Other options

Some other options accepted by cargo nextest run:

Runner options

  • --no-fail-fast: do not exit the test run on the first failure. Most useful for CI scenarios.
  • -j, --test-threads: number of tests to run simultaneously. Note that this is separate from the number of build jobs to run simultaneously, which is specified by --build-jobs.
  • --run-ignored ignored-only runs ignored tests, while --run-ignored all runs both ignored and non-ignored tests.

Reporter options

  • --failure-output and --success-output control when standard output and standard error are displayed for failing and passing tests, respectively. The possible values are:
    • immediate: display output as soon as the test fails. Default for --failure-output.
    • final: display output at the end of the test run.
    • immediate-final: display output as soon as the test fails, and at the end of the run. This is most useful for CI runs.
    • never: never display output. Default for --success-output.
  • --status-level: which test statuses (PASS, FAIL etc) to display. There are 7 status levels: none, fail, retry, slow, pass, skip, all. Each status level causes all earlier status levels to be displayed as well. (For example, setting status-level to skip will show failing, retried, slow and passing tests along with skipped tests.) The default is pass.

For a full list of options, see Options and arguments.