Web interface

After adding documents to your MeiliSearch, it is possible to try out the search engine with the integrated web interface. This only works in a development environment.

The web interface is served on the address and port specified in the command line argument --listen. If not specified, the default address and port is used.


Since the production environment requires an API-key for searching, the web interface is only available in development mode.


By default the web server can be reached on

Let’s add some movies.








  1. curl -X POST ''\
  2. --data @movies.json
  1. const movies = require('./movies.json')
  2. client.index('movies').addDocuments(movies).then((res) => console.log(res))
  1. import json
  2. json_file = open('movies.json')
  3. movies = json.load(json_file)
  4. client.index('movies').add_documents(movies)
  1. $moviesJson = file_get_contents('movies.json');
  2. $movies = json_decode($moviesJson);
  3. $client->index('movies')->addDocuments($movies)
  1. require 'json'
  2. movies_json = File.read('movies.json')
  3. movies = JSON.parse(movies_json)
  4. client.index('movies').add_documents(movies)
  1. import (
  2. "encoding/json"
  3. "io/ioutil"
  4. )
  5. file, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("movies.json")
  6. var movies interface{}
  7. json.Unmarshal([]byte(file), &movies)
  8. client.Index("movies").AddDocuments(&movies)
  1. use meilisearch_sdk::{
  2. indexes::*,
  3. document::*,
  4. client::*,
  5. search::*,
  6. progress::*,
  7. settings::*
  8. };
  9. use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
  10. use std::{io::prelude::*, fs::File};
  11. use futures::executor::block_on;
  12. fn main() { block_on(async move {
  13. let client = Client::new("http://localhost:7700", "masterKey");
  14. // reading and parsing the file
  15. let mut file = File::open("movies.json").unwrap();
  16. let mut content = String::new();
  17. file.read_to_string(&mut content).unwrap();
  18. let movies_docs: Vec<Movie> = serde_json::from_str(&content).unwrap();
  19. // adding documents
  20. let movies = client.get_or_create_index("movies").await.unwrap();
  21. movies.add_documents(&movies_docs, None).await.unwrap();
  22. })}

Let’s go to in our browser.