.6009 |
  327. | RUSSIA | 1994 | 45652045.5872 |
  328. | RUSSIA | 1993 | 47139548.1597 |
  329. | RUSSIA | 1992 | 47159990.1221 |
  330. | SAUDI ARABIA | 1998 | 29766229.7961 |
  331. | SAUDI ARABIA | 1997 | 51473031.6922 |
  332. | SAUDI ARABIA | 1996 | 52859666.6646 |
  333. | SAUDI ARABIA | 1995 | 50946175.0229 |
  334. | SAUDI ARABIA | 1994 | 53085288.9954 |
  335. | SAUDI ARABIA | 1993 | 50907571.2046 |
  336. | SAUDI ARABIA | 1992 | 50334063.0381 |
  337. | UNITED KINGDOM | 1998 | 27904712.8220 |
  338. | UNITED KINGDOM | 1997 | 48170994.4362 |
  339. | UNITED KINGDOM | 1996 | 46498116.9611 |
  340. | UNITED KINGDOM | 1995 | 43210619.0456 |
  341. | UNITED KINGDOM | 1994 | 47339709.9122 |
  342. | UNITED KINGDOM | 1993 | 44308436.3275 |
  343. | UNITED KINGDOM | 1992 | 45870809.6693 |
  344. | UNITED STATES | 1998 | 25856187.3719 |
  345. | UNITED STATES | 1997 | 44934753.2208 |
  346. | UNITED STATES | 1996 | 44826974.2915 |
  347. | UNITED STATES | 1995 | 44160425.4086 |
  348. | UNITED STATES | 1994 | 43193241.6843 |
  349. | UNITED STATES | 1993 | 45126307.2619 |
  350. | UNITED STATES | 1992 | 44205926.3317 |
  351. | VIETNAM | 1998 | 28289193.6726 |
  352. | VIETNAM | 1997 | 48284585.4019 |
  353. | VIETNAM | 1996 | 48360225.9084 |
  354. | VIETNAM | 1995 | 48742082.6165 |
  355. | VIETNAM | 1994 | 49035537.3894 |
  356. | VIETNAM | 1993 | 47222674.6352 |
  357. | VIETNAM | 1992 | 48628336.9011 |
  358. +----------------+--------+---------------+
  359. 175 rows in set
  360. Q10
  361. +-----------+--------------------+-------------+-----------+----------------+------------------------------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  362. | c_custkey | c_name | revenue | c_acctbal | n_name | c_address | c_phone | c_comment |
  363. +-----------+--------------------+-------------+-----------+----------------+------------------------------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  364. | 95962 | Customer#000095962 | 704336.0774 | -9.33 | MOZAMBIQUE | 83wOMt9iAb9OJ0HbkQ1PaX3odXVBNEIMXaE | 26-127-693-7436 | nusual theodolites maintain furiously fluffily iro |
  365. | 87064 | Customer#000087064 | 684037.4349 | 5244.68 | BRAZIL | 0xej6ldT8zi7MwLdDJ1II3YWwprkvwB1 I0kwsf | 12-930-206-2571 | de of the ironic, silent warthogs. bold, r |
  366. | 56416 | Customer#000056416 | 661218.0492 | 4303.82 | INDIA | CEuBN,xZVmP | 18-212-984-8331 | al waters cajole along the slyly unusual dugouts. carefully regular deposits use slyly? packages h |
  367. | 46450 | Customer#000046450 | 646205.6835 | 2400.59 | UNITED STATES | rzWQxB9iFpd8i4KUCAPdv | 34-765-320-4326 | ss, final deposits cajole sly |
  368. | 128713 | Customer#000128713 | 643240.1183 | 7200.30 | ARGENTINA | mm0kxtHFCchaZX4eYSCCyQHno7vq,SRmv4 | 11-174-994-6880 | ording to the express accounts cajole carefully across the bravely special packages. carefully regular account |
  369. | 102187 | Customer#000102187 | 637493.0787 | -896.03 | ETHIOPIA | EAi6vcGnWHUMb6rJwn,PtUgSH74tR Aixa | 15-877-462-6534 | gular packages. carefully regular deposits cajole carefully of the regular requests. carefully special accou |
  370. | 42541 | Customer#000042541 | 634546.9756 | 8082.14 | IRAN | IccOGHgp8g | 20-442-159-1337 | cross the final asymptotes. final packages wake furiously ironic dec |
  371. | 51595 | Customer#000051595 | 611926.8265 | 7236.80 | UNITED STATES | wQFWZk 7JCpeg50O0KCzSmUFnNNwX1aEQ7V3Q | 34-844-269-9070 | sts. always express accounts use carefully along the quickly speci |
  372. | 66391 | Customer#000066391 | 608385.5852 | 9404.57 | UNITED STATES | V0XvU1Nh9NU4zsyOkm,RBa | 34-149-224-8119 | ages cajole carefully carefully bold deposits: fluffily unusual deposits promise slyly carefully ironic co |
  373. | 48358 | Customer#000048358 | 603621.4823 | -611.15 | ETHIOPIA | ycg3uMG7iDdwQvJ1irr | 15-687-936-5181 | the slyly unusual foxes-- carefully regular |
  374. | 99175 | Customer#000099175 | 602125.3304 | 2218.76 | INDONESIA | 9wbW52xx9T84E0dZ Rvz1ozQ1 | 19-125-912-6494 | ide of the slyly ironic foxes boost silently ironic, even instructions. blithe |
  375. | 122509 | Customer#000122509 | 601580.1203 | 2613.83 | KENYA | ZN1sc0eJrkD8t6X5Q1d3 | 24-421-308-3881 | brave deposits haggle across the even deposits. instr |
  376. | 148055 | Customer#000148055 | 601003.6812 | 455.31 | PERU | Y,RCZ3Bislx64nTsPaRL,5gjx7xgC6y, yKYnCw | 27-473-476-4382 | uickly final accounts wake carefully sl |
  377. | 117451 | Customer#000117451 | 599792.7063 | 1090.48 | UNITED STATES | bSwr7mNPiaf1f lNK9 uTJxWCL2sn1Lak5NIB | 34-354-586-6011 | ding to the furiously express accounts boost carefully af |
  378. | 104110 | Customer#000104110 | 588194.3118 | 2762.52 | JORDAN | mm7 ZuDX5Z5nAQbKObB 80XBCy,1nyW | 23-639-800-5768 | urts sleep furiously alongside of the packages! slyly ironic packages sleep |
  379. | 13666 | Customer#000013666 | 579926.1679 | 7453.98 | EGYPT | DLRUWGcprmWqdROJvmZwpE | 14-316-135-4381 | ross the silent requests. special theodolit |
  380. | 96202 | Customer#000096202 | 571017.3398 | 4703.04 | CANADA | 4Vcxcx3w4zMjVYNQaqrweweQY6TJO AP9rdvQaLl | 13-194-779-9597 | en packages use. fluffily regular dependencies boost. never pending requ |
  381. | 70279 | Customer#000070279 | 561369.3650 | 9109.34 | CHINA | ltie8o3ihwffMrqMrkvN957KZVWmH5 | 28-842-825-1717 | theodolites sleep: blithely final requests are fur |
  382. | 16972 | Customer#000016972 | 560435.8065 | 6408.66 | ROMANIA | X6T8vRKy6kSO0f2wJJt | 29-483-958-3347 | sts. pending deposits are across the regular, express instructions. carefully daring foxes cajol |
  383. | 113443 | Customer#000113443 | 557272.6706 | -72.67 | UNITED KINGDOM | SUHbS85cYxgVkKbfh9sUpEa6ezVSlQuCKe3CV | 33-819-742-6112 | ic foxes cajole thinly furiously stealthy instructions. pinto beans are. quickly regular accounts integrate car |
  384. +-----------+--------------------+-------------+-----------+----------------+------------------------------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  385. 20 rows in set
  386. Q11
  387. +------------+-------------+
  388. | ps_partkey | value |
  389. +------------+-------------+
  390. | 131630 | 17882680.37 |
  391. | 104150 | 17613017.18 |
  392. | 128284 | 16502418.74 |
  393. | 8978 | 16470438.59 |
  394. | 147193 | 16462742.12 |
  395. | 78788 | 16010246.37 |
  396. | 76331 | 15776882.05 |
  397. | 137287 | 15770471.15 |
  398. | 51302 | 15730620.22 |
  399. | 141553 | 15333540.19 |
  400. | 137196 | 15035435.60 |
  401. | 186531 | 14818272.68 |
  402. | 103818 | 14690943.63 |
  403. | 80080 | 14626441.35 |
  404. | 1312 | 14330729.50 |
  405. | 6531 | 14267308.08 |
  406. | 96162 | 14154396.04 |
  407. | 69605 | 14018927.25 |
  408. | 30118 | 13854726.38 |
  409. | 17006 | 13731495.60 |
  410. | 95347 | 13716648.60 |
  411. | 18722 | 13707978.71 |
  412. | 122875 | 13640341.00 |
  413. | 105499 | 13532912.80 |
  414. | 165560 | 13509536.95 |
  415. | 1531 | 13337454.55 |
  416. | 34732 | 13304041.48 |
  417. | 173221 | 13038078.41 |
  418. | 180975 | 13038039.17 |
  419. | 24703 | 12957050.80 |
  420. | 72036 | 12939426.90 |
  421. | 124814 | 12849842.04 |
  422. | 174453 | 12814999.00 |
  423. | 14209 | 12814858.56 |
  424. | 185186 | 12657201.05 |
  425. | 187868 | 12647101.80 |
  426. | 125085 | 12639931.63 |
  427. | 80331 | 12625007.00 |
  428. | 118685 | 12515185.68 |
  429. | 163988 | 12484272.80 |
  430. | 124685 | 12432747.32 |
  431. | 92838 | 12410071.57 |
  432. | 140928 | 12396673.84 |
  433. | 1218 | 12362877.75 |
  434. | 39201 | 12328085.10 |
  435. | 33237 | 12180622.98 |
  436. | 183791 | 12150040.50 |
  437. | 3243 | 12136315.74 |
  438. | 62740 | 12131313.60 |
  439. | 154171 | 12105470.89 |
  440. | 49034 | 11982382.52 |
  441. | 88673 | 11925499.04 |
  442. | 52527 | 11923653.16 |
  443. | 83974 | 11871084.73 |
