Is Same2.0.0+

  1. moment().isSame(Moment|String|Number|Date|Array);
  2. moment().isSame(Moment|String|Number|Date|Array, String);

Check if a moment is the same as another moment. The first argument will be parsed as a moment, if not already so.

  1. moment('2010-10-20').isSame('2010-10-20'); // true

If you want to limit the granularity to a unit other than milliseconds, pass it as the second parameter.

  1. moment('2010-10-20').isSame('2009-12-31', 'year'); // false
  2. moment('2010-10-20').isSame('2010-01-01', 'year'); // true
  3. moment('2010-10-20').isSame('2010-12-31', 'year'); // true
  4. moment('2010-10-20').isSame('2011-01-01', 'year'); // false

When including a second parameter, it will match all units equal or larger. Passing in month will check month and year. Passing in day will check day, month, and year.

  1. moment('2010-01-01').isSame('2011-01-01', 'month'); // false, different year
  2. moment('2010-01-01').isSame('2010-02-01', 'day'); // false, different month

Like moment#isAfter and moment#isBefore, any of the units of time that are supported for moment#startOf are supported for moment#isSame.

  1. year month week isoWeek day hour minute second

If the two moments have different timezones, the timezone of the first moment will be used for the comparison.

  1. // Note: Australia/Sydney is UTC+11:00 on these dates
  2."2018-11-09T10:00:00", "Australia/Sydney").isSame("2018-11-08T12:00:00", "UTC"), "day"); // false
  3."2018-11-08T12:00:00", "UTC").isSame("2018-11-09T10:00:00", "Australia/Sydney"), "day"); // true

NOTE: moment().isSame() has undefined behavior and should not be used! Ifthe code runs fast the initial created moment would be the same as the onecreated in isSame to perform the check, so the result would be true. Butif the code runs slower it's possible that the moment created in isSame ismeasurably after the one created in moment(), so the call would returnfalse.