MeiliSearch Errors


An error occurred while trying to create an index, check out our guide on index creationErrors - 图1 (opens new window)


An index with this UID already exists, check out our guide on index creationErrors - 图2 (opens new window)


An index with this UID was not found, check out our guide on index creationErrors - 图3 (opens new window)


There is an error in the provided index format, check out our guide on index creationErrors - 图4 (opens new window)


An internal error occurred while trying to access the requested index.


An error that occurs when the database is in an invalid state. Deleting the database and re-indexing should solve the problem.


All documents must be identified with a unique key. MeiliSearch will try to infer the document field to use it as a primary key. If it can’t infer it, the primary key must be specified manually, and this error is returned. See our guide on primary keysErrors - 图5 (opens new window).


This error is thrown when trying to modify the primary key of an index, when it has been already set. See guide on primary keysErrors - 图6 (opens new window).


The maximum number of fields for a document is 65,535. When this number is exceeded, this error is returned.


A document does not contain any value for the required primary key, and is thus invalid. Check documents in the current addition for the invalid ones.


The filter provided with the search is invalid. Check our guide on filteringErrors - 图7 (opens new window) to troubleshoot.


The sort value is invalid. Make sure the attributes you are using for sorting have been added to sortableAttributes and that ranking rules are configured correctly. Check our guide on sortingErrors - 图8 (opens new window) for more information.


The request is invalid, check the error message for more information.


The requested document can’t be retrieved. Either it doesn’t exist, or the database was left in an inconsistent state.


MeiliSearch experienced an internal error. Check the error message, and open an issue if necessary.


The provided token is invalid.


The requested resources are protected with an API key, that was not provided in the request header. Check our guide on authenticationErrors - 图9 (opens new window) for more information.


The requested resources could not be found.


The payload sent to the server was too large. Check out this guideErrors - 图10 (opens new window) to customize the maximum payload size accepted by MeiliSearch.


The document exists in store, but there was an error retrieving it. This probably comes from an inconsistent state in the database.


The payload content type is not supported by MeiliSearch. Currently, MeiliSearch supports only JSON payloads.


A dump creation is already in progress and a new one can’t be triggered until the previous dump creation is not finished.


An error occured during dump creation process, task aborted.