  444. | 88254 | 11870393.22 |
  445. | 411 | 11806670.95 |
  446. | 14320 | 11800136.02 |
  447. | 164979 | 11794760.03 |
  448. | 166149 | 11778499.72 |
  449. | 74105 | 11750224.34 |
  450. | 169104 | 11708532.18 |
  451. | 15542 | 11687293.42 |
  452. | 161538 | 11661769.80 |
  453. | 63337 | 11592505.40 |
  454. | 117197 | 11508165.60 |
  455. | 102989 | 11497056.75 |
  456. | 10836 | 11465875.43 |
  457. | 199561 | 11431793.36 |
  458. | 134683 | 11384564.54 |
  459. | 136318 | 11351893.30 |
  460. | 166270 | 11336004.81 |
  461. | 32200 | 11324838.00 |
  462. | 57033 | 11281026.52 |
  463. | 18098 | 11245398.24 |
  464. | 135174 | 11189782.12 |
  465. | 181616 | 11183947.65 |
  466. | 85064 | 11175761.43 |
  467. | 120719 | 11164342.08 |
  468. | 99670 | 11140257.47 |
  469. | 46096 | 11034143.76 |
  470. | 195124 | 11030197.30 |
  471. | 78838 | 11012446.40 |
  472. | 151656 | 11010376.90 |
  473. | 156956 | 10996384.80 |
  474. | 34028 | 10942671.24 |
  475. | 15778 | 10937778.75 |
  476. | 199707 | 10924333.33 |
  477. | 118776 | 10920609.31 |
  478. | 27640 | 10919693.42 |
  479. | 15237 | 10918145.54 |
  480. | 148243 | 10916765.29 |
  481. | 111498 | 10867707.51 |
  482. | 132024 | 10834280.47 |
  483. | 35124 | 10806898.50 |
  484. | 196818 | 10787371.25 |
  485. | 197669 | 10779504.60 |
  486. | 110042 | 10778828.37 |
  487. | 197422 | 10770092.44 |
  488. | 75160 | 10746976.60 |
  489. | 191567 | 10642430.39 |
  490. | 34225 | 10574664.41 |
  491. | 102588 | 10567012.05 |
  492. | 44148 | 10505249.34 |
  493. | 126607 | 10484944.29 |
  494. | 172625 | 10444857.62 |
  495. | 157054 | 10406203.24 |
  496. | 19322 | 10378704.98 |
  497. | 136541 | 10371536.77 |
  498. | 167526 | 10320346.58 |
  499. | 136011 | 10302146.84 |
  500. | 107431 | 10273992.76 |
  501. | 16485 | 10257703.67 |
  502. | 52580 | 10250264.05 |
  503. | 839 | 10238243.36 |
  504. | 31704 | 10196678.94 |
  505. | 122558 | 10137326.18 |
  506. | 180386 | 10123318.07 |
  507. | 97705 | 10089163.37 |
  508. | 96327 | 10087851.88 |
  509. | 136143 | 10082137.97 |
  510. | 15174 | 10057277.55 |
  511. | 193324 | 10039922.93 |
  512. | 33593 | 10019952.10 |
  513. | 126288 | 10014855.05 |
  514. | 64123 | 9985650.90 |
  515. | 183712 | 9973256.18 |
  516. | 138831 | 9963069.10 |
  517. | 123694 | 9959096.38 |
  518. | 51734 | 9952439.73 |
  519. | 11861 | 9949647.12 |
  520. | 119127 | 9942105.69 |
  521. | 173308 | 9932264.52 |
  522. | 40986 | 9921554.40 |
  523. | 176970 | 9919708.65 |
  524. | 54316 | 9913595.16 |
  525. | 62644 | 9903936.27 |
  526. | 185354 | 9895956.52 |
  527. | 81468 | 9885132.60 |
  528. | 104687 | 9883888.05 |
  529. | 198959 | 9875351.28 |
  530. | 179767 | 9872309.86 |
  531. | 102835 | 9870743.52 |
  532. | 163221 | 9856173.04 |
  533. | 32633 | 9852565.04 |
  534. | 19605 | 9850164.48 |
  535. | 47378 | 9826135.11 |
  536. | 44026 | 9822433.44 |
  537. | 126629 | 9816227.30 |
  538. | 199665 | 9812400.23 |
  539. | 30989 | 9812295.52 |
  540. | 102177 | 9810372.32 |
  541. | 25765 | 9806344.88 |
  542. | 110721 | 9804895.23 |
  543. | 159532 | 9803738.34 |
  544. | 101640 | 9801375.65 |
  545. | 151569 | 9792489.20 |
  546. | 180629 | 9782164.34 |
  547. | 165528 | 9769074.10 |
  548. | 23772 | 9766084.22 |
  549. | 149727 | 9765190.96 |
  550. | 189605 | 9761887.80 |
  551. | 74703 | 9758757.28 |
  552. | 83382 | 9758144.21 |
  553. | 93775 | 9726901.71 |
  554. | 56192 | 9725508.16 |
  555. | 50060 | 9712714.65 |
  556. | 15409 | 9706898.91 |
  557. | 139104 | 9701070.72 |
  558. | 177435 | 9686566.09 |
  559. | 31351 | 9675197.98 |
  560. | 20495 | 9672566.31 |
  561. | 24537 | 9654516.03 |
  562. | 160528 | 9650804.70 |
  563. | 34706 | 9647241.90 |
  564. | 149039 | 9643498.32 |
  565. | 147139 | 9642356.34 |
  566. | 118629 | 9624960.80 |
  567. | 35359 | 9621549.92 |
  568. | 33854 | 9616857.73 |
  569. | 33707 | 9609988.84 |
  570. | 149055 | 9599364.32 |
  571. | 127429 | 9580670.49 |
  572. | 67575 | 9579613.26 |
  573. | 80727 | 9576545.81 |
  574. | 181650 | 9574445.40 |
  575. | 50176 | 9573389.08 |
  576. | 171093 | 9571625.20 |
  577. | 151342 | 9569230.21 |
  578. | 123052 | 9561903.68 |
  579. | 132633 | 9545052.14 |
  580. | 130419 | 9524936.49 |
  581. | 89241 | 9512992.32 |
  582. | 138255 | 9503515.93 |
  583. | 31680 | 9502841.07 |
  584. | 151986 | 9500862.59 |
  585. | 146390 | 9490242.96 |
  586. | 62275 | 9475584.10 |
  587. | 33518 | 9475074.40 |
  588. | 5286 | 9473739.88 |
  589. | 39020 | 9467701.22 |
  590. | 113281 | 9466510.94 |
  591. | 138789 | 9464407.24 |
  592. | 165040 | 9462153.75 |
  593. | 150766 | 9461855.88 |
  594. | 54341 | 9459425.45 |
  595. | 33464 | 9459377.37 |
  596. | 15251 | 9455980.84 |
  597. | 145308 | 9454189.29 |
  598. | 192621 | 9449324.14 |
  599. | 175218 | 9448987.35 |
  600. | 58992 | 9446144.40 |
  601. | 24548 | 9442739.03 |
  602. | 177563 | 9440891.04 |
  603. | 184482 | 9431486.10 |
  604. | 78961 | 9430401.05 |
  605. | 174167 | 9428622.96 |
  606. | 88265 | 9423143.28 |
  607. | 6057 | 9405359.37 |
  608. | 85387 | 9402175.55 |
  609. | 47053 | 9399707.66 |
  610. | 128973 | 9399265.92 |
  611. | 65668 | 9395584.45 |
  612. | 50222 | 9394502.96 |
  613. | 116534 | 9388011.08 |
  614. | 140959 | 9386284.56 |
  615. | 46897 | 9385056.21 |
  616. | 141872 | 9383820.48 |
  617. | 177181 | 9383551.92 |
  618. | 168265 | 9376664.16 |
  619. | 48974 | 9374769.12 |
  620. | 46218 | 9364135.50 |
  621. | 104039 | 9363227.03 |
  622. | 61538 | 9360159.08 |
  623. | 94688 | 9359604.98 |
  624. | 122393 | 9357937.19 |
  625. | 7323 | 9356712.30 |
  626. | 197892 | 9356573.44 |
  627. | 194056 | 9352381.73 |
  628. | 61285 | 9348480.54 |
  629. | 180336 | 9347874.15 |
  630. | 121930 | 9347784.74 |
  631. | 80652 | 9347143.50 |
  632. | 18549 | 9346038.72 |
  633. | 23992 | 9339908.16 |
  634. | 136583 | 9337299.56 |
  635. | 156151 | 9337138.10 |
  636. | 160572 | 9336553.40 |
  637. | 113391 | 9335558.10 |
  638. | 48068 | 9334317.92 |
  639. | 20409 | 9331093.65 |
  640. | 39712 | 9324685.28 |
  641. | 59364 | 9322249.86 |
  642. | 1344 | 9308304.39 |
  643. | 60549 | 9308293.20 |
  644. | 83854 | 9307387.25 |
  645. | 92092 | 9307165.64 |
  646. | 193306 | 9306177.31 |
  647. | 118265 | 9300250.20 |
  648. | 107568 | 9296254.34 |
  649. | 109127 | 9293552.10 |
  650. | 184688 | 9291647.92 |
  651. | 8718 | 9287337.37 |
  652. | 80433 | 9286295.52 |
  653. | 26670 | 9284963.44 |
  654. | 139548 | 9283605.21 |
  655. | 14736 | 9280119.20 |
  656. | 97886 | 9273852.42 |
  657. | 181442 | 9273130.50 |
  658. | 172360 | 9272824.92 |
  659. | 192714 | 9268366.36 |
  660. | 106726 | 9264879.90 |
  661. | 72157 | 9263498.40 |
  662. | 70445 | 9257553.92 |
  663. | 75148 | 9257420.83 |
  664. | 26170 | 9256074.12 |
  665. | 116531 | 9249721.71 |
  666. | 133665 | 9245464.80 |
  667. | 129041 | 9244629.48 |
  668. | 136486 | 9240748.92 |
  669. | 198924 | 9239976.06 |
  670. | 115254 | 9233580.37 |
  671. | 168135 | 9232693.98 |
  672. | 22480 | 9232190.78 |
  673. | 192018 | 9230386.58 |
  674. | 111889 | 9228204.96 |
  675. | 151661 | 9227926.90 |
  676. | 96482 | 9226960.85 |
  677. | 49198 | 9226436.40 |
  678. | 41219 | 9222883.52 |
  679. | 113502 | 9222208.59 |
  680. | 84009 | 9218703.22 |
  681. | 192788 | 9213468.00 |
  682. | 160251 | 9206353.32 |
  683. | 188162 | 9200537.88 |
  684. | 167589 | 9195835.03 |
  685. | 132673 | 9194021.22 |
  686. | 191105 | 9192417.12 |
  687. | 128748 | 9189941.55 |
  688. | 130423 | 9184710.96 |
  689. | 22639 | 9182963.16 |
  690. | 199034 | 9180909.86 |
  691. | 187644 | 9180350.20 |
  692. | 970 | 9175757.70 |
  693. | 59070 | 9170000.64 |
  694. | 66568 | 9166070.04 |
  695. | 52715 | 9161221.80 |
  696. | 130276 | 9161201.57 |
  697. | 24189 | 9160740.15 |
  698. | 132402 | 9144498.48 |
  699. | 37799 | 9142271.24 |
