MatrixOne System Database and Tables

MatrixOne system database and tables are where MatrixOne stores system information. We can access the system information through them. MatrixOne creates 6 system databases at initialization: mo_catalog, information_schema, system_metrcis, system, mysql, and mo_task. mo_task is under development and have no direct impact on users. The other system databases and table functions are described in this document.

The system can only modify system databases and tables, and users can only read from them.

mo_catalog database

mo_catalog stores the metadata of MatrixOne objects: databases, tables, columns, system variables, accounts, users, and roles.

Start with MatrixOne 0.6 has introduced the concept of multi-account, the default sys account and other accounts have slightly different behaviors. The system table mo_account, which serves the multi-tenancy management, is only visible for the sys account; the other accounts don’t see this table.

mo_database table

dat_idbigint unsignedPrimary key ID
datnamevarchar(100)Database name
dat_catalog_namevarchar(100)Database catalog name, default as def
dat_createsqlvarchar(100)Database creation SQL statement
ownerint unsignedRole id
creatorint unsignedUser id
created_timetimestampCreate time
account_idint unsignedAccount id
dat_typevarchar(23)Database type, common library or subscription library

mo_tables table

rel_idbigint unsignedPrimary key, table ID
relnamevarchar(100)Name of the table, index, view, and so on.
reldatabasevarchar(100)The database that contains this relation. reference mo_database.datname
reldatabase_idbigint unsignedThe database id that contains this relation. reference mo_database.datid
relpersistencevarchar(100)p = permanent table, t = temporary table
relkindvarchar(100)r = ordinary table, e = external table, i = index, S = sequence, v = view, m = materialized view
rel_createsqlvarchar(100)Table creation SQL statement
created_timetimestampCreate time
creatorint unsignedCreator ID
ownerint unsignedCreator’s default role id
account_idint unsignedAccount id
partitionedblobPartition by statement
partition_infoblobthe information of partition
viewdefblobView definition statement
constraintvarchar(5000)Table related constraints

mo_columns table

att_uniq_namevarchar(256)Primary Key. Hidden, composite primary key, format is like “${att_relname_id}-${attname}”
account_idint unsignedaccountID
att_database_idbigint unsigneddatabaseID
att_databasevarchar(256)database Name
att_relname_idbigint unsignedtable id
att_relnamevarchar(256)The table this column belongs to.(references mo_tables.relname)
attnamevarchar(256)The column name
atttypvarchar(256)The data type of this column (zero for a dropped column).
attnumintThe number of the column. Ordinary columns are numbered from 1 up.
att_lengthintbytes count for the type.
attnotnulltinyint(1)This represents a not-null constraint.
atthasdeftinyint(1)This column has a default expression or generation expression.
att_defaultvarchar(1024)default expression
attisdroppedtinyint(1)This column has been dropped and is no longer valid. A dropped column is still physically present in the table, but is ignored by the parser and so cannot be accessed via SQL.
att_constraint_typechar(1)p = primary key constraint, n=no constraint
att_is_unsignedtinyint(1)unsigned or not
att_is_auto_incrementtinyint(1)auto increment or not
att_is_hiddentinyint(1)hidden or not
attr_has_updatetinyint(1)This columns has update expression
attr_updatevarchar(1024)update expression
attr_is_clusterbytinyint(1)Whether this column is used as the cluster by keyword to create the table

mo_account table (Only visible for sys account)

account_idint unsignedaccount id, primary key
account_namevarchar(100)account name
created_timetimestampcreate time
suspended_timeTIMESTAMPTime of the account’s status is changed
versionbigint unsignedthe version status of the current account

mo_role table

role_idint unsignedrole id, primary key
role_namevarchar(100)role name
creatorint unsigneduser_id
ownerint unsignedMOADMIN/ACCOUNTADMIN ownerid
created_timetimestampcreate time

mo_user table

user_idintuser id, primary key
user_hostvarchar(100)user host address
user_namevarchar(100)user name
authentication_stringvarchar(100)authentication string encrypted with password
created_timetimestampuser created time
expired_timetimestampuser expired time
creatorintthe creator id who created this user
ownerintthe admin id for this user
default_roleintthe default role id for this user

mo_user_grant table

role_idint unsignedID of the authorized role, associated primary key
user_idint unsignedObtain the user ID of the authorized role and associate the primary key
granted_timetimestampgranted time
with_grant_optionboolWhether to allow an authorized user to license to another user or role

