Data statistics

Neuron supports the north-south node data statistics function based on Prometheus data model, which is used to monitor the running state of nodes. The basic principle of Prometheus is to periodically capture the status of monitored components through HTTP protocol. Any component can access monitoring by providing the corresponding HTTP interface. Neuron provides the corresponding interface and can successfully access Prometheus for monitoring.

Each node card has an operation button of Data statistics, which is used to display the statistical information of the node. At present, Neuron has realized the statistics of some global fields and north-south fields, and will continue to increase statistical fields according to the demand.

Global Statistics

Some global fields are described below.

uptime_secondsDisplays the running time of Neuron, and the page is refreshed at a frequency of 5 s
core_dumpedShows whether there is any abnormality in the running state of the system

Northbound Node Statistics

The northbound application node already supports the statistics of some fields, but there will be some differences in the fields to be counted for each application. There are plans to update the statistical fields of each application in the later version, and some fields are described below.


send_msgs_totalTotal number of sent the messages
send_msg_errors_totalTotal number of failed messages sent
recv_msgs_totalTotal number of received the messages

Southboud node statistics

The southbound node already supports the statistics of some fields, but there are some differences in the fields to be counted for each driver. Later versions have plans to update the statistical fields of each driver continuously. Some fields are described below.


last_rtt_msThe interval between sending and receiving a command, in milliseconds
send_bytesTotal number of bytes of sent commands
recv_bytesTotal number of bytes of received commands
tag_reads_totalTotal number of commands to read the tags, including read failures
tag_read_errors_totalTotal number of commands that failed to read the tags
group_tags_totalTotal number of tags in the group
group_last_send_msgsNumber of messages sent by calling group timer once
group_last_timer_msThe time when the group timer is called once, in milliseconds