  700. | 173337 | 9140566.68 |
  701. | 176552 | 9135054.51 |
  702. | 195714 | 9133679.77 |
  703. | 119363 | 9123261.90 |
  704. | 161160 | 9122259.60 |
  705. | 196968 | 9111592.20 |
  706. | 61943 | 9111527.33 |
  707. | 79766 | 9109534.89 |
  708. | 178082 | 9105694.92 |
  709. | 38800 | 9105468.72 |
  710. | 83608 | 9099493.68 |
  711. | 146346 | 9098628.00 |
  712. | 116690 | 9098099.93 |
  713. | 64690 | 9095441.10 |
  714. | 82061 | 9095381.18 |
  715. | 89015 | 9092660.48 |
  716. | 188457 | 9091400.40 |
  717. | 125177 | 9090455.55 |
  718. | 114776 | 9088177.68 |
  719. | 4486 | 9087487.20 |
  720. | 176940 | 9086842.84 |
  721. | 93157 | 9084361.81 |
  722. | 148624 | 9083370.78 |
  723. | 4441 | 9079520.58 |
  724. | 63590 | 9079125.44 |
  725. | 174189 | 9078023.39 |
  726. | 63054 | 9075441.98 |
  727. | 14950 | 9073156.19 |
  728. | 175646 | 9072322.47 |
  729. | 63712 | 9067710.48 |
  730. | 157197 | 9067452.77 |
  731. | 147196 | 9064699.80 |
  732. | 50551 | 9062434.72 |
  733. | 43035 | 9061782.03 |
  734. | 187679 | 9056529.40 |
  735. | 96673 | 9056525.94 |
  736. | 130148 | 9054217.06 |
  737. | 159007 | 9053155.29 |
  738. | 41544 | 9052820.94 |
  739. | 109476 | 9048012.09 |
  740. | 60092 | 9045562.44 |
  741. | 197490 | 9044579.88 |
  742. | 47311 | 9037223.52 |
  743. | 87230 | 9033227.61 |
  744. | 3860 | 9030622.02 |
  745. | 5466 | 9029841.66 |
  746. | 171537 | 9024699.30 |
  747. | 39707 | 9022833.12 |
  748. | 167048 | 9022709.18 |
  749. | 109006 | 9022258.40 |
  750. | 17910 | 9019688.45 |
  751. | 132826 | 9017286.74 |
  752. | 157502 | 9016444.08 |
  753. | 142309 | 9016270.60 |
  754. | 78891 | 9005693.25 |
  755. | 88301 | 9002414.82 |
  756. | 11496 | 9000803.97 |
  757. | 163633 | 8996162.06 |
  758. | 151809 | 8993104.95 |
  759. | 131555 | 8988340.68 |
  760. | 72812 | 8985370.68 |
  761. | 77047 | 8981489.79 |
  762. | 1553 | 8977226.10 |
  763. | 162531 | 8973689.92 |
  764. | 154026 | 8973320.24 |
  765. | 125499 | 8969667.84 |
  766. | 34547 | 8966116.43 |
  767. | 41301 | 8965350.42 |
  768. | 12853 | 8959403.59 |
  769. | 27736 | 8957933.23 |
  770. | 162817 | 8956868.20 |
  771. | 155389 | 8955349.85 |
  772. | 130360 | 8952928.25 |
  773. | 120878 | 8952393.10 |
  774. | 150671 | 8952112.72 |
  775. | 190365 | 8951671.57 |
  776. | 72364 | 8950587.82 |
  777. | 71615 | 8949277.07 |
  778. | 95277 | 8947796.58 |
  779. | 78180 | 8946814.80 |
  780. | 97062 | 8945057.46 |
  781. | 170013 | 8944660.40 |
  782. | 113426 | 8943016.29 |
  783. | 173751 | 8942914.28 |
  784. | 1478 | 8941906.24 |
  785. | 26061 | 8941022.48 |
  786. | 152527 | 8939654.10 |
  787. | 148360 | 8939589.40 |
  788. | 44057 | 8939101.36 |
  789. | 13595 | 8936720.10 |
  790. | 33337 | 8935366.48 |
  791. | 169698 | 8931507.20 |
  792. | 26155 | 8927283.11 |
  793. | 17185 | 8927218.40 |
  794. | 51996 | 8926661.08 |
  795. | 101869 | 8919281.70 |
  796. | 14561 | 8910653.92 |
  797. | 190047 | 8909427.90 |
  798. | 104143 | 8909328.40 |
  799. | 133330 | 8907195.90 |
  800. | 169144 | 8904989.34 |
  801. | 87067 | 8900079.44 |
  802. | 176075 | 8898845.64 |
  803. | 25076 | 8895274.12 |
  804. | 80838 | 8895205.30 |
  805. | 40387 | 8890891.55 |
  806. | 88004 | 8888748.80 |
  807. | 105527 | 8888672.72 |
  808. | 40741 | 8886674.24 |
  809. | 76690 | 8880622.61 |
  810. | 86485 | 8880488.57 |
  811. | 75736 | 8877666.06 |
  812. | 48704 | 8876626.52 |
  813. | 56450 | 8872277.59 |
  814. | 61683 | 8870173.93 |
  815. | 24067 | 8867814.12 |
  816. | 108012 | 8863632.38 |
  817. | 180971 | 8862007.20 |
  818. | 132986 | 8861335.20 |
  819. | 35839 | 8859344.64 |
  820. | 191553 | 8857411.14 |
  821. | 163492 | 8855825.91 |
  822. | 112101 | 8851904.10 |
  823. | 27050 | 8847924.19 |
  824. | 57481 | 8845309.59 |
  825. | 163252 | 8842276.65 |
  826. | 87958 | 8840221.67 |
  827. | 60162 | 8838927.08 |
  828. | 131928 | 8838900.48 |
  829. | 123514 | 8833601.14 |
  830. | 42891 | 8830401.37 |
  831. | 71547 | 8829540.72 |
  832. | 13975 | 8826582.48 |
  833. | 31577 | 8825371.40 |
  834. | 86165 | 8816308.38 |
  835. | 164646 | 8815470.18 |
  836. | 150176 | 8814992.11 |
  837. | 152464 | 8814533.82 |
  838. | 183434 | 8813941.24 |
  839. | 58839 | 8808010.20 |
  840. | 59952 | 8801497.32 |
  841. | 151038 | 8800215.80 |
  842. | 139523 | 8800032.57 |
  843. | 8828 | 8798704.66 |
  844. | 14080 | 8797032.12 |
  845. | 194080 | 8792825.27 |
  846. | 87199 | 8788933.64 |
  847. | 91747 | 8785811.64 |
  848. | 194429 | 8776185.03 |
  849. | 118998 | 8776071.00 |
  850. | 179467 | 8771474.74 |
  851. | 68715 | 8771302.80 |
  852. | 180572 | 8771095.68 |
  853. | 19821 | 8770770.82 |
  854. | 41702 | 8770565.71 |
  855. | 27916 | 8769001.47 |
  856. | 121302 | 8763598.50 |
  857. | 107013 | 8762893.37 |
  858. | 37287 | 8761196.43 |
  859. | 117050 | 8758230.00 |
  860. | 58547 | 8757757.40 |
  861. | 197088 | 8749026.12 |
  862. | 55839 | 8747234.02 |
  863. | 71829 | 8744546.91 |
  864. | 30961 | 8743416.92 |
  865. | 134548 | 8741635.28 |
  866. | 179833 | 8738680.00 |
  867. | 79721 | 8737857.70 |
  868. | 144577 | 8736427.08 |
  869. | 29051 | 8729063.28 |
  870. | 131481 | 8728799.64 |
  871. | 73271 | 8727985.25 |
  872. | 89553 | 8725727.19 |
  873. | 31306 | 8724451.12 |
  874. | 82181 | 8724017.16 |
  875. | 95549 | 8723460.30 |
  876. | 31507 | 8722094.40 |
  877. | 21302 | 8722054.95 |
  878. | 137953 | 8721611.83 |
  879. | 195768 | 8721020.99 |
  880. | 180105 | 8718021.20 |
  881. | 98241 | 8717935.36 |
  882. | 59431 | 8715482.28 |
  883. | 143694 | 8713267.63 |
  884. | 109020 | 8713043.36 |
  885. | 46732 | 8711642.04 |
  886. | 144172 | 8711013.10 |
  887. | 139056 | 8710786.50 |
  888. | 107543 | 8706135.75 |
  889. | 89127 | 8705410.56 |
  890. | 146544 | 8704812.86 |
  891. | 195524 | 8699333.14 |
  892. | 133563 | 8698060.14 |
  893. | 112707 | 8694322.84 |
  894. | 98951 | 8690376.70 |
  895. | 132635 | 8689305.24 |
  896. | 69056 | 8688980.25 |
  897. | 134143 | 8688695.26 |
  898. | 148150 | 8687553.16 |
  899. | 89122 | 8686767.31 |
  900. | 15085 | 8685772.26 |
  901. | 196686 | 8682783.57 |
  902. | 3076 | 8672940.78 |
  903. | 137428 | 8672547.80 |
  904. | 27263 | 8671719.36 |
  905. | 101561 | 8667962.72 |
  906. | 12597 | 8662223.52 |
  907. | 143329 | 8661688.72 |
  908. | 130813 | 8659409.04 |
  909. | 183679 | 8658698.30 |
  910. | 47449 | 8658493.58 |
  911. | 164677 | 8658220.00 |
  912. | 51437 | 8654713.02 |
  913. | 116162 | 8649713.36 |
  914. | 71889 | 8645159.67 |
  915. | 6486 | 8639891.76 |
  916. | 192102 | 8638102.72 |
  917. | 101660 | 8634451.80 |
  918. | 124703 | 8633146.86 |
  919. | 150469 | 8631948.60 |
  920. | 197467 | 8630739.78 |
  921. | 97621 | 8630453.32 |
  922. | 150354 | 8630288.15 |
  923. | 179544 | 8630121.63 |
  924. | 38972 | 8626072.00 |
  925. | 110732 | 8625761.16 |
  926. | 170791 | 8625203.06 |
  927. | 149414 | 8617070.17 |
  928. | 59527 | 8616079.20 |
  929. | 157580 | 8615676.04 |
  930. | 16268 | 8615087.46 |
  931. | 76464 | 8610219.38 |
  932. | 44474 | 8607934.92 |
  933. | 125527 | 8607708.08 |
  934. | 118076 | 8602251.65 |
  935. | 180362 | 8601367.05 |
  936. | 5808 | 8599851.04 |
  937. | 28703 | 8599486.36 |
  938. | 113373 | 8597996.36 |
  939. | 118918 | 8597063.80 |
  940. | 44868 | 8596304.52 |
  941. | 43419 | 8596265.35 |
  942. | 89763 | 8595248.64 |
  943. | 119232 | 8594224.56 |
  944. | 108649 | 8590683.68 |
  945. | 10396 | 8588398.05 |
  946. | 79536 | 8587117.83 |
  947. | 149800 | 8587058.86 |
  948. | 165839 | 8582991.20 |
  949. | 115397 | 8581524.77 |
  950. | 104394 | 8581384.42 |
  951. | 142569 | 8581127.40 |
  952. | 63676 | 8580930.08 |
  953. | 29029 | 8580613.53 |
  954. | 156604 | 8580477.00 |
  955. | 7310 | 8579949.50 |
  956. | 105381 | 8576164.24 |
  957. | 84306 | 8573960.40 |