mo_role_grant table

granted_idintthe role id being granted, associated primary key
grantee_idintthe role id to grant others, associated primary key
operation_role_idintoperation role id
operation_user_idintoperation user id
granted_timetimestampgranted time
with_grant_optionboolWhether to allow an authorized role to be authorized to another user or role

mo_role_privs table

role_idintrole id, associated primary key
role_namevarchar(100)role name: accountadmin/public
obj_typevarchar(16)object type: account/database/table, associated primary key
obj_idbigint unsignedobject id, associated primary key
privilege_idintprivilege id, associated primary key
privilege_namevarchar(100)privilege name: the list of privileges
privilege_levelvarchar(100)level of privileges, associated primary key
operation_user_idint unsignedoperation user id
granted_timetimestampgranted time
with_grant_optionboolIf permission granting is permitted

mo_user_defined_function table

function_idINT(32)ID of the function, primary key
nameVARCHAR(100)the name of the function
creatorINT UNSIGNED(32)ID of the user who created the function
argsTEXT(0)Argument list for the function
rettypeVARCHAR(20)return type of the function
bodyTEXT(0)function body
languageVARCHAR(20)language used by the function
dbVARCHAR(100)database where the function is located
definerVARCHAR(50)name of the user who defined the function
modified_timeTIMESTAMP(0)time when the function was last modified
created_timeTIMESTAMP(0)creation time of the function
typeVARCHAR(10)type of function, default FUNCTION
security_typeVARCHAR(10)security processing method, uniform value DEFINER
commentVARCHAR(5000)Create a comment for the function
character_set_clientVARCHAR(64)Client character set: utf8mb4
collation_connectionVARCHAR(64)Connection sort: utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci
database_collationVARCHAR(64)Database connection collation: utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci

mo_mysql_compatbility_mode table

configuration_idINT(32)Configuration item id, an auto-increment column, used as a primary key to distinguish different configurations
account_nameVARCHAR(300)The name of the tenant where the configuration is located
dat_nameVARCHAR(5000)The name of the database where the configuration is located
configurationJSON(0)Configuration content, saved in JSON format

mo_pubs table

pub_nameVARCHAR(64)publication name
database_nameVARCHAR(5000)The name of the published data
database_idBIGINT UNSIGNED(64)ID of the publishing database, corresponding to dat_id in the mo_database table
all_tableBOOL(0)Whether the publishing library contains all tables in the database corresponding to database_id
all_accountBOOL(0)Whether all accounts can subscribe to the library
table_listTEXT(0)When it is not all table, publish the list of tables contained in the library, and the table name corresponds to the table under the database corresponding to database_id
account_listTEXT(0)Account list that is allowed to subscribe to the publishing library when it is not all accounts
created_timeTIMESTAMP(0)Time when the release repository was created
ownerINT UNSIGNED(32)The role ID corresponding to the creation of the release library
creatorINT UNSIGNED(32)The ID of the user who created the release library
commentTEXT(0)Remarks for creating a release library

mo_indexes table

table_idBIGINT UNSIGNED(64)ID of the table where the index resides
database_idBIGINT UNSIGNED(64)ID of the database where the index resides
nameVARCHAR(64)name of the index
typeVARCHAR(11)The type of index, including primary key index (PRIMARY), unique index (UNIQUE), secondary index (MULTIPLE)
is_visibleTINYINT(8)Whether the index is visible, 1 means visible, 0 means invisible (currently all MatrixOne indexes are visible indexes)
hiddenTINYINT(8)Whether the index is hidden, 1 is a hidden index, 0 is a non-hidden index
commentVARCHAR(2048)Comment information for the index
column_nameVARCHAR(256)The column name of the constituent columns of the index
ordinal_positionINT UNSIGNED(32)Column ordinal in index, starting from 1
optionsTEXT(0)options option information for index
index_table_nameVARCHAR(5000)The table name of the index table corresponding to the index, currently only the unique index contains the index table

system_metrics database

system_metrics collect the status and statistics of SQL statements, CPU & memory resource usage.

system_metrics tables have more or less same column types, fields in these tables are described as follows:

  • collecttime:Collection time
  • value: the value of the collecting metric

  • node: the MatrixOne node uuid

  • role: the MatrixOne node role, can be CN, DN or LOG.

