Installing pre-built binaries

Downloading and installing from your terminal

This is the easiest way to get going with cargo-nextest. The instructions below are suitable for both end users and CI. The links below will stay stable.

NOTE: The instructions below assume that your Rust installation is managed via rustup. You can extract the tarball to a different directory in your PATH if required.

Linux x86_64

To install the latest release version of cargo-nextest on a Linux x86_64 computer, from

  1. curl -LsSF | tar zxf - -C ${CARGO_HOME:-~/.cargo}/bin

macOS (x86_64 and Apple Silicon)

To install the latest release version of cargo-nextest on a Mac, from

  1. curl -LsSF | tar zxf - -C ${CARGO_HOME:-~/.cargo}/bin

This will download a universal binary that works on both Intel and Apple Silicon Macs.

Windows x86_64

To get the latest release version of cargo-nextest on a Windows x86_64 computer, from, run this in PowerShell:

  1. $tmp = New-TemporaryFile | Rename-Item -NewName { $_ -replace 'tmp$', 'zip' } -PassThru
  2. Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $tmp
  3. $outputDir = if ($Env:CARGO_HOME) { $Env:CARGO_HOME } else { "~/.cargo/bin" }
  4. $tmp | Expand-Archive -DestinationPath $outputDir -Force
  5. $tmp | Remove-Item

You can also download the zip manually and unzip it to somewhere in your PATH.

If you’re a Windows expert who can come up with a better way, please file an issue with your suggestion!

Release URLs

Binary releases of cargo-nextest will always be available at{version}/{platform}.

{version} identifier

The {version} identifier is:

  • “latest” for the latest release (not including pre-releases)
  • a version range, for example “0.9”, for the latest release in the 0.9 series (not including pre-releases)
  • the exact version number, for example “0.9.4”, for that specific version

{platform} identifier

The {platform} identifier is:

  • “x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu” for x86_64 Linux (tar.gz)
  • “universal-apple-darwin” for x86_64 and aarch64 macOS (tar.gz)
  • “x86_64-pc-windows-msvc” for x86_64 Windows (zip)

In addition, the following convenience shortcuts are defined:

  • “linux” for “x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu”
  • “mac” for “universal-apple-darwin”
  • “windows” for “x86_64-pc-windows-msvc”

In addition, each release’s canonical GitHub Releases URL is available at{version}/release. For example, the latest GitHub release is avaiable at


The latest release in the 0.9 series for macOS is available as a tar.gz file at

Version 0.9.4 for Windows is available as a zip file at