  958. | 61217 | 8570393.04 |
  959. | 164438 | 8569616.36 |
  960. | 28073 | 8565639.60 |
  961. | 125743 | 8563258.90 |
  962. | 190032 | 8561620.55 |
  963. | 147122 | 8561245.68 |
  964. | 5384 | 8558830.08 |
  965. | 70172 | 8558319.64 |
  966. | 161966 | 8556193.38 |
  967. | 69530 | 8554377.60 |
  968. | 111243 | 8553627.55 |
  969. | 72590 | 8551077.51 |
  970. | 134423 | 8550604.77 |
  971. | 44509 | 8547134.31 |
  972. | 160707 | 8546000.68 |
  973. | 54123 | 8545976.26 |
  974. | 36547 | 8540333.04 |
  975. | 48715 | 8537983.35 |
  976. | 103078 | 8537142.60 |
  977. | 137613 | 8536278.96 |
  978. | 44995 | 8532416.72 |
  979. | 191159 | 8532173.37 |
  980. | 119345 | 8532070.56 |
  981. | 109941 | 8531904.79 |
  982. | 5449 | 8528034.35 |
  983. | 134116 | 8526854.95 |
  984. | 199268 | 8523599.58 |
  985. | 168520 | 8523360.67 |
  986. | 154189 | 8521620.13 |
  987. | 108771 | 8513853.87 |
  988. | 198651 | 8511238.80 |
  989. | 93681 | 8510935.14 |
  990. | 170680 | 8509087.68 |
  991. | 106409 | 8506859.19 |
  992. | 27110 | 8499811.75 |
  993. | 43224 | 8499539.52 |
  994. | 153225 | 8499434.28 |
  995. | 16681 | 8498021.66 |
  996. | 117983 | 8496934.32 |
  997. | 192158 | 8492372.03 |
  998. | 33900 | 8491139.64 |
  999. | 37006 | 8489126.28 |
  1000. | 176554 | 8488633.92 |
  1001. | 69234 | 8484937.26 |
  1002. | 176652 | 8484496.02 |
  1003. | 41660 | 8480585.65 |
  1004. | 129104 | 8480411.17 |
  1005. | 66960 | 8478978.86 |
  1006. | 36296 | 8472438.75 |
  1007. | 98665 | 8471241.57 |
  1008. | 134173 | 8467888.57 |
  1009. | 60496 | 8467019.22 |
  1010. | 197520 | 8466553.20 |
  1011. | 116746 | 8465792.60 |
  1012. | 187394 | 8458248.24 |
  1013. | 140377 | 8455546.68 |
  1014. | 97326 | 8450501.67 |
  1015. | 26770 | 8449625.64 |
  1016. | 104884 | 8446152.26 |
  1017. | 143109 | 8443547.19 |
  1018. | 127361 | 8441094.08 |
  1019. | 104754 | 8436883.50 |
  1020. | 183676 | 8436165.76 |
  1021. | 906 | 8434608.12 |
  1022. | 55768 | 8433763.69 |
  1023. | 118654 | 8433465.57 |
  1024. | 39310 | 8433214.55 |
  1025. | 173261 | 8432992.53 |
  1026. | 93976 | 8432605.20 |
  1027. | 63318 | 8432149.26 |
  1028. | 128243 | 8424182.94 |
  1029. | 156063 | 8422743.54 |
  1030. | 195087 | 8421279.30 |
  1031. | 67668 | 8417594.98 |
  1032. | 49882 | 8417237.80 |
  1033. | 105631 | 8412628.07 |
  1034. | 40987 | 8406033.41 |
  1035. | 185735 | 8404112.83 |
  1036. | 173986 | 8403050.34 |
  1037. | 87372 | 8402838.40 |
  1038. | 24509 | 8398807.24 |
  1039. | 180522 | 8394989.75 |
  1040. | 76215 | 8394433.35 |
  1041. | 193872 | 8390435.23 |
  1042. | 141234 | 8390180.92 |
  1043. | 91138 | 8386645.20 |
  1044. | 28097 | 8385577.38 |
  1045. | 4053 | 8384952.75 |
  1046. | 17050 | 8380304.40 |
  1047. | 64050 | 8377921.56 |
  1048. | 80836 | 8375803.16 |
  1049. | 86084 | 8373551.95 |
  1050. | 168499 | 8373348.72 |
  1051. | 178642 | 8372218.52 |
  1052. | 8498 | 8370557.16 |
  1053. | 156312 | 8366249.30 |
  1054. | 136803 | 8361949.92 |
  1055. | 92109 | 8359503.23 |
  1056. | 138625 | 8358135.21 |
  1057. | 137540 | 8358031.08 |
  1058. | 176531 | 8355437.00 |
  1059. | 53783 | 8352395.63 |
  1060. | 106977 | 8352334.98 |
  1061. | 21385 | 8351786.37 |
  1062. | 114885 | 8351582.40 |
  1063. | 113643 | 8350530.65 |
  1064. | 89061 | 8349422.08 |
  1065. | 77752 | 8348730.24 |
  1066. | 28623 | 8348321.44 |
  1067. | 74478 | 8348064.27 |
  1068. | 41383 | 8347223.45 |
  1069. | 147632 | 8346967.80 |
  1070. | 40948 | 8346743.30 |
  1071. | 154324 | 8346521.91 |
  1072. | 89724 | 8346034.80 |
  1073. | 119083 | 8338084.92 |
  1074. | 124143 | 8335841.76 |
  1075. | 80512 | 8335705.69 |
  1076. | 105047 | 8332249.86 |
  1077. | 38243 | 8329017.19 |
  1078. | 42583 | 8328613.91 |
  1079. | 44240 | 8327684.64 |
  1080. | 57611 | 8321693.94 |
  1081. | 9730 | 8319725.70 |
  1082. | 91655 | 8318837.40 |
  1083. | 13140 | 8316216.96 |
  1084. | 112257 | 8315169.85 |
  1085. | 27182 | 8314740.99 |
  1086. | 166654 | 8314332.64 |
  1087. | 40572 | 8312654.55 |
  1088. | 26680 | 8311626.68 |
  1089. | 138947 | 8311347.29 |
  1090. | 184982 | 8310393.08 |
  1091. | 35540 | 8308058.43 |
  1092. | 181446 | 8304851.76 |
  1093. | 65160 | 8299581.90 |
  1094. | 9533 | 8299139.42 |
  1095. | 67836 | 8294228.46 |
  1096. | 159414 | 8293114.90 |
  1097. | 115025 | 8291746.65 |
  1098. | 30780 | 8291580.00 |
  1099. | 164680 | 8290263.02 |
  1100. | 4599 | 8288816.03 |
  1101. | 73366 | 8286818.96 |
  1102. | 135625 | 8284930.92 |
  1103. | 46497 | 8284638.88 |
  1104. | 63781 | 8284447.60 |
  1105. | 84332 | 8283372.14 |
  1106. | 196269 | 8276407.36 |
  1107. | 166651 | 8275663.35 |
  1108. | 142 | 8273960.31 |
  1109. | 56904 | 8272891.44 |
  1110. | 46821 | 8272603.71 |
  1111. | 76051 | 8272300.75 |
  1112. | 19666 | 8270192.64 |
  1113. | 92723 | 8267074.20 |
  1114. | 125843 | 8266816.38 |
  1115. | 158722 | 8266634.88 |
  1116. | 28941 | 8266245.12 |
  1117. | 39968 | 8265605.53 |
  1118. | 41429 | 8265317.84 |
  1119. | 61601 | 8264074.31 |
  1120. | 179159 | 8260137.47 |
  1121. | 15969 | 8259835.96 |
  1122. | 121125 | 8253912.49 |
  1123. | 66486 | 8253743.66 |
  1124. | 181031 | 8253570.14 |
  1125. | 43712 | 8250825.78 |
  1126. | 13842 | 8245765.00 |
  1127. | 76203 | 8245412.16 |
  1128. | 68992 | 8243081.46 |
  1129. | 119704 | 8241363.06 |
  1130. | 86109 | 8240377.92 |
  1131. | 29534 | 8239914.00 |
  1132. | 68596 | 8239825.29 |
  1133. | 168291 | 8237626.32 |
  1134. | 183308 | 8235947.21 |
  1135. | 78657 | 8233481.64 |
  1136. | 193545 | 8233037.49 |
  1137. | 23658 | 8232306.18 |
  1138. | 179945 | 8231365.25 |
  1139. | 53391 | 8231252.10 |
  1140. | 71380 | 8231125.68 |
  1141. | 53666 | 8226715.00 |
  1142. | 118592 | 8226181.00 |
  1143. | 67203 | 8225355.99 |
  1144. | 1178 | 8224625.05 |
  1145. | 147876 | 8224189.62 |
  1146. | 80042 | 8220826.70 |
  1147. | 48950 | 8218611.22 |
  1148. | 43331 | 8218448.04 |
  1149. | 177706 | 8215723.50 |
  1150. | 145442 | 8215706.16 |
  1151. | 197042 | 8215536.00 |
  1152. | 169952 | 8214698.43 |
  1153. | 57907 | 8211740.04 |
  1154. | 145741 | 8210316.57 |
  1155. | 91144 | 8209855.02 |
  1156. | 160266 | 8209468.80 |
  1157. | 31602 | 8209366.90 |
  1158. | 98672 | 8208412.85 |
  1159. | 199012 | 8207897.50 |
  1160. | 151148 | 8207645.16 |
  1161. | 116545 | 8207573.24 |
  1162. | 122176 | 8207508.04 |
  1163. | 11021 | 8206766.10 |
  1164. | 47752 | 8203436.82 |
  1165. | 124 | 8203209.30 |
  1166. | 148126 | 8202846.66 |
  1167. | 15753 | 8202695.55 |
  1168. | 50833 | 8200880.16 |
  1169. | 11523 | 8196478.02 |
  1170. | 71478 | 8195930.68 |
  1171. | 129262 | 8190520.80 |
  1172. | 43023 | 8186451.85 |
  1173. | 119193 | 8184853.14 |
  1174. | 85067 | 8182638.86 |
  1175. | 164534 | 8181563.04 |
  1176. | 82556 | 8180455.14 |
  1177. | 31813 | 8179417.14 |
  1178. | 81345 | 8173128.69 |
  1179. | 38413 | 8172464.04 |
  1180. | 106014 | 8171418.35 |
  1181. | 191180 | 8170663.97 |
  1182. | 43274 | 8169669.72 |
  1183. | 5837 | 8166123.50 |
  1184. | 63332 | 8161839.60 |
  1185. | 47668 | 8161790.04 |
  1186. | 112468 | 8160728.40 |
  1187. | 132541 | 8160680.00 |
  1188. | 59457 | 8160393.33 |
  1189. | 71751 | 8159865.19 |
  1190. | 118395 | 8156795.00 |
  1191. | 132390 | 8154867.54 |
  1192. | 44792 | 8153384.22 |
  1193. | 128838 | 8153018.30 |
  1194. | 87197 | 8152281.72 |
  1195. | 187978 | 8150832.56 |
  1196. | 147419 | 8150063.60 |
  1197. | 149166 | 8149406.78 |
  1198. | 196012 | 8147307.42 |
  1199. | 190519 | 8145402.96 |
  1200. | 151511 | 8144276.58 |
  1201. | 88891 | 8140166.24 |
  1202. | 168056 | 8139101.96 |
  1203. | 189186 | 8136933.25 |
  1204. | 117326 | 8136047.82 |
  1205. | 60575 | 8133316.80 |
  1206. | 75452 | 8130427.37 |
  1207. | 194126 | 8129751.80 |
  1208. | 130199 | 8129270.88 |