  • account: default as “sys”, the account who fires the SQL request.
  • type:SQL type, can be select, insert, update, delete, other types.

metric table

metric_nameVARCHAR(128)metric name, like: sql_statement_total, server_connections, process_cpu_percent, sys_memory_used, ..
collecttimeDATETIMEmetric data collect time
valueDOUBLEmetric value
nodeVARCHAR(36)MatrixOne node uuid
roleVARCHAR(32)MatrixOne node role
accountVARCHAR(128)account name, default “sys”
typeVARCHAR(32)SQL type: like insert, select, update …

The other tables are all views of the metric table:

  • process_cpu_percent table: Process CPU busy percentage.
  • process_open_fs table: Number of open file descriptors.
  • process_resident_memory_bytes table: Resident memory size in bytes.
  • server_connection table: Server connection numbers.
  • sql_statement_errors table: Counter of sql statements executed with errors.
  • sql_statement_total table: Counter of executed sql statement.
  • sql_transaction_errors table: Counter of transactional statements executed with errors.
  • sql_transaction_total table: Counter of transactional sql statement.
  • sys_cpu_combined_percent table: System CPU busy percentage, average among all logical cores.
  • sys_cpu_seconds_total table: System CPU time spent in seconds, normalized by number of cores
  • sys_disk_read_bytes table: System disk read in bytes.
  • sys_disk_write_bytes table: System disk write in bytes.
  • sys_memory_available table: System memory available in bytes.
  • sys_memory_used table: System memory used in bytes.
  • sys_net_recv_bytes table: System net received in bytes.
  • sys_net_sent_bytes table: System net sent in bytes.

system database

System database stores MatrixOne historical SQL statements, system logs, error information.

statement_info table

It records user and system SQL statement with detailed information.

statement_idVARCHAR(36)statement unique id
transaction_idVARCHAR(36)Transaction unique id
session_idVARCHAR(36)session unique id
accountVARCHAR(1024)account name
userVARCHAR(1024)user name
hostVARCHAR(1024)user client ip
databaseVARCHAR(1024)what database current session stay in
statementTEXTsql statement
statement_tagTEXTnote tag in statement(Reserved)
statement_fingerprintTEXTnote tag in statement(Reserved)
node_uuidVARCHAR(36)node uuid, which node gen this data
node_typeVARCHAR(64)node type in MO, val in [DN, CN, LOG]
request_atDATETIMErequest accept datetime
response_atDATETIMEresponse send datetime
durationBIGINTexec time, unit: ns
statusVARCHAR(32)sql statement running status, enum: Running, Success, Failed
err_codeVARCHAR(1024)error code
errorTEXTerror message
exec_planJSONstatement execution plan
rows_readBIGINTrows read total
bytes_scanBIGINTbytes scan total
statsJSONglobal stats info in exec_plan
statement_typeVARCHAR(1024)statement type, val in [Insert, Delete, Update, Drop Table, Drop User, …]
query_typeVARCHAR(1024)query type, val in [DQL, DDL, DML, DCL, TCL]
role_idBIGINTrole id
sql_source_typeTEXTType of SQL source internally generated by MatrixOne
result_countBIGINT(64)the number of rows of sql execution results

rawlog table

It records very detailed system logs.

raw_itemVARCHAR(1024)raw log item
node_uuidVARCHAR(36)node uuid, which node gen this data.
node_typeVARCHAR(64)node type in MO, val in [DN, CN, LOG]
span_idVARCHAR(16)span unique id
statement_idVARCHAR(36)statement unique id
logger_nameVARCHAR(1024)logger name
timestampDATETIMEtimestamp of action
levelVARCHAR(1024)log level, enum: debug, info, warn, error, panic, fatal
callerVARCHAR(1024)where it log, like: package/file.go:123
messageTEXTlog message
extraJSONlog dynamic fields
err_codeVARCHAR(1024)error log
errorTEXTerror message
span_nameVARCHAR(1024)span name, for example: step name of execution plan, function name in code, …
parent_span_idVARCHAR(16)parent span unique id
durationBIGINTexec time, unit: ns
resourceJSONstatic resource information

The other 3 tables(log_info, span_info and error_info) are views of statement_info and rawlog table.

information_schema database

Information Schema provides an ANSI-standard way of viewing system metadata. MatrixOne also provides a number of custom information_schema tables, in addition to the tables included for MySQL compatibility.

