
  1. moment(Number[]);

You can create a moment with an array of numbers that mirror the parameters passed to new Date()

[year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond]

  1. moment([2010, 1, 14, 15, 25, 50, 125]); // February 14th, 3:25:50.125 PM

Any value past the year is optional, and will default to the lowest possible number.

  1. moment([2010]); // January 1st
  2. moment([2010, 6]); // July 1st
  3. moment([2010, 6, 10]); // July 10th

Construction with an array will create a date in the current time zone. To create a date from an array at UTC, use moment.utc(Number[]).

  1. moment.utc([2010, 1, 14, 15, 25, 50, 125]);

Note: Because this mirrors the native Date parameters, months, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds are all zero indexed. Years and days of the month are 1 indexed.

This is often the cause of frustration, especially with months, so take note!

If the date represented by the array does not exist, moment#isValid will return false.

  1. moment([2010, 12]).isValid(); // false (not a real month)
  2. moment([2010, 10, 31]).isValid(); // false (not a real day)
  3. moment([2010, 1, 29]).isValid(); // false (not a leap year)