  1209. | 41680 | 8128823.40 |
  1210. | 107624 | 8125799.20 |
  1211. | 135069 | 8123999.10 |
  1212. | 119032 | 8123770.24 |
  1213. | 27635 | 8123076.65 |
  1214. | 14317 | 8121553.23 |
  1215. | 148018 | 8119898.16 |
  1216. | 51152 | 8118370.26 |
  1217. | 112643 | 8117331.37 |
  1218. | 119526 | 8116075.80 |
  1219. | 192084 | 8114896.38 |
  1220. | 151385 | 8114711.28 |
  1221. | 160836 | 8112053.68 |
  1222. | 91468 | 8111785.50 |
  1223. | 58877 | 8108256.25 |
  1224. | 41885 | 8107026.81 |
  1225. | 155542 | 8106757.18 |
  1226. | 149968 | 8104953.78 |
  1227. | 168380 | 8103576.00 |
  1228. | 134641 | 8101092.32 |
  1229. | 92470 | 8100877.70 |
  1230. | 113610 | 8098591.93 |
  1231. | 198538 | 8097343.20 |
  1232. | 122506 | 8096090.76 |
  1233. | 29082 | 8093543.55 |
  1234. | 161345 | 8093157.93 |
  1235. | 105743 | 8093045.53 |
  1236. | 103572 | 8091573.66 |
  1237. | 59514 | 8089470.48 |
  1238. | 8801 | 8088454.15 |
  1239. | 129062 | 8088206.58 |
  1240. | 155464 | 8086115.79 |
  1241. | 86363 | 8082561.00 |
  1242. | 180836 | 8082087.30 |
  1243. | 92558 | 8081407.80 |
  1244. | 85120 | 8073164.00 |
  1245. | 149026 | 8072285.40 |
  1246. | 51138 | 8072074.48 |
  1247. | 36306 | 8071648.86 |
  1248. | 102380 | 8070503.00 |
  1249. | 147597 | 8069397.60 |
  1250. | 41382 | 8059995.35 |
  1251. | 121856 | 8059809.11 |
  1252. | 86644 | 8058667.76 |
  1253. | 108481 | 8058214.81 |
  1254. | 41685 | 8057355.39 |
  1255. | 175712 | 8054878.30 |
  1256. | 72815 | 8052294.24 |
  1257. | 58794 | 8047848.00 |
  1258. | 118769 | 8047465.14 |
  1259. | 157192 | 8046501.96 |
  1260. | 195708 | 8045001.94 |
  1261. | 163683 | 8044727.02 |
  1262. | 189018 | 8043927.54 |
  1263. | 62904 | 8043011.65 |
  1264. | 80095 | 8042575.59 |
  1265. | 90500 | 8042502.65 |
  1266. | 73281 | 8040167.52 |
  1267. | 150710 | 8035910.80 |
  1268. | 139282 | 8034489.36 |
  1269. | 172904 | 8033791.68 |
  1270. | 38881 | 8032557.38 |
  1271. | 53055 | 8030796.15 |
  1272. | 105816 | 8025318.24 |
  1273. | 88304 | 8024637.06 |
  1274. | 115565 | 8023928.25 |
  1275. | 55376 | 8021432.16 |
  1276. | 56334 | 8019313.12 |
  1277. | 58875 | 8016065.00 |
  1278. | 4688 | 8012303.00 |
  1279. | 49117 | 8009207.80 |
  1280. | 57173 | 8008116.27 |
  1281. | 48176 | 8006765.85 |
  1282. | 112191 | 8003883.39 |
  1283. | 33265 | 8002391.76 |
  1284. | 181788 | 8002030.50 |
  1285. | 172799 | 8001050.55 |
  1286. | 2084 | 7999172.30 |
  1287. | 174747 | 7997167.48 |
  1288. | 171184 | 7996930.11 |
  1289. | 113271 | 7992683.04 |
  1290. | 68662 | 7991426.30 |
  1291. | 179375 | 7991170.88 |
  1292. | 188383 | 7990226.27 |
  1293. | 50208 | 7989363.27 |
  1294. | 23653 | 7988890.87 |
  1295. | 159419 | 7988841.36 |
  1296. | 74581 | 7987356.50 |
  1297. | 133590 | 7986046.81 |
  1298. | 195820 | 7985473.14 |
  1299. | 87903 | 7983482.88 |
  1300. | 69032 | 7981908.18 |
  1301. | 113975 | 7980561.00 |
  1302. | 178678 | 7975116.93 |
  1303. | 52316 | 7973618.16 |
  1304. | 135546 | 7972669.80 |
  1305. | 89425 | 7970077.44 |
  1306. | 115937 | 7966015.20 |
  1307. | 151483 | 7964850.88 |
  1308. | 73974 | 7964186.23 |
  1309. | 39976 | 7964104.24 |
  1310. | 130168 | 7961690.88 |
  1311. | 58973 | 7957416.76 |
  1312. | 16354 | 7956051.07 |
  1313. | 23988 | 7955837.92 |
  1314. | 138467 | 7955481.05 |
  1315. | 26096 | 7955212.32 |
  1316. | 192216 | 7953429.18 |
  1317. | 112833 | 7952279.26 |
  1318. | 60599 | 7951261.80 |
  1319. | 129116 | 7948811.85 |
  1320. | 79529 | 7947581.91 |
  1321. | 71616 | 7944476.54 |
  1322. | 136821 | 7942188.24 |
  1323. | 116204 | 7941096.90 |
  1324. | 165298 | 7939933.31 |
  1325. | 44009 | 7939859.65 |
  1326. | 194487 | 7938247.20 |
  1327. | 11299 | 7938135.81 |
  1328. | 76488 | 7935926.86 |
  1329. | 58998 | 7934414.04 |
  1330. | 25175 | 7931035.11 |
  1331. | 136144 | 7929283.23 |
  1332. | 132829 | 7926841.62 |
  1333. | 84176 | 7925781.05 |
  1334. | 68592 | 7922872.98 |
  1335. | 139280 | 7922119.48 |
  1336. | 160669 | 7921588.43 |
  1337. | 42938 | 7917524.56 |
  1338. | 183183 | 7915624.86 |
  1339. | 95449 | 7914292.08 |
  1340. | 115390 | 7912655.54 |
  1341. | 173723 | 7911329.40 |
  1342. | 48992 | 7911153.12 |
  1343. | 173464 | 7910458.65 |
  1344. | 26098 | 7910217.75 |
  1345. | 141115 | 7909496.38 |
  1346. | 195218 | 7906315.56 |
  1347. | 116608 | 7906302.60 |
  1348. | 163793 | 7905477.33 |
  1349. | 10419 | 7904598.30 |
  1350. | 106312 | 7901466.72 |
  1351. | 48674 | 7901010.24 |
  1352. | 35198 | 7899974.88 |
  1353. | 88954 | 7899573.52 |
  1354. | 41505 | 7897709.99 |
  1355. | 115586 | 7897301.88 |
  1356. | 167431 | 7895826.00 |
  1357. | 158787 | 7894948.50 |
  1358. | 161712 | 7893410.70 |
  1359. | 46930 | 7892707.77 |
  1360. | 58633 | 7892088.15 |
  1361. | 10599 | 7892067.69 |
  1362. | 99523 | 7891485.16 |
  1363. | 70126 | 7890247.41 |
  1364. | 32476 | 7890149.34 |
  1365. | 152617 | 7890136.50 |
  1366. | 162639 | 7889822.70 |
  1367. | 82056 | 7889345.05 |
  1368. | 186450 | 7887873.56 |
  1369. | 39082 | 7886019.89 |
  1370. | 183217 | 7885948.48 |
  1371. | 192551 | 7884432.48 |
  1372. | 164801 | 7882870.10 |
  1373. | 112804 | 7882772.00 |
  1374. | 5956 | 7878805.04 |
  1375. | 73054 | 7878479.63 |
  1376. | 62593 | 7878401.44 |
  1377. | 137687 | 7873755.91 |
  1378. | 80526 | 7871839.50 |
  1379. | 195354 | 7869617.75 |
  1380. | 4122 | 7867967.09 |
  1381. | 4057 | 7865176.80 |
  1382. | 63195 | 7864322.16 |
  1383. | 143370 | 7863444.54 |
  1384. | 41473 | 7862926.89 |
  1385. | 155060 | 7860900.96 |
  1386. | 76875 | 7858529.64 |
  1387. | 135778 | 7857660.51 |
  1388. | 30534 | 7855226.08 |
  1389. | 99405 | 7853410.95 |
  1390. | 161551 | 7852244.40 |
  1391. | 185034 | 7850752.00 |
  1392. | 17264 | 7850704.88 |
  1393. | 23652 | 7848909.16 |
  1394. | 123681 | 7848265.36 |
  1395. | 186170 | 7845527.50 |
  1396. | 81496 | 7840427.40 |
  1397. | 25407 | 7840234.72 |
  1398. | 96662 | 7839907.41 |
  1399. | 156407 | 7839647.75 |
  1400. | 165843 | 7839562.80 |
  1401. | 153361 | 7838813.07 |
  1402. | 149362 | 7838282.52 |
  1403. | 46057 | 7835709.81 |
  1404. | 114341 | 7835492.25 |
  1405. | 154823 | 7834898.61 |
  1406. | 139538 | 7834690.64 |
  1407. | 42853 | 7833252.60 |
  1408. | 177659 | 7831803.58 |
  1409. | 29158 | 7829880.80 |
  1410. | 85583 | 7825996.64 |
  1411. | 165714 | 7825006.46 |
  1412. | 58662 | 7821977.76 |
  1413. | 185839 | 7821640.74 |
  1414. | 93559 | 7821137.52 |
  1415. | 58481 | 7818648.16 |
  1416. | 162217 | 7817923.47 |
  1417. | 130014 | 7815929.34 |
  1418. | 125640 | 7815262.90 |
  1419. | 83723 | 7815021.48 |
  1420. | 54314 | 7813732.94 |
  1421. | 146652 | 7809817.39 |
  1422. | 189256 | 7808972.00 |
  1423. | 87994 | 7808660.48 |
  1424. | 157067 | 7806217.25 |
  1425. | 56859 | 7805947.60 |
  1426. | 118132 | 7804423.69 |
  1427. | 189457 | 7802777.91 |
  1428. | 1509 | 7802315.42 |
  1429. | 129101 | 7801994.70 |
  1430. | 162285 | 7801859.52 |
  1431. | 182358 | 7801430.46 |
  1432. | 6288 | 7800363.30 |
  1433. | 68972 | 7799224.95 |
  1434. | 51684 | 7795455.46 |
  1435. | 148645 | 7794585.92 |
  1436. | 94359 | 7794358.92 |
  1437. | 40451 | 7791437.70 |
  1438. | 44019 | 7790053.76 |
  1439. | 81470 | 7788716.85 |
  1440. | 12731 | 7786998.38 |
  1441. | 114393 | 7784963.34 |
  1442. | 69323 | 7783583.08 |
  1443. | 169794 | 7780968.30 |
  1444. | 25378 | 7778569.60 |
  1445. | 104509 | 7777137.62 |
  1446. | 81874 | 7775216.80 |
  1447. | 70859 | 7771185.07 |
  1448. | 135768 | 7769704.84 |
  1449. | 181960 | 7768847.90 |
  1450. | 28481 | 7768516.61 |
  1451. | 191604 | 7765367.68 |
  1452. | 754 | 7762507.02 |
  1453. | 127702 | 7761776.05 |
  1454. | 36488 | 7761744.00 |
  1455. | 183906 | 7759864.80 |
  1456. | 90365 | 7759602.50 |
  1457. | 60725 | 7759495.78 |
  1458. | 69436 | 7759033.52 |