Many INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables have a corresponding SHOW command. The benefit of querying INFORMATION_SCHEMA is that it is possible to join between tables.

Tables for MySQL compatibility

Table NameDescription
CHARACTER_SETSProvides a list of character sets the server supports.
COLUMNSProvides a list of columns for all tables.
ENGINESProvides a list of supported storage engines.
KEY_COLUMN_USAGEDescribes the key constraints of the columns, such as the primary key constraint.
PROCESSLISTProvides similar information to the command SHOW PROCESSLIST.
SCHEMATAProvides similar information to SHOW DATABASES.
TABLESProvides a list of tables that the current user has visibility of. Similar to SHOW TABLES.
TRIGGERSProvides similar information to SHOW TRIGGERS.
USER_PRIVILEGESSummarizes the privileges associated with the current user.
PROFILINGProvides some profiling information during SQL statement execution.
ROUTINESProvides some information about stored procedures.
VIEWSProvides information about views in the database.
KEYWORDSProvide information about keywords in the database; see Keywords for details.


The description of columns in the CHARACTER_SETS table is as follows:

  • CHARACTER_SET_NAME: The name of the character set.
  • DEFAULT_COLLATE_NAME The default collation name of the character set.
  • DESCRIPTION The description of the character set.
  • MAXLEN The maximum length required to store a character in this character set.


The description of columns in the COLUMNS table is as follows:

  • TABLE_CATALOG: The name of the catalog to which the table with the column belongs. The value is always def.
  • TABLE_SCHEMA: The name of the schema in which the table with the column is located.
  • TABLE_NAME: The name of the table with the column.
  • COLUMN_NAME: The name of the column.
  • ORDINAL_POSITION: The position of the column in the table.
  • COLUMN_DEFAULT: The default value of the column. If the explicit default value is NULL, or if the column definition does not include the default clause, this value is NULL.
  • IS_NULLABLE: Whether the column is nullable. If the column can store null values, this value is YES; otherwise, it is NO.
  • DATA_TYPE: The type of data in the column.
  • CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH: For string columns, the maximum length in characters.
  • CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH: For string columns, the maximum length in bytes.
  • NUMERIC_PRECISION: The numeric precision of a number-type column.
  • NUMERIC_SCALE: The numeric scale of a number-type column.
  • DATETIME_PRECISION: For time-type columns, the fractional seconds precision.
  • CHARACTER_SET_NAME: The name of the character set of a string column.
  • COLLATION_NAME: The name of the collation of a string column.
  • COLUMN_TYPE: The column type.
  • COLUMN_KEY: Whether this column is indexed. This field might have the following values:
    • Empty: This column is not indexed, or this column is indexed and is the second column in a multi-column non-unique index.
    • PRI: This column is the primary key or one of multiple primary keys.
    • UNI: This column is the first column of the unique index.
    • MUL: The column is the first column of a non-unique index, in which a given value is allowed to occur for multiple times.
  • EXTRA: Any additional information of the given column.
  • PRIVILEGES: The privilege that the current user has on this column.
  • COLUMN_COMMENT: Comments contained in the column definition.
  • GENERATION_EXPRESSION: For generated columns, this value displays the expression used to calculate the column value. For non-generated columns, the value is empty.
  • SRS_ID: This value applies to spatial columns. It contains the column SRID value that indicates the spatial reference system for values stored in the column.


The description of columns in the ENGINES table is as follows:

  • ENGINES: The name of the storage engine.
  • SUPPORT: The level of support that the server has on the storage engine.
  • COMMENT: The brief comment on the storage engine.
  • TRANSACTIONS: Whether the storage engine supports transactions.
  • XA: Whether the storage engine supports XA transactions.
  • SAVEPOINTS: Whether the storage engine supports savepoints.


Fields in the PROCESSLIST table are described as follows:

  • ID: The ID of the user connection.
  • USER: The name of the user who is executing PROCESS.
  • HOST: The address that the user is connecting to.
  • DB: The name of the currently connected default database.
  • COMMAND: The command type that PROCESS is executing.
  • TIME: The current execution duration of PROCESS, in seconds.
  • STATE: The current connection state.
  • INFO: The requested statement that is being processed.