  1459. | 12963 | 7756623.52 |
  1460. | 64571 | 7755731.04 |
  1461. | 160111 | 7753787.70 |
  1462. | 107970 | 7753735.88 |
  1463. | 132036 | 7753401.36 |
  1464. | 79965 | 7748656.15 |
  1465. | 149862 | 7747239.10 |
  1466. | 73218 | 7745499.42 |
  1467. | 161036 | 7742807.45 |
  1468. | 152467 | 7742471.40 |
  1469. | 163358 | 7742034.00 |
  1470. | 197951 | 7741768.84 |
  1471. | 15820 | 7740003.00 |
  1472. | 31444 | 7739519.60 |
  1473. | 151208 | 7738273.85 |
  1474. | 20410 | 7737192.99 |
  1475. | 45462 | 7736792.55 |
  1476. | 128966 | 7736467.65 |
  1477. | 118945 | 7735275.00 |
  1478. | 106458 | 7734069.72 |
  1479. | 162706 | 7730189.88 |
  1480. | 70528 | 7730088.25 |
  1481. | 107998 | 7728273.45 |
  1482. | 163110 | 7728042.40 |
  1483. | 74591 | 7727297.76 |
  1484. | 121454 | 7726200.56 |
  1485. | 181252 | 7724464.38 |
  1486. | 29154 | 7724129.66 |
  1487. | 63854 | 7720353.88 |
  1488. | 34157 | 7719803.30 |
  1489. | 30684 | 7718307.84 |
  1490. | 3985 | 7715042.96 |
  1491. | 29387 | 7714858.80 |
  1492. | 184703 | 7712545.12 |
  1493. | 124679 | 7712528.72 |
  1494. | 15606 | 7710658.46 |
  1495. | 123814 | 7709872.95 |
  1496. | 83760 | 7709633.92 |
  1497. | 22084 | 7707219.79 |
  1498. | 123210 | 7706030.42 |
  1499. | 75066 | 7704727.51 |
  1500. | 16337 | 7704517.80 |
  1501. | 47109 | 7704111.51 |
  1502. | 8232 | 7702887.50 |
  1503. | 11222 | 7702535.62 |
  1504. | 84961 | 7701923.72 |
  1505. | 157118 | 7700132.88 |
  1506. | 118362 | 7699210.20 |
  1507. | 193755 | 7698545.20 |
  1508. | 1520 | 7697759.37 |
  1509. | 114599 | 7697377.50 |
  1510. | 168842 | 7696152.00 |
  1511. | 172245 | 7694286.06 |
  1512. | 4584 | 7693352.79 |
  1513. | 113651 | 7689659.67 |
  1514. | 183207 | 7687955.66 |
  1515. | 175802 | 7686604.70 |
  1516. | 59066 | 7685120.43 |
  1517. | 130726 | 7684159.25 |
  1518. | 89672 | 7684049.50 |
  1519. | 7224 | 7683446.40 |
  1520. | 97533 | 7680694.62 |
  1521. | 59941 | 7680100.80 |
  1522. | 29298 | 7676823.42 |
  1523. | 163962 | 7675924.96 |
  1524. | 41086 | 7674518.14 |
  1525. | 185483 | 7673376.60 |
  1526. | 165010 | 7672469.70 |
  1527. | 3708 | 7671744.18 |
  1528. | 192994 | 7671712.00 |
  1529. | 79968 | 7668060.48 |
  1530. | 118494 | 7666659.00 |
  1531. | 59236 | 7666625.98 |
  1532. | 149509 | 7665930.67 |
  1533. | 3793 | 7664981.28 |
  1534. | 28979 | 7664632.93 |
  1535. | 178389 | 7662544.96 |
  1536. | 65315 | 7661085.88 |
  1537. | 59710 | 7657442.00 |
  1538. | 170276 | 7656813.89 |
  1539. | 182707 | 7656387.06 |
  1540. | 129170 | 7655820.48 |
  1541. | 59765 | 7655009.92 |
  1542. | 23337 | 7654271.94 |
  1543. | 90396 | 7653568.35 |
  1544. | 68842 | 7652742.72 |
  1545. | 16315 | 7652630.70 |
  1546. | 956 | 7652174.81 |
  1547. | 10639 | 7651375.80 |
  1548. | 112886 | 7649534.08 |
  1549. | 9561 | 7648502.73 |
  1550. | 65484 | 7647789.30 |
  1551. | 68677 | 7646879.14 |
  1552. | 196529 | 7645482.24 |
  1553. | 6556 | 7642116.06 |
  1554. | 9113 | 7640163.68 |
  1555. | 128139 | 7638760.00 |
  1556. | 143264 | 7635499.56 |
  1557. | 21569 | 7634785.86 |
  1558. | 193402 | 7633576.06 |
  1559. | 35545 | 7632210.69 |
  1560. | 65068 | 7632188.76 |
  1561. | 25515 | 7630952.93 |
  1562. | 180189 | 7630887.10 |
  1563. | 131680 | 7629593.64 |
  1564. | 80162 | 7629440.93 |
  1565. | 139054 | 7629417.37 |
  1566. | 8028 | 7629134.04 |
  1567. | 76804 | 7626731.00 |
  1568. | 74179 | 7624974.03 |
  1569. | 122507 | 7623903.87 |
  1570. | 141889 | 7623552.30 |
  1571. | 184279 | 7623048.17 |
  1572. | 8076 | 7620897.81 |
  1573. | 192681 | 7619802.09 |
  1574. | 21398 | 7617942.52 |
  1575. | 14825 | 7617843.60 |
  1576. | 17969 | 7617524.64 |
  1577. | 170764 | 7616119.96 |
  1578. | 115303 | 7615914.17 |
  1579. | 67708 | 7615306.08 |
  1580. | 33317 | 7613417.24 |
  1581. | 190782 | 7613203.42 |
  1582. | 113818 | 7612852.48 |
  1583. | 178091 | 7611457.30 |
  1584. | 87603 | 7611343.68 |
  1585. | 108317 | 7610509.71 |
  1586. | 106552 | 7609868.84 |
  1587. | 28679 | 7609292.20 |
  1588. | 192350 | 7609140.81 |
  1589. | 154801 | 7607944.38 |
  1590. | 5768 | 7607785.68 |
  1591. | 127689 | 7606313.94 |
  1592. | 62847 | 7605651.45 |
  1593. | 111212 | 7605052.00 |
  1594. | 156065 | 7603327.60 |
  1595. | 115140 | 7601161.68 |
  1596. | 19597 | 7601153.46 |
  1597. | 55233 | 7600940.23 |
  1598. | 89353 | 7600929.84 |
  1599. | 75701 | 7600492.60 |
  1600. | 64974 | 7599754.80 |
  1601. | 116156 | 7597452.48 |
  1602. | 59491 | 7596352.84 |
  1603. | 6138 | 7594861.54 |
  1604. | 62317 | 7594854.10 |
  1605. | 106575 | 7594520.08 |
  1606. | 161092 | 7594454.40 |
  1607. | 9872 | 7593734.34 |
  1608. | 77711 | 7593431.60 |
  1609. | 61206 | 7593153.00 |
  1610. | 123776 | 7592736.80 |
  1611. | 185141 | 7592617.12 |
  1612. | 5542 | 7592513.04 |
  1613. | 185296 | 7591439.31 |
  1614. | 72597 | 7591142.40 |
  1615. +------------+-------------+
  1616. 1225 rows in set
  1617. Q12
  1618. +------------+-----------------+----------------+
  1619. | l_shipmode | high_line_count | low_line_count |
  1620. +------------+-----------------+----------------+
  1621. | FOB | 6273 | 9429 |
  1622. | TRUCK | 6336 | 9300 |
  1623. +------------+-----------------+----------------+
  1624. Q13
  1625. +---------+----------+
  1626. | c_count | custdist |
  1627. +---------+----------+
  1628. | 0 | 50005 |
  1629. | 10 | 6574 |
  1630. | 9 | 6554 |
  1631. | 11 | 6072 |
  1632. | 8 | 5934 |
  1633. | 12 | 5598 |
  1634. | 13 | 5032 |
  1635. | 19 | 4685 |
  1636. | 7 | 4663 |
  1637. | 20 | 4607 |
  1638. | 17 | 4550 |
  1639. | 18 | 4515 |
  1640. | 14 | 4480 |
  1641. | 15 | 4476 |
  1642. | 16 | 4341 |
  1643. | 21 | 4176 |
  1644. | 22 | 3710 |
  1645. | 6 | 3303 |
  1646. | 23 | 3172 |
  1647. | 24 | 2670 |
  1648. | 25 | 2111 |
  1649. | 5 | 1954 |
  1650. | 26 | 1605 |
  1651. | 27 | 1195 |
  1652. | 4 | 1030 |
  1653. | 28 | 898 |
  1654. | 29 | 620 |
  1655. | 3 | 408 |
  1656. | 30 | 353 |
  1657. | 31 | 225 |
  1658. | 32 | 135 |
  1659. | 2 | 128 |
  1660. | 33 | 82 |
  1661. | 34 | 54 |
  1662. | 35 | 33 |
  1663. | 1 | 18 |
  1664. | 36 | 17 |
  1665. | 37 | 7 |
  1666. | 41 | 3 |
  1667. | 40 | 3 |
  1668. | 38 | 3 |
  1669. | 39 | 1 |
  1670. +---------+----------+
  1671. 42 rows in set
  1672. Q14
  1673. +-------------------+
  1674. | promo_revenue |
  1675. +-------------------+
  1676. | 16.65118731292792 |
  1677. +-------------------+
  1678. Q15
  1679. +-----------+--------------------+----------------------------------+-----------------+---------------+
  1680. | s_suppkey | s_name | s_address | s_phone | total_revenue |
  1681. +-----------+--------------------+----------------------------------+-----------------+---------------+
  1682. | 7895 | Supplier#000007895 | NYl,i8UhxTykLxGJ2voIRn20Ugk1KTzz | 14-559-808-3306 | 1678635.2636 |
  1683. +-----------+--------------------+----------------------------------+-----------------+---------------+
  1684. Q16
  1685. +----------+---------------------------+--------+--------------+
  1686. | p_brand | p_type | p_size | supplier_cnt |
  1687. +----------+---------------------------+--------+--------------+
  1688. | Brand#55 | LARGE BURNISHED TIN | 21 | 36 |
  1689. | Brand#25 | PROMO BRUSHED STEEL | 24 | 28 |
  1690. | Brand#54 | STANDARD BRUSHED COPPER | 14 | 27 |
  1691. | Brand#12 | MEDIUM PLATED BRASS | 21 | 24 |
  1692. | Brand#14 | ECONOMY PLATED TIN | 33 | 24 |
  1693. | Brand#24 | ECONOMY PLATED TIN | 33 | 24 |
  1694. | Brand#25 | MEDIUM PLATED STEEL | 35 | 24 |
  1695. | Brand#32 | MEDIUM POLISHED COPPER | 20 | 24 |
  1696. | Brand#32 | SMALL ANODIZED BRASS | 7 | 24 |
  1697. | Brand#33 | ECONOMY PLATED STEEL | 7 | 24 |
  1698. | Brand#33 | MEDIUM PLATED COPPER | 20 | 24 |
  1699. | Brand#33 | PROMO POLISHED STEEL | 14 | 24 |
  1700. ...
  1701. | Brand#31 | PROMO ANODIZED COPPER | 20 | 3 |
  1702. | Brand#41 | LARGE BURNISHED STEEL | 20 | 3 |
  1703. | Brand#43 | SMALL BRUSHED COPPER | 7 | 3 |
  1704. | Brand#52 | MEDIUM POLISHED BRASS | 21 | 3 |
  1705. | Brand#52 | SMALL POLISHED TIN | 2 | 3 |
  1706. +----------+---------------------------+--------+--------------+
  1707. 18341 rows in set
  1708. Q17
  1709. +-------------------+
  1710. | avg_yearly |
  1711. +-------------------+
  1712. | 348406.0542857143 |
  1713. +-------------------+
  1714. Q18
  1715. +--------------------+-----------+------------+-------------+--------------+-----------------+
  1716. | c_name | c_custkey | o_orderkey | o_orderdate | o_totalprice | sum(l_quantity) |
  1717. +--------------------+-----------+------------+-------------+--------------+-----------------+
  1718. | Customer#000128120 | 128120 | 4722021 | 1994-04-07 | 544089.09 | 323.00 |
  1719. | Customer#000144617 | 144617 | 3043270 | 1997-02-12 | 530604.44 | 317.00 |
  1720. | Customer#000066790 | 66790 | 2199712 | 1996-09-30 | 515531.82 | 327.00 |
  1721. | Customer#000015619 | 15619 | 3767271 | 1996-08-07 | 480083.96 | 318.00 |
  1722. | Customer#000147197 | 147197 | 1263015 | 1997-02-02 | 467149.67 | 320.00 |
  1723. | Customer#000117919 | 117919 | 2869152 | 1996-06-20 | 456815.92 | 317.00 |
  1724. | Customer#000126865 | 126865 | 4702759 | 1994-11-07 | 447606.65 | 320.00 |
  1725. | Customer#000036619 | 36619 | 4806726 | 1995-01-17 | 446704.09 | 328.00 |
  1726. | Customer#000119989 | 119989 | 1544643 | 1997-09-20 | 434568.25 | 320.00 |
  1727. +--------------------+-----------+------------+-------------+--------------+-----------------+
  1728. 9 rows in set
  1729. Q19
  1730. +--------------+
  1731. | revenue |
  1732. +--------------+
  1733. | 3083843.0578 |
  1734. +--------------+
  1735. Q20
  1736. +--------------------+------------------------------------------+
  1737. | s_name | s_address |
  1738. +--------------------+------------------------------------------+
  1739. | Supplier#000000035 | QymmGXxjVVQ5OuABCXVVsu,4eF gU0Qc6 |
  1740. | Supplier#000000068 | Ue6N50wH2CwE4PPgTGLmat,ibGYYlDoOb3xQwtgb |
  1741. | Supplier#000000080 | cJ2MHSEJ13rIL2Wj3D5i6hRo30,ZiNUXhqn |
  1742. | Supplier#000000100 | rIlN li8zvW22l2slbcx ECP4fL |
  1743. | Supplier#000000274 | usxbl9KSW41DTE6FAglxHU |
  1744. | Supplier#000000406 | zMhU58CDF4aHTeodxg9IgRZgq |
  1745. | Supplier#000000444 | mHr2VcUpRkvyQ9rjKMaPkeWbVZmEIhxhb8F |
  1746. | Supplier#000000453 | bpt98PxU5HSQt61bVB695JPjBmJKUv hNzQeHvC |
  1747. | Supplier#000000458 | IFNkUK1H53HwUHabiONkMFAUDb |
  1748. | Supplier#000000622 | gCQimU1jYHoQiglDmW1FkQM9wzi YC1P15pMy1 |
  1749. | Supplier#000000713 | DBMIf1HiYY8OyRFcbtHpKIz |
  1750. | Supplier#000000767 | bHEuqKKdmCMEKOV |
  1751. | Supplier#000000776 | nklfFoSkCwf,ooSuF |
  1752. | Supplier#000000823 | gC0DrEG5U,v893fp3nj mmXa6rYhJ0tjpJ |
  1753. | Supplier#000000828 | 0B2aPqJ6KTEr2fqxuC7z |
  1754. | Supplier#000000941 | gqG2XEnVlzUhjjfQGYGlwk,jcaNsplI8Rleg |
  1755. | Supplier#000000973 | 5 nhBZ 03rG6EcOEDkZXvt |
  1756. | Supplier#000000984 | 6H6qqye iYbYzCmwWhj |
  1757. | Supplier#000001149 | Nuno37wiZOjNGHF |
  1758. | Supplier#000001201 | Seh4D7pi9UdK,XQkF46A0O2N |
  1759. | Supplier#000001309 | 72RNUzKzbniUnnsSs24ZzGDvmcv2Pd |
  1760. | Supplier#000001344 | 6iF,zVDNTykohVKcb7FKvn82s74ez |
  1761. | Supplier#000001351 | zXdoBMmmRx1wOD7GKoHHBtemXGuYKLDb,U2KP |
  1762. | Supplier#000001391 | hkWoAM561QlLjBNk,SdFdIgFx |
  1763. | Supplier#000001481 | ARqVvJHMxBNKl2LrfPsR Wq9ZUXh,14 |
  1764. | Supplier#000001584 | gJbTkijteJxSMLmdzBSzeMAH |
  1765. | Supplier#000001651 | 6rJNoWL9YL |
  1766. | Supplier#000001710 | J,sdOOJwUhwPv2mrEiNEA0UZlmu5IRmgz |
  1767. | Supplier#000001755 | QstBVfnY,93NsbWXCqO |
  1768. | Supplier#000001869 | nogoCdaFQii,ri9rs3P8f5rPt1wVOMw9I7TmypxK |
  1769. | Supplier#000001895 | lywAGDbk37fYPDS |
  1770. | Supplier#000001910 | vih,zrhclXX1O9x |
  1771. | Supplier#000001930 | 2jCSw3KOLHol7y5omVO13 |
  1772. | Supplier#000001979 | UNW7nA,IC 5igvVsgUHA7OaLL,jOzUcT |
  1773. | Supplier#000002046 | BiTDgHknmvQGT6FpZXfRX,xlnR |
  1774. | Supplier#000002071 | zLH3QAtZuuOq8AoVNM |
  1775. | Supplier#000002270 | HIscbvhw8N94djn,3UbPaY4R |
  1776. | Supplier#000002350 | TWsO2iJGOl7v3vSwiscXp6X |
  1777. | Supplier#000002409 | oy39SaSQ,FIP pzLqblhxj |
  1778. | Supplier#000002520 | 5y55UzYQKByZP3 |
  1779. | Supplier#000002618 | 3UtbE1kKm29kKyx09hSEBMhRLM |
  1780. | Supplier#000002643 | eDN6YjGtp2dcj0IF,BKEEYjElO,sUjjcNI |
  1781. | Supplier#000002649 | agDQi9iCt1cUaS |
  1782. | Supplier#000002655 | i6v8dkQBuK0NSCeqQCE8 |
  1783. | Supplier#000002812 | Q9sO3wZkBU5QBe0VITRWShv |
  1784. | Supplier#000002888 | 3AtRoxBFh6HIBa9kdBX,6,Ml2SZGUA |
  1785. | Supplier#000002910 | nlH1gjApxHkQe5SU4iVZwi2xWk88wwhTWRkSvOBB |
  1786. | Supplier#000002914 | fUC4IkGB8pt1S |
  1787. | Supplier#000003000 | JtDvRf4iWHJkj54PYxl |
  1788. | Supplier#000003011 | vfL mV0MTdyozfRIPZkJbM1Z7Lcm2NCPIj6qSgBz |
  1789. | Supplier#000003038 | F5Tz7P juuCbABDuW8JGomRFxqVHBWyQrsLwg4i |
  1790. | Supplier#000003150 | XwSjsmzEnANK,wAQUp4Xf5xJDqR |
  1791. | Supplier#000003305 | GLZJimfuzKoQcqcv4 |
  1792. | Supplier#000003394 | R6D7n3WrQjWNGSQTb7eN ,X0oCMkhyuTHBOSPw |
  1793. | Supplier#000003452 | 7tMycIKhE,pe4OL3Du |
  1794. | Supplier#000003666 | ENS fE9iSrSzw,iTwA,zGorkflw |
  1795. | Supplier#000003698 | lnSEu64ca4B53BfznJPg |
  1796. | Supplier#000003773 | UWjSotAjkAD |
  1797. | Supplier#000003837 | SYXpXaKop3 |
  1798. | Supplier#000003846 | wl076KfcEpYLRegb1LfIf93b3n5HBabFK2R,mEM |
  1799. | Supplier#000003862 | 0XXFhF1IDBh |
  1800. | Supplier#000003868 | 5aP4VBn0t666NbGYB |
  1801. | Supplier#000003880 | DZo80mSznrhCpb8 |
  1802. | Supplier#000003955 | piECPB8qbn7s3XP |
  1803. | Supplier#000004007 | cvlSgCCKGOwpaB iFIPx4vU2qA5b6K hz9Z91 |
  1804. | Supplier#000004066 | TNBnJFDScUmsjBy6pSWTS sfMg9jpfKx |
  1805. | Supplier#000004127 | EduKm3NcCc75Cd |
  1806. | Supplier#000004174 | Bk97olQYwXmjYdQjwyt N |
  1807. | Supplier#000004328 | euddbWZRcVMD3W |
  1808. | Supplier#000004341 | ea8KZYvO7amq8A |
  1809. | Supplier#000004360 | w 7kM5J,fqjiqBu4SU0UPEDqspaUEm |
  1810. | Supplier#000004375 | Cmr952zcJJuW0xAYc0W0MA7N6vMcCjy |
  1811. | Supplier#000004391 | pcsiJBhSEHuFHNAxR3K c |
  1812. | Supplier#000004398 | khZZ0CmLip49Zncec |
  1813. | Supplier#000004402 | acagGfDWzwmS,,WVBsszubFs3LOA8rDRS0I |
  1814. | Supplier#000004714 | IKRla2xArMmR4p3Mbn8JV8g0 |
  1815. | Supplier#000004717 | H,Suh5pN230Ol,ggx0QEh3rrvzyQsq050Lat |
  1816. | Supplier#000004740 | yM0TXkhfjpObafbQhuWU |
  1817. | Supplier#000004763 | W 7kS9LLh4ZgLpk2 |
  1818. | Supplier#000004837 | tYHMZS4XlJjzvj34mH2PCoj |
  1819. | Supplier#000004882 | e,V Bo1KZEt |
  1820. | Supplier#000004913 | em,yC41xEl Fst9LwEik |
  1821. | Supplier#000005005 | K6 GI4WzmbsGEOh |
  1822. | Supplier#000005238 | jmtI76 8RNG8Z2BZu |
  1823. | Supplier#000005289 | 62XeOur9SnXgbdjGwb9E1aJIEBr5PA9 |
  1824. | Supplier#000005317 | lPOPHufNjwZaUJGVNHCC2DE FYQcKZBzHltL5 |
  1825. | Supplier#000005401 | eEOlCEAaIfVexStlrgTuzwQx7vjPF6ZT dm |
  1826. | Supplier#000005449 | fhc8lUuZdqWUujcVaWogowEq1WVL9Y8m1efwCl3G |
  1827. | Supplier#000005472 | LlyLSmvY9GFvMN4QhHzMokW0k5d |
  1828. | Supplier#000005572 | o0VYozeSbEyqck |
  1829. | Supplier#000005579 | ACVEMP4IwRf |
  1830. | Supplier#000005661 | pq5wuxmkIW0DyWU |
  1831. | Supplier#000005676 | HInJHZisl5svSU1oKsr |
  1832. | Supplier#000005815 | S6cu6cspYxHlTz2 |
  1833. | Supplier#000005835 | rYoXzV3EZ77Z |
  1834. | Supplier#000006103 | l32l8iaPdbHgRXoq,kdjFAj3hZk2d |
  1835. | Supplier#000006173 | hBdratcVfL4LpWxsEpCRP g0AksN0CDhBZ |
  1836. | Supplier#000006226 | CKuDyeGAxPHeRHwC4a |
  1837. | Supplier#000006254 | g7OY1vWNUb1vxIRgEl |
  1838. | Supplier#000006348 | f2KDn2rLnadX8I DZR |
  1839. | Supplier#000006359 | QyUuVHYBp8sTd7Y9WveNfsz |
  1840. | Supplier#000006430 | F2RrkeaNcs6po8x2PyYvcPa1rtKd,fT2AMxP |
  1841. | Supplier#000006516 | 89XwFOC,hLRxGq5rL0txv0EM9F |
  1842. | Supplier#000006700 | BWjerJH5kbEPu 8h9 |
  1843. | Supplier#000006785 | lyo6PpwulTeN9ZfIkvWag5NucL,XMC 89Kn7U |
  1844. | Supplier#000006998 | r2i3HfkSQh9dvho, NpoabdMsPBG |
  1845. | Supplier#000007019 | 2GQsALzRiTt2BQum6bocdeGawkOrsjNIZ |
  1846. | Supplier#000007114 | s9s4YLeLWo7fLRO3rdQKFfUnZhrZUPjOC |