The SCHEMATA table provides information about databases. The table data is equivalent to the result of the SHOW DATABASES statement. Fields in the SCHEMATA table are described as follows:

  • CATALOG_NAME: The catalog to which the database belongs.
  • SCHEMA_NAME: The database name.
  • DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME: The default character set of the database.
  • DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME: The default collation of the database.
  • SQL_PATH: The value of this item is always NULL.
  • DEFAULT_TABLE_ENCRYPTION: defines the default encryption setting for databases and general tablespaces.

TABLES table

The description of columns in the TABLES table is as follows:

  • TABLE_CATALOG: The name of the catalog which the table belongs to. The value is always def.
  • TABLE_SCHEMA: The name of the schema which the table belongs to.
  • TABLE_NAME: The name of the table.
  • TABLE_TYPE: The type of the table. The base table type is BASE TABLE, the view table type is VIEW, and the INFORMATION_SCHEMA table type is SYSTEM VIEW.
  • ENGINE: The type of the storage engine.
  • VERSION: Version. The value is 10 by default.
  • ROW_FORMAT: The row format. The value is Compact, Fixed, Dynamic, Compressed, Redundant.
  • TABLE_ROWS: The number of rows in the table in statistics. For INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables, TABLE_ROWS is NULL.
  • AVG_ROW_LENGTH: The average row length of the table. AVG_ROW_LENGTH = DATA_LENGTH / TABLE_ROWS.
  • DATA_LENGTH: Data length. DATA_LENGTH = TABLE_ROWS * the sum of storage lengths of the columns in the tuple.
  • MAX_DATA_LENGTH: The maximum data length. The value is currently 0, which means the data length has no upper limit.
  • INDEX_LENGTH: The index length. INDEX_LENGTH = TABLE_ROWS * the sum of lengths of the columns in the index tuple.
  • DATA_FREE: Data fragment. The value is currently 0.
  • AUTO_INCREMENT: The current step of the auto- increment primary key.
  • CREATE_TIME: The time at which the table is created.
  • UPDATE_TIME: The time at which the table is updated.
  • CHECK_TIME: The time at which the table is checked.
  • TABLE_COLLATION: The collation of strings in the table.
  • CHECKSUM: Checksum.
  • CREATE_OPTIONS: Creates options.
  • TABLE_COMMENT: The comments and notes of the table.


The USER_PRIVILEGES table provides information about global privileges.

Fields in the USER_PRIVILEGES table are described as follows:

  • GRANTEE: The name of the granted user, which is in the format of 'user_name'@'host_name'.
  • TABLE_CATALOG: The name of the catalog to which the table belongs. This value is always def.
  • PRIVILEGE_TYPE: The privilege type to be granted. Only one privilege type is shown in each row.
  • IS_GRANTABLE: If you have the GRANT OPTION privilege, the value is YES; otherwise, the value is NO.

VIEW table

  • TABLE_CATALOG: The name of the catalog the view belongs to. The value is def.
  • TABLE_SCHEMA: The name of the database to which the view belongs.
  • TABLE_NAME: The name of the view.
  • VIEW_DEFINITION: The SELECT statement that provides the view definition. It contains most of what you see in the “Create Table” column generated by SHOW Create VIEW.
  • CHECK_OPTION: The value of the CHECK_OPTION property. Values are NONE, CASCADE, or LOCAL.
  • IS_UPDATABLE: Set a flag called the view updatable flag when CREATE VIEW; if UPDATE and DELETE (and similar operations) are legal for the view, the flag is set to YES(true). Otherwise, the flag is set to NO(false).
  • DEFINER: The account of the user who created the view, in the format username@hostname.
  • SECURITY_TYPE: View the SQL SECURITY attribute. Values ​​are DEFINER or INVOKER.
  • CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT: The session value of the character_set_client system variable when the view was created.
  • COLLATION_CONNECTION: The session value of the collation_connection system variable when the view was created.

mysql database

Grant system tables

These system tables contain grant information about user accounts and their privileges:

  • user: user accounts, global privileges, and other non-privilege columns.
  • db: database-level privileges.
  • tables_priv: table-level privileges.
  • columns_priv: column-level privileges.
  • procs_priv: stored procedure and stored function privileges.