  1847. | Supplier#000007170 | 9vABqu hZaciXSCQrbTj |
  1848. | Supplier#000007171 | DXerxFIhNRpqF9dWNRw hDOlLX gEJFxh0 |
  1849. | Supplier#000007213 | 2Nrby3JJHDJyWwVNiqPtm2U JGWlZpU |
  1850. | Supplier#000007219 | p5Ui3IGPcmotYu |
  1851. | Supplier#000007229 | iwNoWdaURFzLAsQHxK,BeOPpI5TOTo |
  1852. | Supplier#000007263 | malQPdYc8xiup2MiFuKHa |
  1853. | Supplier#000007270 | TksERECGdYZRPUjkUdDRZv5pW26cOTaA1 |
  1854. | Supplier#000007276 | Vi9,aBg2ychZf |
  1855. | Supplier#000007334 | NPXYWdJ8L9EDr20tw9CZQsEMqXlgXzI2JC Y |
  1856. | Supplier#000007400 | 7r9zZj8J,,hN2GRfWtDxzuGa |
  1857. | Supplier#000007442 | DzycM1,T6kh2EutfPeFpv0Ro |
  1858. | Supplier#000007456 | ITYEeccPVJi0HvnAwVs2Z |
  1859. | Supplier#000007559 | Wmzx1vskciC |
  1860. | Supplier#000007677 | OoTYQdxQyd7NukSaSRv |
  1861. | Supplier#000007712 | DyTQD 3ajuOtHQTpI4LsWSF kSd2SE6U4COgYHQ |
  1862. | Supplier#000007715 | gZHd7Yzbtv7yb7DYCCAQPJH8FRHTqi6T4w |
  1863. | Supplier#000007816 | 1ejcJ545bwLWLuY6Qq4qyEExZIsp0SG |
  1864. | Supplier#000007845 | agwGVTzLyRKOsZxLVi,mPWZ08Qxb |
  1865. | Supplier#000007875 | E0CkoBYngcIoH |
  1866. | Supplier#000007908 | ghhHapj7GK |
  1867. | Supplier#000007972 | WW0GuiWP2N3kUo4f |
  1868. | Supplier#000008162 | XASpbn08mRV0kgHRmUSKx |
  1869. | Supplier#000008235 | TjVWq6bTdGJB |
  1870. | Supplier#000008249 | PwUjvlMk y72zaMRtZQ8trbCmu4j |
  1871. | Supplier#000008309 | 6P,FQbW6sJouqunvttVO6vEeY |
  1872. | Supplier#000008339 | uWw8 P6u,S |
  1873. | Supplier#000008343 | BbHngAVqj0J8 |
  1874. | Supplier#000008349 | 8Hkx1IDd0mZCTX |
  1875. | Supplier#000008377 | ,Yk0mflw2LqQCTxMYR sU2juj5DorUAG4w6i |
  1876. | Supplier#000008468 | 5R4jsweitleustYlE3w,u5otW |
  1877. | Supplier#000008523 | C4ocdfNu5I2nnnVG2xSd3016J6KNLIg |
  1878. | Supplier#000008580 | t5ri71bM6Sox3riP4JUZsMMNC |
  1879. | Supplier#000008638 | yxj50B 8aMql |
  1880. | Supplier#000008642 | qnN9N9du9Dg2arf6kjD xW0DjMT9cM |
  1881. | Supplier#000008651 | pfw32RGA7BPXrUiavYqE |
  1882. | Supplier#000008679 | JWFVoSsCwn9p8o |
  1883. | Supplier#000008704 | a6DjHp0B6mifKBtqUk,C |
  1884. | Supplier#000008737 | MsdGxF9Xoq9 8s |
  1885. | Supplier#000008820 | uAsBvPBNsEsO |
  1886. | Supplier#000008829 | lNcY7xNLDonCw TuRYL |
  1887. | Supplier#000008947 | 1Ij3T0egGHnVbLich98HzY,UeCdVbxzYa ZpKDVc |
  1888. | Supplier#000008964 | U2YJW,Y1xCbUWbjuovtzsLfsl |
  1889. | Supplier#000008974 | 4JCXOJ3MyPfa51mIf,MQu |
  1890. | Supplier#000008997 | KY MmMEcyQ6FEDCooFj xa uCwF2GbaeA8 |
  1891. | Supplier#000009065 | ZELuiqWrWbJV9zAuco1OnXKTJClhR |
  1892. | Supplier#000009114 | nkn6bcPvlP5w,lUpO0nZTBSj |
  1893. | Supplier#000009125 | IQbCXbN1mmght |
  1894. | Supplier#000009131 | gDBXgWtg4rTxu0WUJhhV |
  1895. | Supplier#000009149 | yKX,bKryD6YtvF,cVLIKC0Z6rN |
  1896. | Supplier#000009182 | z56kNgeqaWQ1kHFBp |
  1897. | Supplier#000009220 | N4y,vP kdArpcmdypBh,fJVVB |
  1898. | Supplier#000009226 | yzT10vNTFJ |
  1899. | Supplier#000009288 | 251AA4ziZ3d7TTWXLGnXjb4BnXv |
  1900. | Supplier#000009360 | 1NVjjX8zMjyBX2UapDTP0Sz |
  1901. | Supplier#000009381 | rhCTm7QehIznqd8 Np7VT,H5J5zSGr |
  1902. | Supplier#000009403 | 70841REghyWBrHyyg762Jh4sjCG7CKaIc |
  1903. | Supplier#000009504 | Rqt07,ANI92kj1oU |
  1904. | Supplier#000009598 | PnTAz7rNRLVDFO3zoo2QRTlh4o |
  1905. | Supplier#000009609 | LV2rJUGfr0k3dPNRqufG1IoYHzV |
  1906. | Supplier#000009619 | K0RwcJ9S75Xil jqKukFoDNkD |
  1907. | Supplier#000009626 | Nm1FnIh4asUR3EnXv2Pvy3gXqI9es |
  1908. | Supplier#000009738 | 15RRSVTuOzwdMP LmfCtIguMGXK |
  1909. | Supplier#000009770 | Ag, SZfowit580QPDdbP8kmFHdpZ9ASI |
  1910. | Supplier#000009865 | extcOh9ZrdDCMsHhhsFTkTUAh,HM2UQ2qa8sRo |
  1911. | Supplier#000009866 | Auh6aZnOnQG1pPYKZ5o9ATramJBA |
  1912. | Supplier#000009890 | izJXemCM Ikpgxk |
  1913. | Supplier#000009937 | edZ9HQJ0KJAU6EWknTiDghKfRLHq6vtFqdey,0l |
  1914. | Supplier#000009954 | VzElx9ihlXFJLIQw2Hn4bC2 |
  1915. | Supplier#000009958 | ggiiSA4CSyvhwQUYjdJhWlKEY9PAfs |
  1916. +--------------------+------------------------------------------+
  1917. 177 rows in set
  1918. Q21
  1919. +--------------------+---------+
  1920. | s_name | numwait |
  1921. +--------------------+---------+
  1922. | Supplier#000009302 | 21 |
  1923. | Supplier#000000342 | 20 |
  1924. | Supplier#000000632 | 19 |
  1925. | Supplier#000002196 | 19 |
  1926. | Supplier#000003325 | 18 |
  1927. | Supplier#000003915 | 18 |
  1928. | Supplier#000005045 | 18 |
  1929. | Supplier#000006442 | 18 |
  1930. | Supplier#000003093 | 17 |
  1931. | Supplier#000004498 | 17 |
  1932. | Supplier#000000906 | 16 |
  1933. | Supplier#000001183 | 16 |
  1934. | Supplier#000001477 | 16 |
  1935. | Supplier#000006043 | 16 |
  1936. | Supplier#000000689 | 15 |
  1937. | Supplier#000001955 | 15 |
  1938. | Supplier#000002066 | 15 |
  1939. | Supplier#000002146 | 15 |
  1940. | Supplier#000003253 | 15 |
  1941. | Supplier#000003527 | 15 |
  1942. | Supplier#000003947 | 15 |
  1943. | Supplier#000004915 | 15 |
  1944. | Supplier#000005248 | 15 |
  1945. | Supplier#000006718 | 15 |
  1946. | Supplier#000007773 | 15 |
  1947. | Supplier#000008121 | 15 |
  1948. | Supplier#000008169 | 15 |
  1949. | Supplier#000008645 | 15 |
  1950. | Supplier#000008684 | 15 |
  1951. | Supplier#000009079 | 15 |
  1952. | Supplier#000009956 | 15 |
  1953. | Supplier#000000737 | 14 |
  1954. | Supplier#000000775 | 14 |
  1955. | Supplier#000001474 | 14 |
  1956. | Supplier#000001502 | 14 |
  1957. | Supplier#000003196 | 14 |
  1958. | Supplier#000004415 | 14 |
  1959. | Supplier#000004940 | 14 |
  1960. | Supplier#000005253 | 14 |
  1961. | Supplier#000005703 | 14 |
  1962. | Supplier#000006308 | 14 |
  1963. | Supplier#000006789 | 14 |
  1964. | Supplier#000007161 | 14 |
  1965. | Supplier#000007952 | 14 |
  1966. | Supplier#000008062 | 14 |
  1967. | Supplier#000008414 | 14 |
  1968. | Supplier#000008442 | 14 |
  1969. | Supplier#000008508 | 14 |
  1970. | Supplier#000000300 | 13 |
  1971. | Supplier#000000727 | 13 |
  1972. | Supplier#000000921 | 13 |
  1973. | Supplier#000000992 | 13 |
  1974. | Supplier#000001282 | 13 |
  1975. | Supplier#000001582 | 13 |
  1976. | Supplier#000001662 | 13 |
  1977. | Supplier#000001683 | 13 |
  1978. | Supplier#000002933 | 13 |
  1979. | Supplier#000003177 | 13 |
  1980. | Supplier#000003428 | 13 |
  1981. | Supplier#000003640 | 13 |
  1982. | Supplier#000004842 | 13 |
  1983. | Supplier#000004951 | 13 |
  1984. | Supplier#000005795 | 13 |
  1985. | Supplier#000005981 | 13 |
  1986. | Supplier#000006118 | 13 |
  1987. | Supplier#000006433 | 13 |
  1988. | Supplier#000006484 | 13 |
  1989. | Supplier#000007268 | 13 |
  1990. | Supplier#000008599 | 13 |
  1991. | Supplier#000008675 | 13 |
  1992. | Supplier#000009474 | 13 |
  1993. | Supplier#000009521 | 13 |
  1994. | Supplier#000009853 | 13 |
  1995. | Supplier#000000021 | 12 |
  1996. | Supplier#000000211 | 12 |
  1997. | Supplier#000000743 | 12 |
  1998. | Supplier#000000951 | 12 |
  1999. | Supplier#000001654 | 12 |
  2000. | Supplier#000001868 | 12 |
  2001. | Supplier#000002089 | 12 |
  2002. | Supplier#000002879 | 12 |
  2003. | Supplier#000003060 | 12 |
  2004. | Supplier#000003215 | 12 |
  2005. | Supplier#000003365 | 12 |
  2006. | Supplier#000003873 | 12 |
  2007. | Supplier#000003985 | 12 |
  2008. | Supplier#000004452 | 12 |
  2009. | Supplier#000004639 | 12 |
  2010. | Supplier#000005122 | 12 |
  2011. | Supplier#000005633 | 12 |
  2012. | Supplier#000005671 | 12 |
  2013. | Supplier#000005782 | 12 |
  2014. | Supplier#000006088 | 12 |
  2015. | Supplier#000006477 | 12 |
  2016. | Supplier#000006508 | 12 |
  2017. | Supplier#000006750 | 12 |
  2018. | Supplier#000006802 | 12 |
  2019. | Supplier#000008236 | 12 |
  2020. | Supplier#000009294 | 12 |
  2021. | Supplier#000009329 | 12 |
  2022. +--------------------+---------+
  2023. 100 rows in set
  2024. Q22
  2025. +-----------+---------+------------+
  2026. | cntrycode | numcust | totacctbal |
  2027. +-----------+---------+------------+
  2028. | 10 | 882 | 6606081.31 |
  2029. | 11 | 899 | 6702253.34 |
  2030. | 19 | 963 | 7230776.82 |
  2031. | 20 | 916 | 6824676.02 |
  2032. | 22 | 894 | 6636740.03 |
  2033. | 26 | 861 | 6404695.86 |
  2034. | 27 | 877 | 6565078.99 |
  2035. +-----------+---------+------------+
  2036. 7 rows in set